Missed questions 2 Flashcards
Steps in delivering bad news
S - set up place, privacy, introductions
P - perception “what do you think is happening?”
I - Invitation to “how much would you like to know?”
K - give knowledge and info
E - empathetic statements, explore feelings, thoughts
S - strategy for follow-up/care
Abdominal mass in kid
- NOT cross midline
- Crosses midline
- Wilms - WAGR, US –> CT abd and chest
2. Neuroblastoma - 1st yr of life
Brain mass w/ concentric whorls and psamomma bodies
Stealing of objects of low monetary value or NOT needed for personal use
Kleptomania = psychotherapy
- shame, guilt –> return or give away items
Tx syphilis in pregnancy
PCN - desensitize if needed
Hx UC, watery diarrhea, burning erythematous rash on arms and legs b/l, hyperpigmented like a sunburn, tender + poor concentration, irritable
Niacin deficiency/Pellagra
- corn based diets
Dysmenorrhea –> chronic pelvic pain, bleeding, globular enlarged uterus <12wks in multip women over 40 y/o
- 50% have concurrent fibroids
- get bx to exclude endometrial CA
Fibroids = more irregular shaped uterus
- more mass effect sx - constipation, urinary frequency & NOT pain
Infertility, dysparenunia, dysmenorrhea in younger woman
Diffuse thickening of GBM and subepithelial spikes
Cause of back pain
- Normal neuro, negative straight leg
- Radiculopathy, possible + straight leg, neuro deficit
- Old woman w/ fall
- Better w/ activity, rest NOT help
- Worse at night, >50, cauda equina possible
- IVDU or DM w/ recent infection, fever, exquisite tenderness
- Mechanical - degen, spasm
- Disk herniation
- Compression fx
- Ankylosing - IBD, reactive, psoriatic = apophyseal joint arthritis
- CA
- Osteomyelitis
Persistent nosebleeds, ruby papules on lips, clubbing, polycythemia
Osler-Weber-Rendu = AVMs
—> shunt blood –> hypoxemia = clubbing and polycythemia, hemoptysis
Newborn w/ diffuse granular CXR, air bronchograms, hypoxemia dx and cause?
- prematurity, DM, C/S, asphyxia
Excess bleeding w/ normal PT, PTT, LFTs, platelet count
Inc Cr, BUN, BT
Uremic coagulopathy = renal failure –> platelet dysfxn
Tx = DDAVP which inc VIII & vWF
1st tx step in pt in HCV
Liver bx to guide tx
- severe inflammation and fibrosis –> cirrhosis BUT usually respond better to tx
- antivirals = peg-IF + ribavirin
HBV & HCV progression to HCC
HBV = w/o cirrhosis HCV = w/ cirrhosis = get US q6mo
Smoker + clubbing and sudden onset b/l wrist pain
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
—> CXR for lung CA, TB etc…
Young male w/ pain over heel, iliac crests, tibial tuberosities, shoulder pain stiffness
Enthesititis - inflammation where tendon meets bone = ankylosing spondylitis
- Assoc w/ limited spine mobility
Steps in tx of acne
Topical retinoids + benzoyl/salicyclic acids
Topical Erythromycin or Clinda
Oral Abx
Oral isotretinoin
Heat stroke vs. Heat exhaustion
Stroke = >104, AMS
Non-exertional –> evaporative cooling
Re-warm cold extremity
Warm water
SB resection, TPN, alopecia, no taste, pustular lesions around mouth
Zinc deficiency
HTN + hypoK 1st step
Measure renin & aldosterone
Dec renin, inc aldo w/ A:R >20 cause, Aldo >15
Primary hyperaldosteronism –> adrenal CT
Inc in both renin and aldo w/ A:R ~10
Secondary hypseraldosteronism
- diuretic, CHF, renin tumor, coarctation, malignant htn or renovascular htn
HIV pt CD4 <50 w/ yellow-white eye opacities and retinal hemorrhage
HIV pt w/ necrotizing retinitis, white fluffy lesions around retina
Types of abortion
- Bleeding, closed cervix, no heart tones
- Cramping, bleeding, open cervix, possible heart tones
- Cramping, bleeding, products visualized, open cervix
- Bleeding, closed cervix, + heart tones
- Missed –> Pelvic US –> C&D
- Inevitable
- Incomplete
- Threatened
PAS+ and diastase resistant hepatocyte inclusions
Brief LOC + lip smacking, swallowing, picking + post-ictal confusion, normal EEG
Complex partial seizure
EEG 3Hz spike and wave
- may have automatisms like lip smacking but DONT have post-ictal confusion
- Atypical is <2.5Hz
Kids, U/L or B/L jerking in the AM
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy - sleep deprivation
EEG slow spike and wave
Vit D, Ca, Phos, PTH finding in pts with celiac or other intestinal malabsoprtion syndrome
Low Vit D d/t malabs –> Low Ca, Phos abs
High PTH
EPS Sx & Tx
- Acute neck, mouth, tongue, eye contractions
- Restlessness
- Tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, masked face
- Acute dystonic rxn = benztropine, diphenhydramine
- Akasthisia = propanolol
- Parkinsonism = anticholinergic or amantadine
Complication in bronchiectasis
- massive may require bronchial a. embolization
Excessive anxiety over one or more unexplained sx & willing to undergo invasive testing
Somatic sx disorder
Fear of having a serious illness despite negative testing and no actual sx
Illness anxiety disorder (hypocondriasis)
Stress w/ neurologic sx not consistent with any known neurologic disease, person may be indifferent
Conversion disorder (functional neurologic sx disorder)
Young woman, ovulation induction, hx ovarian cyst w/ sudden R sided pelvic pain, adnexal tenderness, (-) hcg
Adnexal torsion –> doppler US –> emergency laparoscopic surgery
Type of study w/ 2+ experimental interventions (ACE, BBs) each w/ 2+ variables studied independently (high BP, low BP)
Factorial design
Type of study where 2 groups try one tx and then switch
Dec in Non-ionoized/albumin-bound/inactive Ca for every 1g/dL dec in serum albumin
Hyperreflexia on L, L hemiparesis, eyes deviated to R lesion
Right cerebral lobe
Basal ganglia eyes point toward hemiparesis
1+ proteinuria, RBCs and RBC casts, normal complement levels, recent URI, #1 GN in adults
IgA nephropathy
Eosinophiliuria, WBC casts
Drug-induced interstitial nephritis
Acid-base findings in aspirin toxicity (tinnitus, fever, tachypnea, N/V)
Mixed resp alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
pH 7.36
PCO2 22
HCO3- 12
CA, PA or UT construction site w/ baby floppy, sluggish, drooling, ptosis, weak suck and gag reflex
C. botulinum SPORE ingestion for enviro —> human derived Ig
Toxin in honey —> equine derived Ig
Tx for acute thoracic aortic dissections
Ascending (type A) = surgery + medical
Descending (type B) = medical alone
ARDS pt on vent w/ PEEP 15, FiO2 0.6 –> tachy, SBP 90, inc CVP, absent breath sounds
Tension pneumothorax d/t excessive PEP
AIDS, chemo pt w/ exophytic purple skin masses w/ a collarette of scale on lower abd + several liver masses + bx —> severe hemorrhage
Bartonella - Bacillary angiomatosis
Microcytic anemia with normal RDW
- microcytosis <75
- target and tear-drop cells
(Fe has inc RDW)
Child fatigued and pallor, recent diarrhea tx w/ medication, purpura and petechiae, low platelets, RF, schistiocytes, giant platelets, inc LDH, indirect bili, retic count, urine w/ RBCs, WBCs, casts
HUS = microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
SOB, cough, DOE, dec breath sounds, bibasilar crackles occasional wheezes
CHF - resp alkalosis, hypocapnia, hypoxia
COPD - widespread wheezes + resp ACIDOSIS, hypoxia
Kid w/ Giardia and recurrent sinopulmonary infections since 6mo
abn B-lymphocyte maturation
Lack of IgA = Giardia
Kids w/ staph, aspergillius infections
CGD - NADPH oxidase
Electrolyte abn in SAH or intracranial hemorrhage
HypoNa - SIADH-like syndrome, resolves in 1-2wks
Complication of nephrotic syndrome, 4+ proteinuria, edema, fatty casts
Hypercoagulability (renal vein thrombosis)
- loss of AT-III, protein C, S
- inc fibrin, platelet aggregation
Iron deficiency d/t ferritin loss
Vit D deficiency
Inc infections
Hepatitis, etOH, Wilson disease w/ inc PT/INR >1.5, inc bili, inc AST, ALT 10x normal –> dec AST ALT + WORSENING PT/INR
Acute liver failure
- PT = #1 prognosticator in ALF
Stabbing in R face, ataxia falling to R, miosis, ptosis on R, dec gag reflex, hoarsness, loss of pain and temp on R face + LEFT trunk/limbs
Lateral Medullary syndrome
Weakness of mastication, impaired sensation over face, impaired jaw reflex
Lateral Mid-Pons
CL arm and leg hemiparesis, tactile and position sense, IL tongue deviation
Medial medullary syndrome
CL ataxia of trunk and limbs and face
Medial pons
Drugs post UA/NSTEMI or PCI
Aspirin BBs ACE Statin Clopidogrel - 30d or 1yr w/ drug stent
LMWH 48hrs/prior to PCI in acute MI
Villous atrophy
- IgA deficiency –> (-) endomysial or tissue transglutaminase ab
NST score tx
- Oligohydramnios
- 8
- 6
- 4
- <4
- deliver
- Normal = repeat in 1 wk
- Contraction stress test –> delivery or repeat next day
- Lung mature = deliver; Steroids and repeat next day
- Deliver
Enuresis tx
1st = avoid fluids late, gold stars... 2nd = alarm 3rd = Oral Desmopressin
C-D systolic murmur on LSB w/o radiation
HOCM = IV septum hypertrophy
Defect in tubular HCO3 reabsoprtion
- acetazolamide or Fanconi anemia
Low tubular ammonium
- can’t excrete H+ –> no ammonium
ASA + nasal blockage + bronchoconstriction
ASA sensitivity syndrome (pseudo-allergy) –> inc LTs
–> tx w/ LT-inhibitors
Chronic NSAIDs w/ worsening renal function mech
Papillary necrosis & TUBULOINTERSTITIAL nephritis
RA tx and tests to run before tx
1 = MTX - HBV, HCV, TB
> 6mo of symptoms w/ MTX –> TNF-a or possibly hydroxychloroquine or sulfasalazine
Angiogram, stent + blue toes, livedo reticularis + ARF + eosinophils but low complement
Cholesterol emboli
1st step in NEC
Abx to prevent sepsis
Endocarditis valve abn
Mitral REGURG or MVP
Adolescent cough to vomit dx and tx
Nasopharyngeal culture
Azitho or clarithromycin
Smoker, post-prandial pain, FOBT (+) –> adenocarcinoma next step?
CT scan
Amenorrhea, normal exam, obesity, normal TSH, prolactin, LH, FSH
Anovulation d/t obesity, no progesterone = no bleed
B/L carpal tunnel 1st step
TSH for hypothyroidism
Most likely polyp to be cancerous
VILLOUS > tubulovillous > tubular adenoma
hyperplastic = non-neoplastic Hamartomatous = juvenile or peutz-jager
HTN <20wks, edema
Normal US = chronic HTN
Tx Hepatic Encephalopathy
K+ repletion (hypo –> inc ammonium production)
Rifaximin (if lactulose no work)
Protein + diets
HTN urgency
HTN emergency
Urgency - >180/120 w/o end organ damage
- Malignant HTN w/ papilledema or retinal hemorrhage
- HTN ecephalopathy w/ neurologic signs
Dx & Tx of Histoplasmosis
Dx = urine ag
Tx = Itraconazole or amphotericin B if >103.1
Parkinsonism, postural hypotension, impotence, dry mouth/skin, neuro signs
Multiple system atrophy
Blurred vision now vision loss in 1 eye, subclavicular bruit, HA, high ESR, blurred swollen optic disc
Giant cell arteritis –> high-dose steroids
Cough, non-caseating granuloma, peratracheal adenopathy
Sarcoid = steroids
Low O2 mech in PNA
V/Q mismatch or shunt
Alveoli filled w/ debris = no O2
Periodic sharp waves on EEG
Retrosternal pain radiating to back w/ stress and hot or cold food, relieved w/ nitro
Esophageal dysmotility
Infant w/ dec activity, dec feeding, unable to wake for feedings you should suspect