Metabolic and Immunological Disorders: Metabolic Encephalitis, Subacute Degeneration of Spinal Cord, Alcoholic Neuropathy, Limbic Encephalitis, Too much ACh, Not enough ACh Stimulation Flashcards
Use of the FBC
- why is it used
- what is it diagnostic for?
- how does this condition present?
MOST COMMON INVESTIGATION - cheap, easily available and returns in an hour
- High MCV - alcohol? B12, folate? thyroid?
- High Hb, platelets - TIA, stroke?
diagnostic for SCDC - megaloblastic macrocytic anemia (B12, folate deficient)
-low Hb, high MCV
Causes of SCDC
- alcohol overuse
- nitrous oxide abuse
Pathophysiology and presentation of SCDC
Slowly progressive degeneration of lateral, dorsal column
-weakness, sensory ataxia, tingling, bilateral spasticity, incontinence
Metabolic encephalopathy
- presentation and risk factors
- investigations for possible causes
Symptom duration - days
Asterixis, confusion, reduced GCS
No focal neuro deficit, symmetrical exam findings - more likely to be a diffuse issue
CKD, polypharmacy
Bedside -BG - hypoglycemia -urinedip and toxicology - UTI Bloods -FBC - anemia, alcohol, thyroid, chronic disease -LFT, RFT, TFT -U&E - CKD -Ca
Neuromuscular junction issues Too much ACh -presentations and possible cause Too little ACh stimulation -presentations, investigations, management
Inhibition of AChE => build up of ACh
Organophosphate poisoning - insecticides => onset within hours
Increased PNS, somatic muscle stimulation
-increased salivation, diarrhea, small pupils, LMN signs, confusion
Managed with atropine and supportive care
AI destruction of AChR => decreased stimulation of somatic muscle
Proximal muscle weakness, diplopia, ptosis, fatigue, difficulties with speech and swallow
Easiest test - icepack
Difficult to access/results take a long time
Bloods - Anti AChR AB
Single fibre EMG - reduced AP amplitude on repeated stimulation
Management - pyridostigmine + IS
-IVIG, resp support if severe
Alcohol related neuropathy
-possible issues and how you’d manage them
FBC - megaloblastocytosis
LFT - high GGT, deranged liver enzymes
BAL - high
B12 deficiency => peripheral polyneuropathy (glove and stocking)
B1 deficiency => WE => KS
WE - confabulation, ataxia, eye instability
KS - anterograde, retrograde amnesia
- B1 needed in glucose metabolism
- otherwise, you increase anerobic respiration and cell damage
Limbic encephalitis
- presentation, pathophysiology
- key differentials to manage
- key investigations
- definitive management
Paraneoplastic AI condition => attacking NMDA receptors in limbic system Subacute presentation -headache -seizures -irritability, agitation -hallucinations, delusions, psychosis -memory problems
Start empirical treatment before investigations come back - time sensitive
-Bacterial meningitis - ceftriaxone
-Viral encephalitis - aciclovir
Stop treatment if diagnostic investigations come back negative
Routine bloods - NAD
CT brain, MRI brain - swollen hippocampus
EEG - some seizure activity
LP - high lymphocytes => inflammation
Viral PCR - negative
Anti NMDA found - 3wks to get results back
Definitive - immunosuppression => manage neoplasm
Seizure management