OBGYN Flashcards
VDRL +, miscarriages, thrombocytopenia, prolonged PTT
Anti-phospholipid anti-body syndrome –> LMW heparin
Vaginal bleeding 8wks after delivery
Gestational trophoblastic disease - Choriocarcinoma –> lungs
Dx Choriocarcinoma or GTD
Verrucous, papilliform lesions near anus, puritus
Condylomata acuminata –> Podophyllin, 5-FU, surgery. IF-a
Flat, velvety lesions near anus
Condyloma lata (2 syphilus) –> PCN
High fever, IVDU, prostatute, migratory arthralgias, pustules w/ central necrosis on arms, current menses, (-) culture
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Intense pruritis, extensive patches of erythema, vesicles and tense bullae on limbs > trunk
Herpes gestationis (IgG to BM) –> IUGR & stillbirth = steroids
Risk factor for endometrial CA
Anovulation, nulliparous, >35, tamoxifen, unopposed estrogen, OBESITY
Cis to uterine ablation
Polyp, leiomyoma, bicornate utrus
Complication of Tubo-ovarian abscess?
Rupture –> shock = surgery
Baseline fetal HR
Early decelerations
mirror image of uterine contractions = fetal HEAD compressions
Late decelerations
Follow uterine contractions = HYPOXIA & >50% = Acidemia
Variable decelerations
Abrupt, jagged clips below baseline = most common = caused by CORD COMPRESSIONS
1 cause post-partum hemorhhage
Uterine atony
Post-partum bleeding with FIRM uterus
Gential tract lesion
Mechanism of acute dyspnea 2 days after tx for pyelopnephritis
Endotoxin mediated capillary leakage
Complication of PID or salpingitis
Ectopic pregnancy, sterility
Anthroipoid pelvis
Predisposes to occiput posterior - >AP diameter than Transverse
12h RLQ colicky pain w N/V, guarding, hx of ovarian cyst, 14 wks pregnant
Ovarian torsion —> laparotomy ovarian cystectomy d/t pregnancy
1 complication of benign ovarian cyst
Ovarian torsion
N/V, fever, anorexia, R abd/flank pain
Appendicitis —> surgery and IV antibiotics
Generalized pruritis, >palms, soles, worse at night, no rash or papules, inc bili, bile, LFTs
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy = INC circulating bile acids —> preme, fetal distress and death
Intense pruritis, erythematous papules surrounded by narrow pale halo on abd and butt
PUPPP = sx tx only
Tx cholestasis
Anti-histamines, cornstarch bath —> cholestyramine, UDA
RUQ pain, malaise, N/V, ARF, hypoglycemia, jaundice, coagulopathy
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (LCHAD deficiency) = DELIVERY
Acute dyspnea, tachy, low O2, clear lungs
PE —> CTA, but D-dimer not helpful = heparin 5-7d for 3months to 6 wks post-partum
1 maternal mortality
PE (cause = stasis)
Grave’s, tachy, fever, diarrhea, tender thyroid, confused, leukocytosis
Thyroid storm = propanolol, steroids and PTU
During pregnancy –> PTU, surgery in 2nd trimester
Hypothyroid b4 pregnancy, changes with pregnancy?
High estrogen –> inc thyroid-binding globulin, total T4/INC serum total thyroxine levels —-Free T3,4, TSH unchanged
Inc dose of Levo in pregnancy and menopause if receiving estrogen
Most common cause of post-partum hyperthyroidism
Lymphocytic (anti-microsomal abs) thyroiditis NOT Grave’s disease (overall and DURING pregnancy)
Smoker, underweight mother, small uterine size for gestation, 900g dx and next step?
IUGR = US - symmetric (head affected) or asymmetric, assess amniotic fluid, evaluate fetal well being (breathing, movement, tone)
IUGR complications & tx
Pre-term, fetal stress, death (esp reverse end-diastolic flow)
<34wks and ok = steroids
32-36wks - severe HTN, REDF, poor BPP, no growth
37wks = deliver
1 cause of asymmetric IUGR (<10 percentile)
Maternal vascular disorder - HTN, smoking, illicit drug use
Abd < head size & >20wks
Symmetric IGUR causes
Aneuploidy, early infection
Morbidities in IUGR
INC meconium aspiration, necrotizing enterocolitis, hypoglycemia, thrombocytopenia
Neonatal tachy, restlessness, diarrhea, poor weight gain, goiter
Thyrotoxicosis - Mom tx for Graves w/ remaining TSI
Prolonged PT, PTT, 3rd tri or early PP, inc LFTs
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (LCHAD deficiency) = DELIVERY (34+ wks)
1st step in young person (<30), pregnant or pain w/o evidence of mass
1st step in older person (>30) w/ breast mass
Mammo + US –> guided core Bx
Indication for breast Bx
Aspiration –> blood, reoccurance of mass, or mass doesn’t disappear, both cystic and solid parts
Risk factors for breast CA
1st degree relative esp pre-menopausal or B/L, BRCA, menarche 55, obese, etOH
Benign characteristics of breast masses
Soft, smooth, mobile, tender, <30
Malignant characteristics of breast masses
Firm/hard, fixed/immoble, painless, >50
Firm, hard, fixed mass, coarse calcifications, core bx shows fat globules and foamy histiocytes
Fat necrosis
Young woman, firm, rubbery mass, mobile
Fibroadenoma –> FNA or US
Very young adolescent, very rapid growth breast mass
Giant juvenile fibroadenoma
Late 20s, many yrs growth, very large, fixed, distorting breast mass
Cystosarcoma Phyllodes –> core bx and removal can become malignant
30-40s b/l, masses inc last 2 weeks of cycle
Fibrocystic - not persistent = Mammo, persistent = aspiration; recurrs –> bx
20-40s, bloody nipple discharge
Intraductal papilloma –> mammo
Standard form of breast CA, needs pre-op chemo and has worse prognosis if inflammatory
Infiltrating ductal CA
Breast CA type w/ inc risk for B/L CA?
Invasive Lobular CA
Rock hard, most invasive breast CA?
Invasive ductal CA
Tx ductal carcinoma in situ
Total mastectomy (recurrs w/ local excision), NO mets
When to suspect breast CA
Ill-defined mass, “orange peel,” nipple retraction, eczematous areola, palpable nodes
Irregular inc density and MICROcalcifications on mammo
Breast CA
Tx breast CA in pregnancy
Lumpectomy, mastectomy but NO radiation and NO chemo in 1st timester
HER2 breast CA tx
Trastuzumab —> cardiotoxic = get ECHO b4 starting
Pre-menopausal CA tx
Post-menopausal CA tx
Persistent HA or back pain w/ local tenderness w/ hx breast CA
Indication for surgical excision
atypical ductal hyperplasia
Tx for reducing breast pain
Primrose, red caffeine, topical NSAIDs, red stress, Danazol, Tamoxifen, Toremiphene, Bromocriptine
Physiologic nipple discharge
W/ stimulation, clear, yellow, green
Pathologic nipple discharge
Spontaneous, persistent, bloody, from single duct, w/ mass, >40 –> mammogram –> excision of terminal duct
Meds causing galactorrhea
SSRIs, TCAs, atenolol, verapamil, anti-psychotics, H2 blockers, opiates, estrogen
Work-up for galactorrhea w/ (-) pregnancy test
TSH, free T4, prolactin
Pathologic marker w/ impact on future Tx
Oncgoene/HER2 expression by FISH or IHC –> anthracyclines for overexpression
Negative prognostic indicator by flow cytometry in breast CA
DNA content - aneuploidy, higher % in s-phase = higher proliferation
Active phase of labor
4cm dilated –> full dilation
What predicts normalcy in labor?
Change in cervix per time
Nulliparous cervix dilation rate
1.2 cm/hr
Latent phase of labor
Cervical effacement (thins), <4cm
PGE2 breaks DISULFIDE bonds in collagen
Protraction of active phase
Dilation in active phase <1.2cm/hr NP or 1.5cm/hr MP
Arrest of active phase
No dilation for 2hrs
No descent for 1hr
Cephalopelvic disproportion –> C/S
Stage 1 of labor
Labor –> complete dilation
Stage 2 of labor
Complete dilation –> delivery of infant
Stage 3 of labor
Infant —> delivery of placenta
Adequate uterine contractions
q2-3 min, firm to palpations lasting 40-60 seconds; >200 Montevideo units
How to calculate Montevideo units
Sum of amplitudes above baseline of uterine contractions w/in 10minute window
Contractions 3-4 minutes, dilation 1-2cm over 3hrs next step?
Observation - still in latent phase
O’ Station
Head @ Ischial spines, NOT pelvic inlet
39 weeks, dark vaginal blood mixed w/ mucous cause?
Bloody show/mucous plug (vs. antepartum bleeding)
of weeks to deliver w/o inc risk of neonatal complications
Pre-eclampsia, epigastric tenderness, high LFTs –> hypotension
Hepatic rupture (glissen capsule)
Complications of preeclampsia
ICH, coagulopathies, renal failure, hepatic hematoma/ruptures, uteroplacental insufficiency, IGUR
Risks for preeclampsia
Nulliparous, age extremes, AA, hx of preeclampsia or HTN, obesity, anti-phosphilopid ab
Severe vs. mild preeclampsia
Severe = >5g protein, 160/110, RUQ/epigastric pain, vision changes = delivery regardless of age
29 wks, contractions 3-5min, 2cm dilated, 80% efface, nulliparous, +fFN
Pre-term labor (>20 - < 37wks)
Manage preterm labor
Tocoylsis for cause (<34), GBS, fetal fibronectin, mag sulfate for neuroprotection
Risks of pre-term labor
PREVIOUS, PROM, multiple gest, cocaine, A.A, trauma, surgery in preg, hydramnios, pyelonephritis, gonococcal infections
Hx of pre-term, medication to dec risk of pre-term
Progesterone weekly from 16-36wks
37 weeks, breech position next step
External cephalic version
- can self-correct b4 37wks
Convert second twin from transverse/oblique to breech
Internal podalic version
Carpal tunnel management
Splint —> steroid injection —> surgery only w/ muscular atrophy
Risks for placenta accreta (decidua basalis)
Previous uterine incisions (c-section), anterior > post. or low lying/previa, prior myomectomy, >35, Downs
1st step in placenta accreta
Hysterectomy d/t hemorrhage and death
Accreta - Increta - Percreta layers
decidua basalia - myometrium - serosa and bladder
Dense blue tissue adherent to uterus and bladder, hematuria
Placenta precreta
Accreta refuses hysterectomy next step and complication
Ligate cord, + IV MTX –> hemorrhage, infection
Week when placenta is major progesterone source
10 weeks
Mom has HBsAg, next step for baby?
HBIG and Hep B vaccine at birth
How to tx syphilus in mom
PCN; w/ allergy, desensitize and give PCN
When to give Rubella?
Post-partum b/c it’s a live vaccine
When and how to screen for neural tube defects
B/W 16-20wks - preg assoc protein-A (PAPP-A), bhCG, nuchal translucency
Screen for GBS
Threatened abortion lab test
bHCG and/or progesterone levels
Menorrhagia d/t uterine fibroids work-up
CBC, endometrial bx and papsmear
Women >55 y/o w/ adnexal mass work-up
CA-125 & CEA markers
Amenorrhea w/ some spotting, lower abd/pelvic pain, sharp/tearing, syncope
Ectopic pregnancy —> bHCG TVUS
- IVFs if unstable
- CBC, LFTs, b-hcg + MTX
- surgery w/ <2cm w/ desire for fertility
1 cause 1-2nd trimester maternal mortality & hemoperitoneum
Ectopic pregnancy
- risks = previous, IUD, PID, ovulation induction, ART, tubal
Irregular menses, obese, inc body hair
Benefits of sonohysterography
Saline injected into uterus + US to better ID polyps or submucosal myomata
When to use CT?
Pelvic or abd mass to delineate LNs
When to use MRI?
Mullerian defects - vaginal agenesis, double uterus, location or pregnancy
Benefits of hysterosalpingogram
Submucosal fibroids, uterine adhesions, patency of fallopian tubes
Fetal HR w/ sinus wave cycles 3-5/min
Severe anemia or asphyxia
PPROM (gush, +nitrazine, ferning), fever, fetal tachy, tender uterus
Intra-amniotic infection (chorioamnionitis - + gram stain) –> amp or gent & deliver after 34wks
Risks for PPROM
Poor, STDs, smoking, cervical cone, cerclage, abruption, hydramnios, multiple gestations
Chorioamnionitis W/O PROM organism
Listeria (otherwise GBS and EC)
Clear fluid, + PG, 33wks next step?
PG = fetal lung maturity = delivery
Fetal heart tracing abnormality in PPROM
Variable decelerations
Fever, myalgias, child w/ red cheeks, height > gestation, can’t palpate baby?
Hydramnios + Parvovirus in pregnancy –> severe anemia —> hydrops fetalis
Fetal hydrops, inc middle cerebrl doppler flow cause?
Rh isoimmunization
Parvovirus IgM and IgG (-) next step?
Repeat in 1-2wks to ensure incubation period has elapsed
(+) Chlamydia DNA assay, no sx next step?
Erythromycin or amox for 7d or 1dose Azithro —> WB or PCR confirmation
Fetal sequela of Chlamydia infection
Conjunctivitis (NOT cured w/ erythromycin), PNA
Most common neonatal conjunctivitis cause and tx?
Chlamydial = 14d oral erythromycin
Complications of gonococcal cervicitis
abortion, pre-term, PPROM, sepsis, chorioamnionitis and post-partum infection
Pustular skin lesions, arthralgias, septic arthritis in 3rd trimester
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Tx and goal of HIV in pregnancy
<1000 RNA copies/ml, HAART therapy, IV ZDV during vaginal labor, no breast feeding, ZDV to neonate
Organism is #1 cause of preventable blindness, propensity for columnar and transitional epithelium
Chlamydia –> LATE post-partum endometritis
Pyelonephritis w/ EC (#1) sensitive to amp –> acute dyspnea
ARDS (Endotoxin release –> leaky capillaries) = supportive measures
Most common cause of sepsis in pregnant women
Pyelonephritis = hospitalization, IV antibiotics (cephalosporins or amp + gent)
No improvement in pyelonephritis/sepsis in 2-3d next step?
Look for urinary obstruction or perinephric abscess = CT scan
Prevention of pyelonephritis
Urine culture @1st pre-natal and 1st trimester and tx early UTI/bacturia
Post-c-section, hypotension, fever, lethagy, tender incision w/ crepitus, anemia, inc Cr
Necrotizing fasciitis —> isotonic IVFs, antibiotics, debridement
Rapidly progressing infection of episiotomy or c-section, most common cause?
Group A strep
C-section, fever, somewhat tender fundus, no other abnormalities
Endomyometritis (#1 fever followiing c-section)
Cause and tx of endomyometritis
Ascending vaginal infection = Anaerobic (Bacteroides), some GNR (Polymycrobial) —> Gent & Clinda
Post c-section fever after antibiotics persists after 48hrs? 72hrs cause?
> 48 = enterococcal –> amp; >72hrs = CT scan for abscess, hematoma, thrombophlebitis (antibiotics + heparin)
Young, nulliparous, fever, abd pain near menses, dysparenunia, hyperemic cervix, uterine and adnexal tenderness
PID/Salpingitis –> infertility, ectopic; get US to R/O tubo-ovarian abscess
Cause of PID/salpingitis
G/C, GNR, anaerobes (MULTIPLE) = test, antibiotics, US for abscess
Salpingitis not improve after 48hrs
Laproscopy “GS for Dx,” & for abscess (anaerobes) –> clind or metronidzaole
Risks for PID
Nulliparity, IUDs (OCPs, and depot DEC risk)
Copious, white or yellow discharge, nonmalodorous, no other sx
Physiologic leukorrhea
Thin-whitish/gray discharge from vagina, no CMT, pH 5, epithelial cells w/ adherent bacteria, no PMNs
BV = metronidazole
Use of transcranial doppler
> 20wks
Fetal anemia w/ inc flow = has replaced PUBS
Signs of pregnancy BUT - normal endometrial stripe - (-) hCG - strong desire for child = CONVERSION disorder
1st sign of pregnancy
Goodell sign = softening of cervix @ 4wks
Ladin - midline uterus softening - 6wks
Chadwick - blue discoloration of vagina - 6-8wks
Physiologic changes of pregnancy
Inc CO –> murmur
Lower BP
Inc TV & minute ventilation –> resp alkalosis
GERD, constipation
Estrogen –> INC TBG –> INC total T4, T3
Anemia, inc WBC
Hypercoagulable - no change in PT, PTT, INR but dec platelets and inc fibrinogen
How to do DM testing
50g –> >140 at 1 hr do 100g glucose tolerance test
100g –> 180, 155, 140
Risk with chorionic villus sampling
In high risk pts, advances maternal age or known genetic disorder
b4 9-10 wks —> limb defects
Type of abortion
- “liver passed”
- some products + dilation
- some products intact + bleeding + dilation
- products intact + bleeding + NO dilation
- 2nd trimester dilation w/o cramps
- Complete
- Incomplete –> D&C
- Inevitable –> D&C
- Threatened –> bed rest, no sex, reassurance
- Incompetent cervix (hx LEEP) –> cerclage
Work-up for threatened abortion
bhcg should rise 66% inn 48hrs, progesterone >25
Otherwise get TVUS to assess pregnancy and viability
Twins same gender + 2 placentas
0-72 hr split, tubal
Twins same gender + 1 placenta + 1 sac/no septums
Monzygotic Monochorionic Monoamniotic 8-12d split conjoining, cord entanglement
Deliver vs. delay pre-term labor
- Pre-eclampsia, fetal demise, pROM, abruption/DIC, 34-37wks, >2500g
- 24-33 wks, 600-2500g –> Mag sulfate, terbutaline, or CCBs + steroids (48hrs)
3rd timester painless bright red bleeding, NO contractions, NON tender uterus
Placenta previa –> abd US
- never do digital exam or TVUS
- strict pelvic rest, no sex
Work-up for vasa previa
- steroids if 28-32 wks
- NST 2-3x daily
- C/S w/ PROM, variable decel, bleeding + tachy
3rd rimester dark bleeding + pain + contractions
Placental abruption –> abd US
- C/S w/ hemorrhage, fundal tenderness, fetal distress
Risks for abruption
Post-partum bleeding, shaggy mass, placental extraction from funds >30min
Uterine inversion –> halothane, terbutaline or mag sulfate
Gush of blood, lengthening of cord, globular, firm uterus
Placental separation
Baby tacky –> brady + vaginal bleeding
Apt test = rupture of fetal umbilical vessels
Extremem abd pain, HYPERVENTILATION + TACHY, regression of fetus, variable decels seen in MVA pt
Uterine rupture –> laparotomy for delivery
Rh work-up
1st prenatal + 24-28wks
- Unsensitized = RHOgam@28wks
- Sensitized >1:16 w/ Rh+ baby –> amniocentesis for bilirubin and anemia –> possible PUBS
Management of Eclampsia and HELLP
Mag & deliver
Fetal acidosis, late decels, ph<7.35, BG 200
Sequlae of neonatal hyperglycemia
hyperglycemia –> hypoxia –> polycythemia & hyperviscosity, hypoCa
Management of GDM
Diet & exercise –> post-patrum 75g test at 6wks
Breast feed
>4500g = c/s
NPH at hs + aspart b4 meals
Movements of baby through birth canal
Flex - IR - Extension - ER
Contractions in lower abdomen, irregular, equal in intervals and intensity
False labor
- better w/ sedation
- -> reassurance
Latent stage >14-20hrs
Prolonged latent stage –> rest & wait for resolution in 6-12hrs
Balloon —> stim engagement and dilation
Stage 2 3hr w/ epidural, >2hrs w/o
Prolonged stage 2 –> oxytocin & re-asses in 2hrs
+1/+2 station = vacuum forceps
0 station = c/s
Delivery w/ shoulder dystocia
- flex knees + suprapubic pressure
Delivery of posterior arm –> humerus fx
Post-partum bleeding management
1 uterine atony
- Firm/normal uterus = laceration
- Very firm = retained placenta –> D&C, follow hcg
- Boggy = Atony
- Absent = inversion –> tac fornices, pitocin
Massage –> oxytocin –> PGF or misoprostol –> uterine a. ligation or hysterectomy
PGF2a CI in asthmatics
Methergine CI w/ HTN d/t stroke risk
Post-partum fever tender uterus, foul lochia, prolonged PROM, C/S
Endometritis –> Gent + clinda
- normal to have low fever, leukocytosis in 1st 24hrs
bhcg to r/o mole
US to r/o mole
Anti-emetics - doxylamine > promethazine > reglan > zofran
Seizures in pregnancy tx
Phenobarbital + FOLATE
Dx menopause
Dec estrogen –> thoracic spine fx, dryness, atrophy
Estrogen replacement –> endometrial hyperplasia
Work-up for AUB/DUB
Post-coital = CA
D&C –> ablation or hysterectomy
Contraceptive for breastfeeding
Progestin mini-pill or Depo
Risks of OCPs
Inc stroke, MI, cholelithiasis, liver adenomas, breast CA
Contraceptive for sickle-cell, epilepsy
Depo –> DEPRESSION, weight gain
Vaginal ring left in & patch left on for how long?
3 weeks
Patch Norelgestin + EE –> 2X INC IN DVT
CIs to IUDs
STDs, abnormal shape uterus, cancer, fibroids, PID
Labial fusion cause
21B-OH deficiency - Excess androgens
White, thin labial skin, dysuria, dysparenuina
Lichen sclerosis –> steroids –> punch bx for SCC
Sticky, white, adherent discharge w/ PRURITIS, recent abc, pH 4
Candida –> oral fluconazole
Grey-white spilled milk, homogenous discharge, pH 6
BV –> metronidazole
Yellow-green, profuse discharge, ERYTHEMA
Trichomonas –> metronidazole + partner
HEAVY bleeding, midline uterine mass irregularly shaped
Uterine fibroid/leiomyoma
—> NSAIDs, progestin –> myomectomy –> uterine rupture –> Hysterectomy
PAINFUL heavy bleeding, large, globular, boggy uterus
Adenomyosis –> hysterectomy
Cyclical pelvic pain 1-2 wks b4 menses + dysparenunia + dysmenorrhea + DYSCHEZIA w/ nodular uterus and adnexal mass
dx - laparoscopy w/ chocolate cysts
tx - NSAIDs, OCPs –> danazol and leuprolide
LH:FSH >3:1, amenorrhea, obesity
PCOS –> OCPs, weight loss, metformin, clomiphene
Post-menopausal adnexal mass work-up
TVUS & CA-125
3 wks post-partum fever, breast pain, redness, induration
- I&D, docloxacillin
- Continue feeding
w/o fever or tenderness = galactocele –> aspiration
Normal vaginal secretion thick, scant, acidic = which phase
Pre & post-ovulatory = Follicular & mid –> late luteal
Resolution w/ TCAA
HPV –> TCAA, podophyllin
PainLESS papule –> ulcer, painLESS B/L LAD + flat, velvety lesion w/ raised margin
Syphilis –> IM PCN G
Deep purulent base/necrotic, ragged, SCHOOL OF FISH, painful ulcer and LAD
Chancroid –> Azithro or IM ceftriaxone
Red, beefy base, painless, NO LAD
Granuloma inguinale
Tx HSV during pregnancy
Active = C/S
No Sx = SVD
Acyclovir @ 3wks
Blindess 5-14 post delivery
Chlamydia (GC is 2-5d)
NST < 15/15 2 in 20 and no rxn to vibroacoustic stim next step
- 8-10 = good
- 4-8 >36 wks = deliver
- 4-8 CST
CST brady or late decal = deliver now
CST reassuring –> steroid and wait
Risk of CA in endometrial hyperplasia
- Simple
- Complex
- Simple atypia
- Complex atypia
“Penny, nickel, dime, quarter”
S/P hsyterectomy, fever, flank pain
Ureteral injury = CARDINAL ligament
- -> CT w/ contrast, abx, stent
- -> dissection –> ischemia ascities
Which SERM stimulates endometrium –> CA?
ASCUS work-up
25 –> HPV + = colpo or repeat 3yrs if -
HSIL work-up
Colpo + bx
Repeat 6-8 wks after delivery if pregnant
Cough, sneeze –> urine leak
Stress incontinence –> kegel
Urge, frequency, nocturia, delay from cough urine leak
Urge –> oxybuntin or ditropan
- spastic bladder or instability
DM, epidural, NO urge but dribbling throughout day, inc RV
Overflow –> bethanachol, a-blockers, intermittent cath
Continuous urine leak but normal function, hx crohns or radiation
Chronic pelvic pain + urgency, frequency, worse w/ spicy food
Interstitial cystitis
- submucosal petechiae & ulcers
Never had menses
+ breasts
- uterus
Normal testosterone + hair
46XX - Mullerian agenesis
- No vagina or uterus but normal ovaries –> hair
Never had menses
+ breasts
- uterus
INC testosterone + scant hair + inguinal buldge + normal female genetalia
46XY - Androgen insensitivity
- gonadectomy of testes AFTER puberty
Never had menses
- breasts
+ uterus
- no secondary characteristics
- give E +P
- –> osteoporosis and coarctation
Never had menses
- breasts
+ uterus
LH, FSH low
Kallman syndrome
- No GnRH, anosmia, no pubic hair
- hcg
Progestin –> bleed
- hcg
Progestin - bleed
+ estrogen –> inc FSH, LH
Ovarian failure - FSH/LH <1, Turner, auto-immune
Aromatase deficiency - LOW estrogen, clitoromegaly
Pituitary apoplexy, adenoma or sheehan
Virilization - rapid onset
U/L adnexal mass
Sertoli-Leydid tumor
Adrenal tumor
- sample vein
Hirsuitism in pregnancy 1st step
no mass = check adrenal w/ CT
B/L solid = luteoma
U/L solid –> laparoscopy to r/o CA