Animal Nutrition Laarman (1st half) Flashcards
what is animal nutrition
the science of how animals assimilate feeds
how the nutrients in feed are utilized for growth, tissue repair and replacement
production of animal products
What is a nutrient
any chemical element or compound provided in the diet that can support growth, reproduction, lactation or maintenance of life processes
What are the percentages of nutrients of our bodies
61% water 17% protein 6% minerals 14% lipids 1.5% carbs less than 1% vitamins
What is significant about the chemical composition of animals with different body weights etc
it varies depending on dietary measures, age, health
Remember that animal vs human nutrition is they have different desired outcomes. Humans = healthy, animals = a final good product
what are the six classes of nutrients
water carbs lipids protein (amino acid) vitamins minerals
what do carbs contain
oxygen carbon hydrogen
what are the classes of carbs
- simple sugars: (glucose)
- primary energy source for cells - complex carbs: (cellulose-fiber)
- maintain health of digestive system
- compound sugars made up a lot of simple sugars
What are some carb containing foods and what does it help with
simple: breads, cereal
complex: hay
Energy content, digestive health
What do proteins consist of
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms
what are the functions of protein
structural role (muscle skin) internal communication (hormones) source of energy (not ideal)
What are some protein containing foods
corn, meats
What do lipids consist of
carbon oxygen hydrogen atoms
what are the functions of lipids
source of a large amount of energy
major component of cell membranes (lipid bilayer)
regulation of cellular processes
what is the formula for lipids
Cn H2n+2 O1 (terminal hydrogens at each end and at least one oxygen)
what is the formula for carbs
What are the functions of water
dissolves and carries nutrients, gases, waste
provides environment for chemical reactions
body temp regulation
what do vitamins consist of
What makes vitamins different from carbs and lipids
carbon oxygen and hydrogen
they do not provide structure of energy
What are the two classifications of vitamins
water soluble (b-vitamins and vitamin C) fat soluble (vitamins a, d, e, k)
What are the functions of vitamins
regulate body processes
promote growth and development
build and maintain tissues
assist in use of enerfy from carbs, protein, lipids
What are minerals
all inorganic substances in the body besides water
- naturally occur in the earth
- not used directly for energy
What are the functions of minerals
structural role (calcium)
regulation of body processes (sodium)
facilitate chemical reactions (selenium)
what are the two inorganic nutrients
water, minerals
which classes of nutrients provide no structure or energy
vitamins, minerals, water
What is an essential nutrient vs a nonessential nutrient
- essential: a chemical element/compound that must be obtained in the diet because
- cannot synthesize it or cant in sufficient amounts
- easy to find in environment - nonessential: chem element the body synthesizes in sufficient amounts if it is lacking in the diet
- we synthesize this because its not easily attained in the diet
what is a micronutrient vs a macronutrient
micro= need only a little of
macro= need a lot
what is an organic nutrient vs inorganic nutrient
- organic: substance contains c-c or c-hydrogen bonds (carbs, proteins, lipids, vitamins)
- inorganic: substance that does NOT contain c-c or c-h bonds (water minerals)
what are the major functions of nutrients
structure of cells and tissues
regulation of body functions
energy provision
what is calorie and how is it measured
calorie: amount of heat required to raise the temp of 1 g of water per 1 degree c
Kcal= 1 kg water per 1 degree c
measured by a bomb calorimeter
what is the caloric content for
carbs: 4 kcal/g
proteins: 4 kcal/g
lipid: 9 kcal/g