MSK Flashcards
Acute LBP 1st step?
Early mobilization & NSAIDs & muscle relaxants
LBP red flags
Neuromotor deficit, fever, >6wks, loss of bowel/bladder, CA, steroid use, >70
Fever, vertebral tenderness, IVDU + LBP dx
Osteomyelitis, septic discitis, abscess
Causes of spinal stenosis
Degen arthritis, spondylo, spina bifida, myelomeningocele
LBP, leg pain/weakness, psuedoclaudication, pain dec when bending forward, squatting, sitting
Spinal stenosis –> NSIADs, PT, epidural steroids
AcuteB/L pain after lifting, bending, coughing –> anterior abdomen
Compression fx –> X-ray
LBP radiating down thigh to toe, w/ straightleg raise and CL leg raise imaging, WORSE w/ cough, defecation
Disc herniation = no imaging, only >1mo –> MRI
Leg pain worse w/ standing, better lying down, normal pulses, neuro exam
Spinal stenosis –> MRI
1 cause of spinal stenosis
13 y/o girl, SOB, + Adam’s test
Scoliosis –> XR –> BRACE
Young male w/ morning stiffness, better w/ exercise, tender SI, heels, tibial tuberosities (enthesitis)
Ankylosing spondylitis –> XR SI joints, anterior uveitis
Diseases assoc w/ carpal tunnel
RA, sarcoid, amyloidosis, HYPOTHYROID (B/L, severe)
Periarticular osteopenia, joint margin erosions, stiffness >30min, WBC 2000-50000, warm
RA –> MTX, NSAIDs, steroids + test for HCV, HBV, TB –> + hydroxychloroquine
RA pts at increased risk of developing ?
Knee pain, bone spurs, no warmth, worse w/ activity, BMI 36 - best LT improvement tx?
OA = Weightloss
Older, morning stiffness <30min, worse w/ exercise, cool, crepitus, dec and painful ROM
OA –> acetaminophen
Punched out erosions of cortical bone (Rat bite lesion), WBC 2000-50000, warm
Gouty arthritis–> indomethacin, colchicine for acute & allopurinol, probenecid chronic
Asymmetric polyarthritis, skin rash, normal joint space w/ soft tissure swelling, WBC >50000
Septic arthritis
Acute onset painful, swollen joint, limited ROM, WBC 50,000-150,000, prosthetic joint
Septic arthritis = SA, strep #2
Nail pitting, skin plaques, morning stiffness for several hrs, dactylitis of DIP (sausage fingers)
Psoriatic arthritis –> NSAIDs, MTX - NO steroids
Spinous process tenderness, IVDU or sickle cell, normal WBC, high platelets, fever
Osteomyelitis = SA –> cultures, ESR, x-ray –> Inc ESR w/ normal XR = MRI
Arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis bug
Acute onset symmetric arthritis, MCP, PIP, wrist ankle, contact with kids, past fatigue, diarrhea, stiff 15min
Parvovirus B19 - anti-B19 IgM Ab
Joint pain, recent urethral discharge, many PMNs but no organisms in joint, mouth ulcers
Reactive arthritis –> NSAIDs
Acute polyarticular, symmetric, swelling, daycare worker, fever resolves in <2mo, + /-RF, ANA
Viral arthritis - Parvo, Hepatitis, HIV, mumps, rubella
Rusty nail osteomyelitis bug adult
PA –> quinolone
Carpal tunnel pathological accumulation ?
Matrix substances
Dec sensation 1st 3 fingers, numbness, tingling, thenar waisting, worse w/ hyperflexion of hand
Carpal tunnel –> NSAIDs, splint, steroids, nerve velocity –> surgery
Mom’s carrying baby, prolonged thumb extension, pain, Finklestein’s test
Dequervain’s –> NSAIDs, spica splint, steroids
Torn ulnar collateral lig, forced thumb hyperextension, skiing
Gamekeeper’s thumb –> casting
Torn flexor tendon, unable to flex DIP
Jersey Finger –> splinting
Torn extensor tendon, unable to extend finger, Volleyball
Mallet Finger –> splinting
Unable to flex ONLY middle finger –> pop if extended
Trigger Finger –> steroids
etOH, Scandinavian men, palpable nodules
Duputyren’s –> surgery
Abscess of pulp of nail, extremely tender, penetrating injury, fever, throbbing pain
Felon –> I&D
Colles fx tx
Closed reduction & long arm cast
Protection for nightstick, fx proximal ulna, anterior radial head dislocation
Monteggia fx
Galeazzi if radial fx –> ORIF
FOOSH, wrist pain in snuff box, non-displaced fx
Scaphoid fx –> thumb spica splint; ORIF if angulated or displaced
Punched a wall, tender 4th, 5th digits
Metacarpal neck fx –> closed reduction + ulnar gutter splint OR Kirschner wire
1 fx in kids
Supracondylar humeral fx
FOOSH, inc pain despite meds, radial pulse intact, sensation intact
Supracondylar humeral fx –> compartment syndrome
Injury w/ supracondylar fx
Brachial artery –> no radial pulse
Crepitus, upper body fat accumulation, asymmetric moro reflex
Clavicular fx = DM mom –> dystocia, vacuum forceps
Tx for neonatal clavicular fx
Reassurance and gentle handling
Dec appetite, neck swelling, neck turned to left, resists flexion
Torticollis –> XR to r/o cervical spine fx, dislocation
Throwing sports, pain, crepitus, dec supination/pronation
Panner disease (osteochondrosis of captellum)
Erb-duchenne palsy - + grasp reflex, C5,6
Reassurance - 80% resolve 3-6mo
Supinated, wrist extended, MCP extended, ICP flexed, IL Horner syndrome, (-) grasp
Klumpke palsy = C8, T1 traction –> PT, usually resolves
Hold arm close to body, rotated outward, numb deltoid
Anterior shoulder dislocation (#1) –> XR
Block shot (Abduction, ER) –> pain, ER, no IR, prominent acromion
Anterior shoulder dislocation (#1) –> XR, Axillary nerve
Electrical burn, seizure, hold arm close to body, IR
Posterior shoulder dislocation –> axillary or scapular XR
Nerve injury w/ middle oblique or distal 3rd of humerus fx
Radial –> surgery on if paralysis develops
Mom pulled kids arm –> held in pronation, not moving
Nursemaid’s elbow –> passive flexion + supination
Newborn, Clunk/Click w/ Ortalani or Barlow, uneven gluteal folds
Congenital hip dysplasia –> US –> Pavlik harness
Asymmetric inguinal folds, soft-click, leg-length diff next step
Hip US <6mo otherwise XR
Developmental dysplasia of hip tx <6mo
Pavlik harness = abduction + flexion
7 y/o PainLESS limp, anterior thigh pain, AVN
Legg-Calves Perthes –> XR –> Cast
7 y/o boy, insidious limp, previous fever, pain >1mo, limited IR & Abduction
Legg-Calve-Perthes –> XR –> Cast, splint, surgery, limit weight
10 y/o, growth spurt, pain w/ hip movement, pain with IR, holding leg in ER
SCFE –> frog-legged XR –> immediate screw fixation
13 y/o w/ limp, insidious KNEE pain, obese adolescent
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
2-3 y/o Fever, acute joint pain, NO weight bearing, hx of cellulitis, >100,000WBC, 90% PMNs
Septic arthritis –> surgical drainage/arthrocentesis, Vanco
Fever + severe localized bone pain
Osteomyelitis –> MRI and abx
2-6 y/o, painFUL limp, normal ESR, WBC
Transient synovitis –> B/L hip XR –> rest & NSAIDs
7 y/o, limp, previous URI <1mo, hip flexed, abducted, ER
Transient synovitis
14 y/o A.A male wks of limping, hx severe abd pain, Hct 22%, restricted ROM, tender
Sickle cell –> osteonecrosis of hip
Head on car collision, knees hit dashboard, hip pain
Posterior hip dislocation –> emergent reduction
13 y/o knee pain + swelling, worse after basketball
Osgood-Schlater = traction apophysitis –> work through or rest + cast
Point tenderness over inferior patella
Patellar tendonitis
Fx in kids + growth plate tx
Closed reduction in 1 piece, displaced laterally; 2 pieces = ORIF
Fx in kids (-) growth plate tx
Fall –> short leg + ER on stretcher
Hip fx
Tx femoral neck fx
Replace femoral head
Tx intertrochanteric fx
Tx femoral shaft fx
Intramedullary rod
Isolated collateral ligament tear tx
Hinged cast –> surgical if mutliple torn
Hyperextention, pivoting + popping, knee HEMARTHROSIS - rapid onset, joint instability, can’t bear weight
ACL tear –> MRI + RICE
Tx ACL/PCL injury
Immobilization & rehab –> arthroscopy in athletes
Popping + knee pain, swelling the NEXT DAY, joint line tenderness
Meniscal tear
Twisting on planted foot, knee catching/locking, click when forcefully extended
Meniscal tear –> open repair
Forced marches, very specific tenderness in lower leg, normal XR
Tibial stress fx –> Cast, crutches & repeat XR in 2 wks
Pedestrian hit by car
Tib-Fib fx –> XR –> Casting +/- medullary nailing
Excruciating pain w/ passive extension following tib-fib fx w/ CLOSED reduction
Compartment syndrome –> fasciotomy
Posterior knee dislocation vascular injury
Popliteal artery –> Doppler or Ct angio & prompt reduction
Open tib-fib fx –> dyspnea, confusion, fever, tachy, petechial rash
Fat embolism –> resp support, heparin, steroids
Adducted anterior foot, overcorrects in abduction - metatarsals
Metatarsus adductus type I = reassurance
Metatarsus adductus corrects in neutral position tx (type II)
Metatarsus adductus rigid, do not correct tx (type III)
Immediate casting –> surgery if residual at 4 y/o
Equinovarus calcaneum, midfoot, adduction forefoot, limited ROM
Clubfoot –> immediate stretching & serial casting
Out of shape middle aged man, loud pop and fall to ground, pain swelling ankles and limping
Achilles rupture –> cast in equinus or surgery
Marching, athletes, foot pain w activity –> rest, point tenderness
2nd metatarsal fx = rest and analgesics
Sharp heel pain/burning, worse in mornings, tender, bone spur
Plantar fasciitis –> resolve 12-18mo
Tender 3-4th interspace, palpable nodule + click, high-heels or runner
Morton neuroma –> analgesics, new shoes/insert, surgery
Soap bubble, eccentrically lytic area, cystic + hemorrhagic regions
Giant cell tumor of bone –> surgery
Subperiosteal resorption in phalanges, “salt and pepper,” bone pain, brown tumor
Osteitis fibrosa cystica - HPT from PT CA
Sclerotic cortical lesion w/ central lucency, pain a night, better w/ NSAIDs
Osteoid Osteoma
Fever, leukocytosis, anemia, 15 y/o, central lytic bone lesion, moth-eaten
Ewing sarcoma –> XR, Bx –> surgery –> radiation and chemo
11;22, mid-shaft, onion skin, focal bone pain
Ewing sarcoma –> XR, Bx –> surgery
Rb gene, sunburst, diaphysis, focal bone pain
Osteosarcoma –> XR, Bx –> excision –> chemo
No constitutional sx, arm pain, metaphysis abn, tender soft tissue mass, sunburst, periosteal lift
Osteosarcoma –> XR, Bx –> excision –> chemo
Fever, leukocytosis, central lytic lesion w/ surrounding sclerosis (Brodie’s abscess)
Osteomyelitis - #1 = SA
Sclerotic cortical lesion w/ central nidus, pain worse @ night, relieved w/ NSAIDs
Osteoid osteoma
B/L thigh and calf pain, worse at night, relieved w/ NSAIDs, no activity limit
Growing pain
SINGLE lytic bone lesion of humerus + hyperCa, joint swelling
Langerhans Histiocytosis - eosinophilic granuloma = resolves
Can’t stand or climb stairs, raise arms, weakness, elevated LDH, aldolase, creatnine kinase
Polymyositis –> muscle bx shows MO infiltrate surrounding necrotic & regen fibers
Anti-Jo Abs
SLE tx for skin and joints only
Hydroxychloroquine = check for retinopathy
Fatigue, oral ulcers, ARTHRITIS of MCP, PIP, proteinuria in young A.A. female
Young A.A. female, cough, hyperCa, elevated ACE, non-caseating granuloma
Proximal muscle weakness, rash on shoulders/back, scales on hands
Can’t rise from chair, dusky rash, periorbital edema (heliotrope), knuckles (grotton) assoc?
Dermatomyositis = Malignancies (Ovarian, breast)
Poor sleep, fatigue, pain all over, trigger points, young female, pain worse after exercise
Fibromyalgia –> exericise, good sleep —> TCAs (amitriptyline)
Extreme fatigue, no aches
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Pain, STIFFNESS, aching in pelvic & shoulder girdle esp in AM, >50 y/o, no trigger points/muscle tenderness, elevated ESR
Polymyalgia rhuematica –> low dose steroid
- assoc w/ temporal arteritis
Difficulty combing hair, ptosis, dyaphagia, dysarthria, normal muscle tone, reflexes, stands-up normally
Myasthenia Gravis - Ab to ACH receptor
Tx for hyperthermia/heat stroke
Evaporation coolin, IVFs
1 site for ulnar nerve entrapment
Abx for human bite
Augmentin OR cipro + clinda
Popliteal mass cause
Baker’s cyst = inflammed synovium d/t RA, OA, meniscus
Re-warm cold extremity
Rapid, warm water
Paget’s disease path
Abnormal bone remodeling
Mosaic pattern of lamellar bone
Paget’s Disease
Inc deposition of unmineralized bone
Vit D deficiency
Abundant mineralization of periosteum
Hypervitamin A
Morning stiffness, <2000 neutrophils, splenomegaly
Felty syndrome (RA)
Only inc Alk phos, thickened cortices in skull and tibia, mixed lytic/clastic lesions, b/L hearing loss
Paget’s disease –> bone scan –> bisphosphonates –> calcitonin
Progressive hip pain w/o restriction in ROM, steroid use
AVN of femoral head
High CPK, HLD, aches and pains
Statin induced muscle injury
Risk factors for gout
etOH, high purine, pyrazidimide
Diabetic foot ulcer tx order
Off-loading -> debridement -> dressings -> antibiotics -> revasc -> amupation
RLS mech and tx
DA = pramipexole, ropinerole, levodopa
Rotator cuff tear vs. impingement?
Impingement = better w/ lidocaine
Pain w/ internal rotation and flexion, no muscle atrophy
Subacromial bursitis
Difficulty swallowing, blue fingers in the cold, shiny MCP joints, “mat-like” patches on face
CREST syndrome
Bugs for prosthetic implant infection 3mo
3mo = Staph epi, enterococci
Osteoporosis path
Low bone MASS
1-2.5 = osteopenia, >2.5 = osteoporosis
Osteomalacia path
Defect in MINERALIZATION, usually VitD deficiency or Ca deficiencies
Bone pain, cramps, weak, colon resection, CKD, inc PTH, Alk phos, Dec Ca, VitD, Phos, psuedofractures
Ca & VitD intake goals
1200mg & 800-100IU for all menopausal women
Secondary causes of osteoporosis
Hyperthyroid, Primary HPT, Vit D deficiency, amenorrhea, steroid, smoking
Labs for secondary osteo causes
CBC, BUN/Cr, TSH, VitD, Estradiol, testosterone, Ca, LFTs
Bisphosphonate MOA
Inhibit clastic activity - empty stomach + water + upright for 30min
Bisphosphonate SE
Osteonecrosis of jaw (mostly IV after dental work)
SERM in osteo Tx
Raloxifene, also reduces breast CA but inc risk for thrombosis
Nasal spray shown to reduces vertebral compression Fx, 2nd line
Recombinant human parathyroid hormone
Teriparatide - acts on Blasts = CI in @ risk for osteosarcoma (Paget disease)
Denosumab MOA
Ab inhibits osteoclast differentiation
Genu valgum, OSA, SIDS d/t foramen magnum stenosis
Carpopedal spasm, laryngospasm, paresthesia, seizures
HypoCa <4days old cause
Transient, IUGR, asphyxia, HypoMag
HypoCa >4d neonatal cause
HypoPTH, maternal hyperPT, DiGeorge, hyperPhos
High PTH, short, short MCPs, developmental delay
Parathyroid resistance
Both Ca and Phos low
VitD deficiency
Tx for hypoCa
<7.5-8.0, oral Ca
Rickets, normalCa, low Phos, high alk phos, high PTH, Vit D no help
Familial hypophos rickets = #1 = renal phos leak
Prominent costochondral junc, wrist metaphysis widened, CUPPED
Bowlegs >3 y/o
Blount disease (medial proximal tibial GP) = surgery
Knock-knees normal b/w what ages?
<5 y/o, proximal weakness, 100x inc CPK, myopathic EMG, MR
DMD = no dystrophin
- -> Genetic testing Xp21
- -> muscle Bx showing fibrosis & fatty infiltration
5-12 y/o, calf pain w/ exercise, cardiomyopathy, 50x inc CPK
Becker MD
Weakness/wasting esp face, hands, ankle, myotonia, cataracts, delayed muscle relaxation, AD inheritance
Myotonic dystrophy (upper lip inverted V)
Heel, metatarsal, toe tip ulcers, overweight person
Diabetic ulcer
Pathogenesis of diabetic ulcer
Neuropathy –> wound –> microvascular disease prevents healing
Tips of toes, dirty, no pulses, no granulation tissue ulcer
Arterial insufficiency –> Doppler –> angio for revascularization/stenting
Medial malleolus, hyperpigmented skin, granulating bed, painless ulcer
Venous stasis ulcer –> support socks, ACE, unna boot
Ulcer w/ many yrs of healing and breakdown (3rd d burns) –> deep dirty heaped-up ulcer
Marjoilin ulcer = SCC –> Bx, excision and grafting
Fx 1st metacarpal bone
Bennet’s –> Rolando if comminuted
Pain over lateral ankle + lateral proximal fibula playing soccer
ATFL sprain w/ possible proximal fibular fx (maisonneuve fx)
—> XR both knee and ankle
Distal radial fracture name
- fx + dislocation of radial-ulnar joint
- Dorsal displacement of distal segment
- Galeazzi
2. Colles