Cardiology Flashcards
Opening snap w/ low pitched diastolic rumble or w/ expiration
Mitral stenosis –> AFIB
Most common valve abnormality in RF?
Mitral stenosis –> LA dilation –> AFIB
Rheumatic fever, diastolic rumble at apex, AFIB, PND, orthopnea, SOB from CHF, thin cachectic person
Mitral stenosis –> medical management, balloon valvotomy or replace b4 CHF
Mid-systolic click w/ Short systolic murmur over apex, dec w/ squatting, 5-10sec chest pain
MVP = myxomatous degeneration
High pitched, holosystolic blowing murmur at apex –> axilla, PMI displaced inferolaterally
Mitral regurgitation
Endocarditis or infarct, holosystolic murmur at apex
Mitral regurgitation –> replace
Inc w/ handgrip
MR (AS dec) & VSD & MVP (but NOT HOCM)
Holosystolic murmur INC w/ squatting
Calcification, old men, CP, syncope or CHF, crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur
Aortic stenosis –> replace w/ gradient >50mmHg
Ejection click –> harsh, mid-systolic C-D, radiates to carotids
Aortic stenosis
D/T Infection, infarct, dissection, blowing decrescendo, widened pulse pressure, bounding pulse, head bob
Aortic regurg –> replace at 1st LV dilation w/ possible CABG
Pounding, racing heart, worse when supine or on left side, 150/55mmHg
Aortic regurg - widened pulse pressure, water hammer pulses
Blowing diastolic murmur at LSB, inc/ leaning forward w/ held expiration
Aortic regurg
Fixed splitting of 2nd heart sound
Young black male, C-D murmur LLSB, inc w/ valsalva murmur type and mitral valve abnormality
HOCM & systolic anterior motion (SAM) of mitral valve (valsalva dec VR)
CP worse w/ exertion, better w/ rest, nitrates
STEMI, Trops w/ NSTEMI, only w/ stress test –> Cath
Cath: 1 vessel = stent + plavix, 3+ or includes LAD = CABG
Internal mammary for LAD, saphenous for all other vessels
Suspect re-infarct after previous CABG + MI, what enzymes?
CK-MB and myglobin, trops will remain high
PCWP after CABG 0-3; >20
More IVFs; ventricular failure
T-wave inversion, new RBBB, RVH/strain, acute dyspnea, CP
Pulselessness, paresthesia, pallor, pain, paralysis of right hand
AFIB –> limb ischemia = vascular surgery
Torsades Tx
Mag sulfate
Peaked T waves, long PR, QRS
HyperK –> Ca-gluconate, B2 agonists, insulin, Nabicarb
Terminate SVT
Narrow complex tach, no P or buried in QRS or inverted
SVT —> Vagal or Adenosine
Young women, tachy b/w 160-220, no heart diease, cold water immersion helps
PSVT = Inc AV node re-entry/conductivity –> vagal & adenosine slow conduction
Dig toxicity arrhythmia
Atrial tachy w/ AV block (150-250)
Narrow complex tachy, BP 60/30 tx?
DC cardioversion
Pulmonary disease arrhythmia
Multifocal atrial tachy
Wide complex tachy tx
Amiodarone or Lidocaine
Wide complex tachy + 2 fusion beats or AV dissociation
Sustained monomorphic VT —> IV amiodarone
Tx of AFIB in unstable pt (common after CABG)
DC cardioversion
1 ectopic foci for AFIB
Pulmonary veins
Compressions —> Epi q 3-5min
Premature atrial beats next step?
Observation - d/t anxiety, caffeine, CHF, electrolytes (BMP)
AFIB/flutter drug
Tx symptomatic bradycardia
IV atropine —> TCP —> pacemaker
Pt w/ WPW and new onset AFIB tx?
Cardioversion or anti-arrhythmic Procainamide
New onset AFIB next step?
Check TSH
Bradycardia with wide QRS “sine-wave” pattern, hyperK tx?
Calcium gluconate (faster than Kayexelate)
Hyperthyroidism, thyroxine induced arrhythmia
Sinus tach, PSVT, Atrial Fib
F/C, LUQ pain, fluid in spleen
Infective endocarditis (L) w/ septic emboli to spleen
Small petechiae on palate, murmur, microscopic hematuria, 1+ proteinuria
Endocarditis —> TEE —> vanco
1st step in infective endocarditis
3 blood cultures –> antibiotics, imaging
Holosystolic murmur inc w/ inspiration, IVDU
Endocarditis –> Vanco
Retrosternal CP worse w/ inspiration, better leaning forward, PR depression, MI 2 weeks ago
Pericarditis = Dressler syndrome (following MI) –> NSAIDs
Causes of pericarditis
Viral, SLE, uremia
DOE, edema, ascities, pericardial knock, calcified pericardium, prominent x and y waves
Constrictive pericarditis - TB, viral, surgery, radiation
Chest pain w/ BUN >60
Uremic pericarditis —> dialysis
Young person, no cardiac risk factors develops CHF sx = cause?
Myocarditis = Coxsackie B virus
Runny nose, congestion, RDS, fever, cardiomegaly CXR
Myocarditis = coxsackie B, adeno –> Bx –> diuretics
Sore throat, fever, pericarditis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, arthritis
Rheumatic fever - GAS infection –> PCN G
New murmur, low diastolic rumble, 1 yr ago sore throat + arthralgia
Endocarditis –> IM benzathine PCN every 4wks
Endocarditis prophylaxis
5yrs or 21 (w/o carditis); 10yrs or 21 (w/ carditis); 10yrs or 40 (w/ valve disease)
S/P CABG day 3, pain, fever, leukocytosis, rapid AFIB, cloudy wound drainage, pericardial fluid
Acute mediastinitis –> drain, surgical debridement + abx; AFIB resolves w/in 24hrs
Sudden painful, pale, poikothermic, pulseless, paresthetic paralytic LE, AFIB
Arterial embolization –> doppler –> clot bust or embolectomty w/ Fogarty if complete
Tearing chest pain to back, unequal pulses, wide mediastinum
TAA –> EKG, troponins, CT –> surgery
Diseases assoc w/ aortic aneurysms
Behcet, Takayasu, Giant cell, anklylosing, RA, psoriatic and reactive arthritis
Complication of giant cell arteritis
Aortic aneurysm
Atherosclerosis, >65 man smoker, pulsatile mass
AAA –> US or CT –> if (+) repeat q6mo
Indications for AAA surgery
> 5.5cm, expanding >0.5-1cm/yr OR symptmatic/tender/new back pain = immediate
1 risk for expanding AAA
Smoking (Lower w/ DM, statins)
POD 1 from AAA, abd pain, bloody diarrhea, tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, intact pulses
Ischemia of bowel
Claudication of arm, dizziness, loss of balance
Subclavian steal syndrome –> duplex scan
Stridor, crowing resp w/ hyperextension, tracheal compression on bronch
Vascular rings
Causes of persistent pulm HTN
Perinatal ASPHYXIA, meconium aspiration –> O2
1 cause of secondary HTN, to-and-fro over CVA
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Soft palate injury –> stroke mechanism
Internal carotid artery dissection
Palpitations, SVT in healthy adolescent
WPW = accessory AV pathway –> sudden death
Congenital deafness, syncopal episodes, no confusion
Jarvell-Lange-Neilson syndrome = Congenital QT = Propanolol
Drug for familial HLD >2 y/o
Congenital heart block cause
Timeframe for sildenafil and doxazosin dosing
4+ hr interval
Tachy, NV, HA, + antibiotic, COPD
Theophylline toxicity
Thickened ventricular walls, proteinuria, easily bruised
DOE, weakness, fatigue –> CP, hoarseness, syncope, edema
Thiazides SEs
HyperGLUC, hypoK, Na
Insomnia, weight loss, fine tremor, AFIB tx?
Propanolol (Grave’s disease)
Nosocomial UTI –> IE bug
Adjunct tx in MI w/ pulmonary edema
Indicator of the severity of CHF
NypoNa & H2O retention –> high renin, aldo, ADH, NE
Long-standing HTN, CHF, new PND, dyspnea - drug to relieve sx?
Nitro = dilates veins, red preload & diuretics
Old man, awakes at night to pee, fainted while peeing type of syncope?
Female, smoker, NOCTURNAL chest pain 15-20min, transient ST elevations
Prinzmetals angina = CCBs
Drugs that prolong QRS
1C (flecainide),
Post cardiac cath, intact pulses, blue toes, abd pain, inc Cr, low C3, WBC, eosinophilia
Cholesterol emboli
Cardiac cath + blue toes, vision loss ex cause?
Cholesterol embolization
Cardiac cath + hypotension, leg hematoma next steo?
CT abd, pelvis
Meds to hold 48 hrs b4 cardiac stress test?
BBs, CCBs and Nitrates - they reduce severity of ischemia during test
Drugs that improve mortality in CHF
BBs, ACE-I, Spironolactone
60 w/ cough, peeing, dizzy, N, sweating
Vasovagal syncope —> tilt table test
Enlarged cardiac shadow, “water-bottle,” recent URI, SOB, low voltage EKG, no palpable PMI
Pericardial effusion (malignancy, post-MI, uremia, auto-immune, hypothyroid)
4th heart sound
2 strong systolic peaks of aortic pulse w/ mid-systolic dip
Pulsus bisferins (Aortic regurg & HOCM)
Chemical stress test w/ dipyramidole mechanism?
Coronary steal - dilated normal vessels steal BF from narrow coronaries
CHF, 170/100, stiff left ventricle, EF 55%
Diastolic CHF –> LA dilation –> AFIB
Warfarin + weakness, dizziness, anemia, tachycardia, back pain
Suspect bleeding - retroperitoneal hematoma
3-7d post MI, new systolic murmur
IV wall rupture or papillary muscle rupture
3-7d post MI, tamponade, PEA
Ventricular free wall rupture
LAD MI, JVD, distant heart sounds, complication?
5d-2wks = free wall rutpure
V1-6 elevation MI
Anterior = LAD
II, III, aVF elevation MI
Inferior = RCA or LCX
V1-3 depression + I & aVL elevation MI
Posterior = LCX
V1-3 depression + I & aVL depression MI
Posterior = RCA
Cold leg, no distal pulse post-MI
MI –> stasis –> emboli = get ECHO
Cause of stroke w/ fluctuating sx, hx TIA, uncontrolled HTN, DM
Thrombotic (following a cath)
Cause of stroke w/ abrupt, maximal sx from start, hx of AFIB, endocarditis, bruits
Pain, Pulselessness, poikolothermic, paresthesia, pale
Aterial thrombo/embolism –> US doppler, ateriogram –> 6hrs to fix embolectomy or tPA
Edema following limb ischemia revascularization, painful, tense
Compartment syndrome –> fasciotomy
S/P femoral embolectomy, AFIB + bleeding ulcer, calf swollen, tender, painful, pulses intact
Ischemia-reperfusion injury = compartment syndrome
Sudden transient loss of neuro fxn w/o HA
TIA = IC stenosis –> Duplex and surgery
Sudden neuro deficits w/o HA, >24hrs
Ischemic stroke –> CT + tPA w/in 3hrs
Sudden severe HA, HTN –> neuro deficits
Hemorrhagic stroke –> CT, control HTN
Ischemic stroke best Tx for neurological recovery
tPA w/in 3-4.5hrs w/ BP <185/110 - NOT shown to dec mortality
When can you start Warfarin after cardioembolic stroke?
2 weeks
When are aspirin and clopidogrel NOT ok w/ use of tPA
1st 24hrs after tPA is given
Stroke antiplatelet therapy to reduce risk of recurrence
Aspirin - give ASAP in 1st 24hrs (clopidogrel if ASA intolerant)
Stroke + already on aspirin –> tx?
Aspirin + dipyrimadole or clopidogrel
Stroke + AFIB –> tx?
LT anti-cogaluation (warfarin, dabigitran, rivaroxaban)
Cause of stroke w/ focal neuro, HA, N/V, brady, AMS, slow progression, HTN, drug use, coagulopathy
Intracranial hemorrhage
Cause of stroke w/ pure motor, pure sensory, mix, dysarthria w/ clumsy hand, no speech problems
Lacunar = HTN –> small vessel hyalinosis
UL motor, dysarthria, no sensory loss
Lacunar - posterior internal capsule
UL sensory loss of face, arm, leg, trunk
Lacunar - VPL of thalamus
> LE weakness + IL arm & leg incoordination
Lacunar - anterior internal capsule
Hand weakness, mild motor aphasia, no sensory loss
Lacunar - pontine base
C/L sensory & motor, eye deviation TO side, homonymous hemianopsia, aphasia, hemineglect
C/L LE sensory & motor, emotional, urinary incontinence, lack of will
C/L hemiplegia & IL CN involvement, ataxia
Occipital HA, gaze palsy, facial weakness
Cerebellar hemorrhage
Hemiparesis, sensory, Upgaze, non-reactive pinpoint, eye Toward lesion
1 cause B/L LE swelling
Venous insufficiency
Tenderness + swelling DDx
DVT, lipidema
Pitting edema DDx
Venous, DVT, CHF, early lymphedema
Brown hemosiderin, dry dermatitis, skin ulceration Dx
Venous insufficiency
Warm tender moist skin Dx
Complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic dystrophy
S/P 2mo crush injury, burning, agonizing pain, cold, moist cyanotic extremity
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (Causalgia) –> symp block dx + sympathectomy
Brawny induration, warty texture w/ papillomatosis, can’t pinch skin of dorsum 2nd toe
Lymphedema (malignancy, surgery, infection)(Kaposi-Stemmer sign)
Edema + jaundice, spider hemangioma, ascites
Liver disease
Edema + JVD, lung crackles Dx
Labs if etiology unclear
CBC< BMP, albumin, UA, TSH, EKG, BNP, CXR, D-dimer, sleep study (pul HTN)
Morning weight gain >0.7kg Dx
Idiopahic edema - 65% recumbent, assoc w/ obesity, depression
Tumors assoc w/ edema
Prostate, ovarian, lymphoma = CT scan
Tx idiopathic edema
Intermittent laying, avoid heat, low Na, dec fluid intake, weight loss, spironolactone
Tx venous insufficiency
Compression socks, horse chestnut seed, loop diuretics ST use
Tx lymphedema
Exercise, elevation, pneumatic device, manual drainage, surgery, Abx for cellulitis
LMWH or warfarin –> INR 2-3, IVC filter
Dermal edema secondary to inc CT/mucopolysaccharides
Myxedema = thyroid disease
JVP, hepatomegaly, ascities, edema, no pulmonary edema
R heart failure = Cor pulmonale - #1 is COPD > pul fibrosis,
Leg pain w/ walking, relieved by rest
Ateriosclerosis/Caludication –> stop smoking, exercise, Cilostazol
Disabling claudication work-up
Doppler –> sig pressure gradient –> angiogram –> angioplasty or bypass grafts
B/L hip, thigh, buttock pain w/ walking, smoker, poor LE pulses
Leriche syndrome/claudication –> impotence
Patient can’t sleep d/t leg pain, better sitting and dangling legs –> pale –> purple, atophic skin
Claudication soon –> ulceration and gangrene
Peripheral vascular disease precipitant?
Smoking –> inc atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis, smoking, calf pain w/ walking interferes w/ life
PAD –> ABI –> US doppler –> ateriogram
Calf pain at rest, scaly skin, shiny, no hair, purple and improve w/ legs down
PAD –> single lesion = angioplasty w/ stent or fem-fem or fem-pop bypass
ABI index
0.9-1.2 normal; 0.8-0.9 mild; 0.5-0.8 mod; <0.5 severe
PVD diffuse disease tx
Anti-platelets like clopidogrel + cilostazol –> amputation as last resort
Persistent HTN, inc Cr w/ ACE, recurrent pul edema, >55 y/o, abdominal bruit
Renovascular HTN
Persistent HTN, hypoK, hyperNa, aldo:renin >20:1
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Persistent HTN, inc urine cortisol, central obesity, proximal muscle weakness, ED
Cushing syndrome
Persistent HTN, rib-notcing, delayed femoral pulse, UL SBP > LL, machine murmur over back
Coarctation of aorta
CP radiating to back, severe HTN, early diastolic decrescendo murmur RSB, widened mediastinum
Aortic dissection —> TEE, CT - cause = HTN
Asymmetric BP Left:Right, HTN, tall, long fingers, syphilis
Aortic dissection —> CXR, CTA –> MRI, TEE, TTE
Tx ascending dissection = surgery, TEE for aortic replacement?
Tx descedning dissection = control BP
1 risk factor for stroke
HTN cause w/ inc Cr, proteinuria, RBC casts
Renal parenchymal
HTN cause w/ pounding HA, tachy, diaphoresis
HTN cause w/ kidney stones, hyper Ca, depression, fatigue, confusion, psychosis
Parathyroid - (80% adenoma)
Cyanosis, harsh systolic murmur, breathe fast after feeding
Tetrology of fallot –> knee-chest, O2–> surgery b4 6mo
Knee-to-chest mechanism
Inc systemic vascular resistance –> dec R–>L shunt
DiGeorge, tetrology, recurrent sinusitis, fever, morning HA + seizures cause?
Tetrology –> brain abscess
Left axis dev, absent R waves in precordium, peaked t-waves, cyanotic
Tricuspid valve atresia
Cyanotic at birth, PaO2 38 no improvement with 100% O2
Cyanotic heart defect –> PGE1 to maintain PDA
Cyanosis, NO MURMUR, loud single S2, no improvement with O2
Transposition –> PGE1 to maintain PDA
Cardiac vs. Resp cyanosis
100% O2, <10-15mmHg Inc PaO2 = tetrology, 15-20 = Truncus
1 congenital heart defect
VSD –> L–>R = dyspnea HF
Dyspnea, holosystolic LLSB and at apex, FTT
VSD –> ECHO w/ bubble study OR surveillance as most close spontaneously
Split fixed S2, Hx frequent colds
Inc femoral pulses, continuous “machinery murmur”
PDA –> Indo “Ends”
Dec femoral pulses, murmur b/w scapulae
COPD, OSA –> DOE, syncope, tricuspid regurg, JVD, peripheral edema, hepatomegaly, ascities, distant heart sounds, RBBB, RVH, no pulmonary congestion
Cor pulmonale (RHF d/t pulm HTN)
- R heart cath –> pulm artery pressure >25
- –> O2, diuretics
2months s/p MI –> DOE, fatigue, crackles, holosystolic murmur at apex –> axilla, unchanged ST elevation and deep Q waves on EKG
Ventricular aneurysm –> LVH –> MR
When to do dobutamine stress test
Underlying EKG abn, pacemaker
Physically unable
When to do exercise EKG stress test
Pt w/ exertional chest pain
1mm depression = +
2mm = severe
When to do stress ECHO
Valvular, HOCM, pulm HTN, EKG abn
When to do myocardial perfusion imaging
Active chest pain w/o EKG abn
Wall motion abn during echo