AVS 209 Quiz #2 Flashcards
What is order are rabbits classified as?
What family are rabbits and hares classified as?
What family are pikas classified as?
What is the rabbit a descendant from
the European wild rabbit
Is rabbit breeding more popular in the US or in Europe
What does it altrical mean
young that are born hairless and blind
What are the differences between rabbits and hares
Rabbits: altrical, live underground in burrow, live in groups, small, many colors, domesticated
HAres: non-altrical, live in nests above ground, solitary, large, fur is brown with black in it, undomesticated
What is a warren
a group of burrows
true or false
Over half of the worlds population of rabbits resides in Europe
its North America
Distinguish between the following: Buck Doe Kits Fryer
Buck= mature male doe= mature female kits= baby rabbits fryer= rabbit weighing about 5 lbs at 12 weeks or less
What is the….
a. life span of a rabbit
b. body temp
c. breeding age
d. gestation period
a. 5-15 years (larger rabbits live longer)
b. 102
c. 4 to 8 months
d. 28-32 days
True or false
Bucks exposed to temps of 32 degrees or lower for five or more days can become sterile for up to 3 months
it is eighty five degrees or higher
what is a…
a. cuniculture
b. rabbitry
c. kindling
c= practice of breeding and raising domestic rabbits usually for meat fur or wool
r= place where domestic rabbits are kept and bred k= term used for when rabbits give birth
rabbits are considered ________ ovulators with ________ immunity.
what is a nest box
when does will pull some of their own fur to line a nest around day 28 of gestation
How many registered breeds of rabbits are there according to ARBA
What are the two popular meat breeds for rabbits?
What are the two popular show/pet breeds?
a. Californian, New Zealand
b. Holland lop, mini rex
In rabbits, a roaster refers to…
older meat rabbits
they are 6 lbs or more and 12 to 6 months of age
meat is not as tender
A stewer is…
older than 6 month rabbit and over 8 lbs
Where does 80% of fur come from in rabbits?
b. where does 70% of angora get produced in
a. Scandinavia
b. china
Rabbits have what are called ________ ________ teeth meaning they keep growing throughout rabbits life
open rooted
What do rabbits have in their teeth that rodents do not?
two sets of incisor teeth
What are rabbits usually fed?
PEllets (total mixed ration)
Fresh produce (in limited amounts
With regard to disease prevention?
a. host barriers such as skin, hair, and secretions provide an initial line of defense
b. innate immunity includes the initial cell mediated response to an antigen
c. animals experiencing transportation stress mount a more effective immune response than normal
d. genetic selection is an effective strategy to improve disease resistance
a. may contain live, modified, or dead organisms
b. may be administered by oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intranasal routes
c. stimulate an initial increase in IgM and a larger increase in IgG following second exposure
d. protect animals from disease under all environmental conditions
e. stimulate the body’s humoral immunity to increase antibody production
f. are often given a second time (booster) to maximize an immune response
g. often include live microorganisms that will attack the disease causing organism
To diagnose a disease, one must first establish what is _____________, and determine if there is a harmful deviation from that
Killed vaccines are safest to use because they do not replicate in the animal, although modified live or live vaccines generally require less boosters
Regarding lactation
a. the femoral artery is the major blood supplier to the mammary gland
b. milk production is increased by more frequent milking
c. progesterone stimulates growth of alveoli, but decreases lactose synthesis
d. requires 1 gal of blood flow per gal of milk
Regarding Mastitis
a. Escherichia Coli is the most common environmental cause, but is easily treated
b. Mycoplasma infection has no treatment and requires culling of the cow
c. post milking teat disinfection can help prevent infection when the teat is most susceptible
d. somatic cell counts >400000 cells/ml would likely indicate an infection