OT Business Wk 2 Flashcards
The development of capacity and competency characteristics needed for the future as a component of ongoing professional development or lifelong learning
Continuing competence
An individual’s capacity to perform job responsibilities
National board of certification for occupational therapy
Responsible for establishing that an individual meets standards related to initial competency through administration of the certification examination
Develops, administers and continually reviews the certification process in regards to current standards of competent practice in OT.
Oversees certification
Broadly define the major performance components of the profession
Describe activities that are performed in each domain
Statements reflect the information required to perform each task
These levels are used to develop an examination blueprint
- domains
- tasks
- knowledge
Learner focus on learning the rules of a particular skill
Learners focus on applying the rules of a skill in specific situations that become increasingly dependent on the particular context of the situation
Advanced beginner
Learners see actions in terms of long-range goals or plans and are consciously aware of their skills
Learners perceive situations as “wholes” rather than “aspects”, and their performance is guided by intuitive behavior
Learners integrate mastered skills with their own personal styles
Name the competency stages
- novice
- advanced beginner
- competency
- proficiency
- expert
What are the assessing competencies?
- simulated tests
- objective tests
- observational tests
Methods for assessment of competencies
- post tests
- return demonstration
- observation of daily work
- case studies
- exemplars
- peer reviews
- self assessment
What are the four functions of management?
- Traditional management functions and competencies
- planning
- organizing & staffing
- directing
- controlling
- role model competencies
- strengths
- weaknesses
- opportunities
- threats
Name the competencies associated with
- geriatrics
- neonatal ICUs
- psychiatric
age specific competencies
PAM and Cognitive assessment for person with TBI are examples of what competency?
equipment related competencies
Name the competencies that require specific education and training
Specialized practice competencies
What are the results of inaccurate assessment of competence?
- poor utilization of resources
- lowered levels of staff satisfaction
- decreased quality of care
T or F States have different licensure requirements and regulations
Name the job functions of the OT Manager
- job description
- recruit new employees
- initial assessment of competencies
- annual assessment of competencies
- professional development and portfolios
- staffing plans
- agency accreditation and licensure
- quality control
- outcomes evaluation and management
AOTA’s standards for continuing competency are
- knowledge
- critical reasoning
- interpersonal attitudes
- ethical reasoning
Name the four criteria for assessment of competencies statements
- begin each critical statement with a verb
- use clear language that is commonly accepted and interpreted
- include higher thinking and action behaviors
- include only behaviors essential for documenting competence
Study of regulation and control in systems
Cybernetics and information theory
Concerned with how info is communicated rather than what is communicated
Cybernetics and info theory
In OT, relates to the move towards electronic documentation of interventions
Cybernetics and info theory
Challenge is to reconstruct the message accurately to the Recipient
Cybernetics and info theory
The common ground that exists between a speaker and the audience. Share personal and professional info that demonstrates to the listeners how the presenter is like the audience
Including accounts of disability experiences has been validated as an approach to understand the experiences of those who share a common disability
The study of people’s use of space as an elaboration of culture
Name the categories of distance
- public space 12-25’, audience and speaker
- social space 4-10’, strangers
- personal space 2-4’, friends and family
- intimate space 0-1’, touching
Developed expectations about verbal and nonverbal communication of others; violations can be arousing positively or negatively
Expectancy violations theory EVT
Overall quality of voice
High or low, communicates the speaker’s emotional state and excitement
Variation in tone and volume, can hold interest of listener
References changes in pitch or tone
Thinking through what could and what should be communicated to help achieve objective
Critical thinking
8 Cs of business writing
- consideration
- conciseness
- correctness
- courtesy
- clarity
- completeness
For internal communication to confirm conversations, request actions, inform others of problems, or update others on events or progress
Business memo
Type of letter used for the outside audience and represents organization
Business letters
Type of of electronic letter that is more like conservation, messages can be exchanged quickly
E mail
Detailed document that describes the need and the costs and benefits of a new program or service
Business plan and program proposal
Written for funding for research or the development of a new program
AOTA special interest sections SIS
- education
- early intervention and school
- gerontology
- home and community health
- SIS mental health
- SIS physical disabilities
- sensory integration
- technology
- work and industry
Primary governance bodies of AOTA
- board of directors
- representative assembly
- SIS council
- commission on standards and ethics SEC
- commission on practice COP
- commission on education COE
- affiliated state association presidents ASAP
- accreditation council for occupational therapy education ACOTE
American occupational therapy association political action committee
To further the legislative aims of the association by influencing or attempting to influence the selection, election, or appointment of any member of the AOTA to public office
Purpose of the AOTPAC
Created in 1965 to advance the science of OT and to increase public understanding of its value
American occupational therapy foundation AOTF
OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health
Research journal for AOTF
Founded in 2002 as a separate nonprofit organization with the mission of promoting awareness on the part of the general public of OT
The Fund to Promote Awareness of OT
- Administers the certification examination of OTs and OTAs
- verifies certification for employers
- investigates complaints against OT/OTAs as a means of protecting the public
What are the purposes of state OT associations?
- provide networking
- continuing education and development
- advocate profession at state level to influence licensure outcomes
- increase public awareness of OT
- provide opportunities for members to develop skills in leadership, interpersonal communication, management
Ask more concrete questions related to morality
Normative ethics
Factually or conceptually the case, not what ethically ought to be the case
Non-normative ethics
Principles or rules intended to express the particular values of a group of providers and serve as guidelines for professional behavior. Help explain the profession to the people served, and serve as a code of conduct
Professional ethics
Why do managers need to learn about ethics?
- discern between ethical dilemmas
- best practice and ethical practice are linked
How does the profession support ethical behavior?
- accreditation
- state regulatory board (licensure)
- certification (certification)
Four key documents for ethics
- OT code of ethics
- guidelines to the OT code of ethics
- core values and attitudes of OTP
- reference guide to OT code of ethics