F&A II CH. 9 Evaluation & Observation of Deficits in Sensation, Perception, & Cognition Flashcards
What are 3 areas of function OTPs evaluate & observe?
- Sensation
- Perception
- Cognition
For any individual, what function is the primary means of learning?
What function has a vital role in controlling movement?
Does ‘Feedback’ or ‘Feed-forward control’ provide information about performance?
Does ‘Feedback’ or ‘Feed-forward control’ use sensory information to plan movement?
Feed-forward control
If one suffers from sensory loss, what will be the affects?
- Function & movement will be affected
- One sense may be used to compensate for the deficit of another sense
The ability to identify a sensory modality, its intensity, & its location is…
What is the purpose for performing sensory evaluation/testing?
- Determine the type & extent of loss
- Assist in the diagnosis
- Determine the impairment
- Direct the tx
Is sensory testing subjective or objective?
What does Occupational Therapy focus on when evaluating sensory?
- Dermatome supplied by the affected nerves
When performing sensory evaluation, what type of client performance must be tested?
- Functional performance
What do changes in sensory status indicate?
Recovery or degeneration
Name the components of sensory function?
- Light touch & pressure sensation
- Thermal sensation
- Superficial pain sensation
- Olfactory sensation
- Propioception
Name the sensation that may substitute for touch.
What is the purpose of thermal sensation?
Provides protective sensory modality
What is the purpose of superficial pain sensation?
Elicits a response against harmful stimuli
How may loss of olfactory sensation may affect the client?
Loss can be general or specific, or odors may be distorted
Unconscious sense of joint position & motion is…
Recognition & interpretation of sensory information is…
Name 3 tests when evaluating & observing perceptual functions?
- Stereognosis
- Graphesthesia
- Body scheme
What do perception tests consist of?
Includes observation of function & analysis of perceptual motor demands of tasks
Identification of an object without vision is…
Name 3 inabilities associated with a autotopagnosia
- Left/right indiscrimination
- Unilateral inattention or neglect
- Finger agnosia
Identification of numbers & letters when they are “written” on the skin is…
Awareness of the position of the body & its parts in relation to themselves & the environment is…
Body scheme
The ability to plan & perform purposeful movement is…
The inability to perform an action on command that can be performed automatically is…
Ideomotor apraxia
The inability to draw, copy, or construct designs is…
Constructional apraxia
The inability to plan & perform a sequence needed to dress is…
Dressing apraxia
Name 3 causes that affect cognition.
- disease
Name 2 specific mental functions of cognition.
- Global
- Specific
What is the purpose of cognition?
Allows the use of sensed & perceived information
Name the cognitive evaluation progression of testing (5 steps).
1- Orientation 2- Attention 3- Memory 4- Executive Functioning 5- Abstract thinking
Awareness of person, place, & time is…
Active process of relevant focus is…
Retention & recall of information is…
Goal formation, planning, & effective performance is…
Executive functioning
Ability to see the relationship between items, discriminate details, & recognize absurdities is…
Abstract thinking
The processing of information to plan & evaluate strategies is…
Problem solving
Ability to monitor, correct, & regulate behavior is…
Insight & awareness
Ability to make realistic decisions is…
Ability to organize activity in logical & timely steps is…
Inability to perform calculations is…
Name 2 disorders that dyscalculia made include.
Alexia & agraphia
An area of the skin supplied by nerves from a single spinal root is a…
Deficiencies in localizing only one’s own body parts and orientation is…
The inability to orient and recognize the body parts of others or representations of the body is…