AVS 209 Quiz 6 Flashcards
List 4 contributions that animals make to society that do not include their use as a source of human
companionship, sport, protection, pest control, draft power, service
A. exhibit an estrous cycle every 5-7 months
B. exhibit estrus for between 4-14 days
C. are found in >45% of Idaho households
D. can synthesize vitamin C to avoid deficiency
E. seasonally polyestrous
F. give birth to multiple offspring
Zoonotic diseases transmitted from companion animals to humans include
A. rabies B. ringworm C. kuru D. grass tetany E. Q-fever
Which of the following would be considered typical gestation periods
A. 17-21 days cats
B. 335 days in alpacas
C. 147 days sheep
D. 58- 70 dogs
Dogs typically require diets containing 18 to 22% protein
Which of the following are among the three pet species in the US with the highest populations
A. hamsters
B. ferrets
C. fish
D. cats
Which of the following would be required in the diet of a cat living outdoors
A. cellulose B. Vit D C. linoleic acid D. taurine E. Arginine
Over 2 million cats in 8 years could result from the uncontrolled breeding starting with a single pair of healthy, sexually mature cats
A. most often foal at 2 years of age
B. have an estrous cycle of 21 days
C. are typically bred in the spring or early summer
D. have peak milk production within 45 days of parturition
Registered Thoroughbred horses are only allowed to be bred by _________ service. Because horses are seasonal breeders, getting a mare bred in February may require exposure to ______ for at least 16 hours
Recreation, showing, racing, etc. are the major uses of horses
The first cloned equine was a ______
What are the types of horses?
light, ponies, and draft horses
Name three light horse breeds
Arabians, morgans, quarter horse, Standardbred, thoroughbred
Name ponies
Shetland, hackney, welsh, POA (pony of America)
Name draft horses
Belgium, percheron, Clydesdale, shire
The AKC consists of 9 groups of 189 different breeds and place each breed into a certain classification
The most frequent registered cat is the ______
_______ are pigs that are red with down ears. They are known to be a terminal breed.
Three examples of color breed horses are Palomino, Tobiano, and Appaloosa
Give an example of (under classifications)
Sporting, Working, herding, toy, non-sporting, terrier, hound
S: lab retriever W: Rottweiler H: German Shepherd T: Poodle NS: Bulldog Ter: Miniature Schnauzer Hou: Beagle
Who is Utah Pioneer
Utah Pioneer was another mule that was cloned. It was born in 2003 in Idaho
The ideal replacement gilt should have a big feet b. a small, tipped vulva c. seven functional nipples on each side d. flex to her pasterns
Which of the following breeds of swine are known for maternal characteristics
a. Yorkshire
b. chester white
c. duroc
d. landraceq
Withing the first week of life, a baby pig typically
a. require a lower environmental temp than the sow
b. have their tails docked and needle teeth clipped
c. weigh 3 to 4 pounds
d. are given an iron shor
In modern hog production
a. duroc is the most common registered breed
b. pigs will have their litter at about 2 years of age
c. pigs average slightly more than 2 litters per year
d. protein requirements are met by balancing rations for crude protein
In the swin industry, the largest percentage of hog inventory is on the largest farms (>5000 hogs) despite the largest farms accounting for the smallest percentage of hog opertaion
Farms with more than 5000 hogs wean more live pigs per litter than farms with 100 pigs, and the average litter size in the US is 10.2 pigs per litter
A castrated male pig is called a ________ and pigs in the US are typically castrated to reduce the influence of boar odor or taint in pork products. These pigs would reach market weight by at ________ months of age
The country with the highest pork production is _______
the gestation period of a hog is approximately ______ days. Prior to parturition, sows are typically moved to __________ stalls or crates. These crates help prevent crushing of piglets by the sow.
_________ horses are the most common breed used for harness racing in the US, whereas you would most likely see the athletic ____________ breed at the Kentucky Derby
Idaho’s state fossil is the _________ horse.
Although many of the common breeds of light and draft horses originated from the __________ breed, the ______________ breed is the most common breed of horses in the US.
Arabian, Quarter horse
among the eight categories recognized by the AKC, a Golden Retriever would be in the sporting category, whereas a St. Bernard would be in the ______ group