OPP Flashcards
Elbow flexed to 90, pronated
Resist pt ER and supination
Yergson - bicipital tendonitis
Arm ER, neck extended and rotate toward arm + deep breath and loss of radial pulse
Adson test - thoracic outlet/subclavian b/w scalenes
Well straight leg test
Raise and reproduce radicular sx on OPPOSITE side
Lasegue test
Straight leg test on SAME side as sx w/ flexion of foot BOTH reproducing radicular sx
Kidney, upper ureter - kidney stone autonomics
Heart, lungs, head, neck autonomics
Stomach, duodenum, spleen, liver, GB autonomics
Uterus, cervix, bladder, prostate autonomics
OPP technique for acute otitis media or sinusitis
Middle GI, ascending colon autonomics
Tx asthma
seated thoracic pump, CV4, C-spine to normalize vagus
Also has rib 3-4 dysfxn
O2, albuterol, steroids
Tx position for posterior lumbar tenderpoint
Leg IR, adducted
1 anomaly of lumbar spine
Facet tropism
Subtalar joint fxn
IR & ER of leg w/ planted foot
Left cranial torsion
Sphenoid & occiput opposite @ AP axis
Left great wing superior
Lateral cranial strain pattern
Sphenoid & occiput @ vertical axes
Uterus autonomics and effect of dec sympathetic tone
Relax uterus & decrease pain in dysmenorrhea
Parasympathetics = dec uterine contractions and constricts cervix
GI autonomics for duodenum, pancreas, jejunum, ileum and proximal 2/3 of transverse colon
GI autonomics for distal 1/3 of transverse colon to rectum +
lower ureters, bladder, testes, ovaries, prostate
Adrenal gland autonomics
Sacral axis for ambulation and innomnate rotations
Inferior transverse
Weight bearing on L (step w/ right) = L axis
SD w/ vaginal delivery
B/L sacral flexion
Inc carrying angle, hand and wrist are ADDucted, olecranon prefers medial glide SD?
ABducted ulna
Long leg innominate dysfxn & tx
Posterior rotation
- tight hamstrings
Tx = engage hip flexors
- supine, drop leg off table and flex hip
Tx for L on L
Left lateral SIMS
Heart autonomics
Dx and tx carpal tunnel
Dx - EMG
Tx - T2-8 dec sympathetics to extremity
L5 tenderpoint
1cm lateral to pubic symphysis
Tx Anterior L5 tenderpoint
Knees & hips flexed to 90 + SB, rotation away
Lumbar dysfxn w/ psoas syndrome
Flexed, S & R to SAME side
Lung autonomics
Sympathetic tone effect on pulmonary secretions
Esophagus autonomics
Chapman’s point for acidity
5th IC on left
Chapman’s point for lower lung
4th IC
Chapman’s point for liver
5th IC on right
Chapman’s point for liver & GB
6th IC on right
Chapman’s point for peristalsis
6th IC on left
Head posterior, anterior cervical, posterior thoracic, anterior pelvis tilt
Head anterior, inc cervical lordosis, inc thoracic kyphosis, flat lumbar, posterior pelvic tilt, knee hyperextended
Head anterior, lower thoracic to lumbar flat, hips and knees extended
Flat back
Tenderpoint 2cm lateral to medial clavicle & tx
- rotate away, SB toward
Where is springing present in R on L sacral torsion
Left ILA
- right sulcus is posterior = left ILA has freedom to move anterior (spring)
1 lateral epicondylitis muscle involved
extensor carpi radialis BREVIS
Landmarks to measure leg length discrepancy
ASIS to medial malleolus
Findings in anatomic short leg
lower sacral base
anterior innominate
lumbar type 1 - SaRt
Heel lift protocol
Old = 1.5mm (1/16) Young = 3.2mm (1/8)
Every 2 weeks inc
Acute = work up to full discrepancy
Chronic = 1/2 -3/4 of discrepancy
Max heel lift = 10-12 mm (5mm
Surgical if >5CM*
Severe burning pain at LB injury, spasm, joint stiffness, dec ROM, rapid hair and nail growth, livedo reticularis
CRPS type 1
Nerve injury, muscle atrophy, edema
CRPS type 2
Sphenoid higher on left, occiput rotated right
LEFT torsion
- 1 AP axis
- rotate opposite
> wing counterclockwise = R
Sphenoid deviated right in relation to occiput
RIGHT lateral strain
- 2 vertical axes = center sphenoid & foramen magnum
- common in newborns
Sphenoid superior in relation to occiput, struck under chin
? index and 5th fingers move inferiorly
Superior vertical strain
- 2 transverse axes, same
- named for base of sphenoid direction (opposite of wing direction)
Inferior shear = struck on top of head
Extension of sphenoid, occiput, ethmoid, vomer (midline) causes paired bones, LE, frontal bone to?
Sacrum - nutation
Inc AP diameter
Bregma ascends
Physiologic strain patterns
Sidebending & rotation
Flexion & Extension
Sphenoid & occiput rotate in same direction, full hand on right
Sidebending & rotation to the right (fuller hand)
- 1 AP axis, same
- 2 vertical axes, opposite (SB)
Common compensatory pattern
OA - L
cervicothoracic - R
thoracolumbar - L
lumbosacral - R
Cause of jaw deviation in TMJ dysfxn
LATERAL pterygoid - only muscle that lowers jaw
Best methods for acute injuries
- BLT, CS, myofascial
Lung autonomics
Chapman’s point for bladder
Chapman’s point for the appendix
Tip of 12th rib
Posterior - R TP T11
Posterior Chapman’s point for the kidneys
B/w SP & TP of T12-L1
Best techniques for elderly or hospitalized pts
gentle direct - rib raising
Role of uncovertebral joints
Protect nerve roots from herniation
Posterior cord branches of brachial plexus
Medial cord branches of brachial plexus
CI to cranial
Inc IC pressure
Finger positions in vault hold
- index
- middle
- ring
- little
- greater wing of sphenoid
- zygomatic of temporal
- mastoid of temporal
- squamous of occiput
Sympathetic stimulation effects on bladder
Constricts trigone/sphincter + relaxes detrusor –> retention
Order of treating lymphatics
Thoracic inlet or other diaphragms —> rib raising —> lymphatic pumps
Right sulcus deep
Left ILA posterior and resists springing
Left sulcus resists springing
Left sacral margin posterior
SD findings w/ disc herniation
Lumbar SB dysfxn
asymmetry w/ hip drop testing
Lymphatic technique CI in recent abd surgery
Pedal pump - moves abd content into diaphragm
Ely’s test
Prone heel to butt to test rectis femoris
Muscle to tx ribs 3-5 dysfxn
Pectoralis minor
Tx anterior rib tenderpoints
St Rt
slight flexion
Tx 120s
Psoas syndrome
- Key lesion
- Cause of pain to CL knee
- L1 or L2 non-neutral SD
2. CL piriformis spasm
Tx Anterior L1 tenderpoint
Hips & knees flexed + SB toward
Cause of patello-femoral syndrome
Q angle >17 degrees –> genu valgus/knock-kneed
Chapman’s point for the tonsils
Chapman’s point for the thyroid, myocardium, esophagus, bronchi
T2-3 posteriorly
Chapman’s point for ovaries and urethra
Superior pubic rami 2cm lateral to symphysis
L2 TP posterior
True ribs
Hamstrings innervation
Short head of biceps femoris = common fibular branch of sciatic (L5-S2)
Others = tibial branch of sciatic (L5-S3)
Chapman’s point for the prostate
Posterior margin of IT band
Lateral sacral base posteriorly
Champan’s point for the kidneys anterior & posterior
Anterior - 1” lateral & 1” superior to umbilicus
Posterior - SP & TP of T12-L1
Champan’s point for adrenal gland anterior & posterior
Anterior - 1” lateral & 2” superior to umbilicus
Posterior - SP & TP T11-12
Physician passively and progressively hyperabducts and ER pt’s arm –> extremity tingling or dec radial pulse
Wright’s test - thoracic outlet
Shoulder flexed forward & elevated to 90 –> forced IR –> pain
Hawkin’s test - rotator cuff or subacromial impingement
Another name for empty can test
Job’s test
Thompson test
Achilles rupture = squeeze gastroc –> plantarflexion
McMurray test
Meniscal tears
Talar tilt test
Assess medial and lateral ankle tendons w/ IR & ER
Pterion cranial bones
Sphenoid, frontal, temporal, parietal
Axis for postural motion
- person bend forward sacral base moves anterior –> sacrotuberous ligament –> extension
Middle transverse
Axis for respiration and craniosacral movement
Superior transverse (S2)
Dura attached to posterior superior S2
Foramen ovale bone and nerve
Bones forming occipito-mastoid suture
Temporal –> jugular foramen
Tx for dysmenorrhea
Sacral inhibition –> NSAIDs
Indirect method for tx L on L sacral dysfxn
Exaggerate existing dysfxn - anterior force to anterior R sacral base/sulci
Normal CRI
Things that dec CRI
Stress, depression, fatigue, chronic infection
CV4 encourages which phase
Tx tenderpoint for iliacus
Medial ASIS
Hips & knees flexed + ER (knees open)
Autonomics & plexus involved in urination, relaxing uterine fundus, constricting cervix
Pelvis splanchnic (S2-4) & hypogastric plexus
Chapman’s point for tongue, larynx
2nd rib
Chapman’s point for ear
Clavicles ~1st rib
Chapman’s point for eye
Lateral humerus
Chapman’s point for sinuses
1st rib
Chapman’s point for upper lung & upper limb
Chapman’s point for pancreas
Chapman’s point for spleen
Chapman’s point for uterus
L5 medial to PSIS
Chapman’s point for cerebellum
Trigger points vs. Tenderpoint
Trigger= radiation/referred pain Tx = spray & stretch w/ vapocoolant, local anesthetic or dry needling
Tenderpoints for L2-4
AIIS L2 medial –> counterclockwise
Tenderpoints for C4-8 & thoracics & lumbar posteriorly
Same SP or TP
Tx elevated rib/inhalation dysfxn tenderpoints
POSTERIOR rib angle for 120s
F SaRa
Tx tenderpoint lumbar anteriorly
Knees & hips flexed + Ra
Tx tenderpoint piriformis
Hip & knees flexed
Thigh Abducted & ER
Tx tenderpoint L5/lower pole
Adducted & IR
Creator of FPR & tx order
Neutral –> compression –> ease –> neutral
Creator of Still & tx order
Van Buskirk
Ease –> compression –> restriction –> RELEASE –> neutral
Order for shoulder Spencer technique
“Eat fried crispy chicken and add in dessert”
Extention –> flexion –> circumduction w/ compression –> traction –> abduction –> ADDuction w/ ER –> IR –> distraction
Order of hip Spencer technique
Flex –> extend –> circumduction w/ compression (hip flexed) –> traction –> IR –> ER –> Abduction –> adduction
Rib tx
- Exhalation
- Posterior rib tenderpoint
- Kirksville under rib angle or serratus anterior
2. SaRa
Stance phase innominate rotation
Anterior rotation around INFERIOR axis of sacrum
High riding humeral head
Complete rotator cuff tear
Scoliosis sidebent R
- idiopathic
- opposite psoas syndrome
Tx = Cobb 5-150 w/ PT, Konstancin, OMT
Peri-umbilical LN cause
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Limited abduction and adduction of 5th digit with hypothenar atrophy
Guyon’s canal entrapment
Inability to flex 45h & 5th DIPs + Limited abduction and adduction of 5th digit with hypothenar atrophy
Cubital tunnel syndrome = elbow
Watson’s test
Push scaphoid A-P with wrist in ulnar or radial deviation
Subluxation = carpal ligament injury
Spurling’s test
Cervical radiculopathy
Extend + SB + compression of C-spine
Dural attachments
Foramen magnum, OA, AA, C3 & posterior S2
Forearm pronation nerve
Chapman’s point for myocardium/MI
2nd IC near sternum
Keinbock disease
AVN of lunate - pain over dorsum of wrist w/ limited F/E
Panner disease
Osteochondritis of capitellum in 7-12 y/o d/t overuse throwing or lifting weights
Scoliotic curves that indicate bracing
Surgery >50 (rep compromise)
Cardiac >75
Anterior wedging/curvature of thoracic vertebrae of >5 degrees, Schmorl’s nodes, does not correct w/ positional changes
Scheuermann kyphosis
- bracing b4 skeletal maturity
- OMT & PT if in 20s or older
- surgery if >40 degrees
Tx for scoliosis
1. 40
- Observation & re-exam in 6mo
- Bracing & repeat x-rays in 6mo
- Surgery - remember to do lung function testing