Atypical Strokes and GBS Flashcards
Causes of strokes
-source of ischemia
Hemorrhagic -
- Aneurysm => bleed into SA space - thunderclap headache, hit on head with bat
- Dissection => tearing of the vessels (due to HTN, Marfans, EDS, trauma) => localised pain
Ischemic - emboli, thrombi
-AF, carotid stenosis, valvular defects => assessed by Echo and ECG
- age group
- causes
- pathophysiology and how it causes stroke
- presentation
Most common cause of stroke in young
- trauma
- connective tissue disorder (Marfans, EDS)
Damage between the intima - media
- intima can prolapse => complete occlusion of vessel
- irregular inner vessel surface => thromboembolus
Tearing => localised pain
-Horners => partial ptosis due to compression of sympathetic nerves hitchhiking along carotid arteries
Can take days-weeks => stroke
-important to find this before it happens - trauma within past week
Horner’s syndrome in relation to strokes
Originate from T1-6 => sympathetic chain (sup, middle, inf cervical ganglia alongside vertebral bodies) => ascend up into H+N by wrapping around the carotids and arteries
Horners - any disturbance in the sympathetic nerves
-unilateral partial ptosis, constriction of pupil, anhidrosis
Complete ptosis - III + dilated pupil,
Investigations to assess for dissection prestroke
FBC, UE, CRP CT Head LP CT angio of head AND neck MRI head and orbits with contrast
Guillain Barre
- pathophysiology and mimics
- presentation
Acute inflammatory demyelinated neuropathy - up to 3 months post infection
Chronic inflammatory demyelinated neuropathy - 3 months + post infection
Muscle weakness => affects PNS SNS
- function of diaphragm at night, cardiac
- assess ABG
- facial palsy => choking, aspiration, speech, appearance
CSF protein banding
Monoclonal bands - myeloma!
Oligoclonal bands - MS
Polyclonal bands - nothing significant
High protein+cells in active infection (low glucose)
Cells decrease post infection but protein stays due to inflammation (cytoalbuminemic dissociation)
Nerve conduction studies
Demyelination => speed of impulse is slower, AP is same size
-but you need a significant amount of loss to give you a positive result for GBS
Axon dies => AP is lower
Management of ischemic strokes
CT head, angiogram of neck and cranial vessels - is it ischemic or hemorrhagic
U4.5hrs => stroke thrombolysis
U6hrs => thrombectomy
What is NIHSS
-interpretation of results
0 - no stroke 1-4 - minor 5-15 - moderate 16-20 - moderate/severe 21+ - severe