Other Stuff we should know AVS 209 Flashcards
Camelids appear to utilize feed more efficiently than ruminants because the y have
A. more frequent rumination
B. more rapid absorption of volatile fatty acids
C. a higher metabolic rate
D. lower maintenance energy requirements
The cross between a llama and an alpaca is a huarizo. Llamas and alpacas can interbreed and produce fertile offspring because both species have 37 pairs of chromosomes
Llamas and alpacas are herbivores and are considered pseudo ruminants because they have two fermentation compartments prior to the true stomach, or abomasum
Among the lamoids, _________ have the finest wool, and nearly became extinct as a result of this.
Huacaya alpacas are hardier, more common, and have fleece with more crimp, but ______ (breed) alpacas have lustrous fibers that hang down in the “dreadlocks”. Castrated males of both breed would be called ________
Compared with llamas, alpacas
A are larger (~500 vs 185 lbs max size)
B have shorter gestation lengths (335 vs 350 days)
C produce finer fiber
D are seasonal breeders, not induced ovulators
Llamas can generally meet their daily maintenance energy requirements by consuming 1% to 1.25% of their body weight in hay on a dry matter basis.
If phosphorus exceeds calcium in the diet, cattle may get hard aggregations of minerals in the kidney, bladder, or urethra, which cause _________. This can be fatal
urinary calculi
Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) affects cattle and bison, but is carried asymptomatically by ______. The disease has symptoms similar to _________ disease.
foot and mouth
Net energy provided by a feed
A is higher from starch than cellulose
B will typically be higher from forage than grain
C decreases as lignin content increases
D is used for maintenance and production
Milk fever
A. can be prevented by feeding high calcium levels in the close-up ration
B. is most common in cows during their first lactation
C. is caused by hypercalcemia
D. causes cow to be at a higher risk of mastitis
Regarding Mastitis
A. Escherichia Coli is the most common environmental cause
B. Mycoplasma infection has not treatment and requires culling of the cow
C. Staphylococcus Aureus is a “chronic” infection that is difficult to treat
D. somatic cell counts > 400,000 cells/mL often indicate an infection
A llama
a. is an induced ovulatory like a cat
b. has a corkscrew cervix like a pig
c. has a -350 day gestation period, like a horse
d. is a pseudo ruminant with fermentation vats
e. seasonal breeders, like most sheep
f. are larger, but produce coarser fiber than alpacas
g. hind-gut fermenters
Compared with llamas, alpacas
A are larger
B are more common in the US
C produce a finer fleece or fiber
D have slightly longer gestation lengths
Members of the lamoid family include
A. lambs B. llamas C. guanacos D. burros E. alpacas
Guinea pigs and rabbits are crepuscular, which means they are active at ___________. These species also have _________ incisors that grow continuously.
Baby lamoids are called _________, which is a Spanish word for the young of an animal, whereas baby goats are called __________.
Cats lack a dehydrogenase enzyme that converts carotene to _________.
Which of the following would be considered typical gestation periods?
A. 17-21 days in cats
B. 335 days in alpacas
C. 147 days in sheep
D. 58 to 70 days in dogs
Guinea pigs
A. originated in South America, where they were bred as food- producing animals
B. can develop respiratory problems r allergies of bedded with cedar shavings
C. are crepuscular, which means they are active during twilight (duck and dawn)
D. are herbivores with open-rooted incisors that grow continuously
Rabbits and llamas are both more prone to heat stress, which can affect fertility