ID:Immuno Flashcards
DILATED pupils, atrophic nasal, HTN, tachycardia
Cocaine –>IV benzos, Nitrates, CCBs = BBs are CI!
tinnitus, N/V overdose
Aspirin —> alkalinize urine
Vertical nystagmus overdose, aggression
Bitter almond breath
CN poisoning - burning rubber or plastic
Miosis, bradycardia, hypotension, RR 6/min, dec bowel sounds OD
Ataxia, tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, hyperreflexia, seizures
Lithium toxcitiy
When to obtain serum Acetaminophen level
After 4 hours
Tx for acetaminophen OD
Activated charcoal w/in 4hrs –> serum level @4hrs –> ? NAC w/in 8hrs
Caustic ingestion tx
Decontamination –> IVFs, CXR r/o perf, lavage, ENDOSCOPY 12-24hrs
pH 7.43, PaO2 100, PaCO2 25, HOC3- 16 cause?
Aspirin toxicity - resp alk + metabolic acid
Tactile, visual hallucinations, confusion, sweating, tachy, HTN
DTs - 48-96hrs
tx etOH abuse
AA»_space; Disulfram (ST only), Naltrexone, benzos, thiamine, folate, vitamins
Slurred speech, ataxia, drowsiness, incoordination, normal pupils, normal respiration
Benzo OD
Horizontal nystagmus, ataxia, confusion
Phenytoin OD
Constipation, abd pain, polyuria, polydipsia
VitD OD –> hyperCa
Unimmunized or unknown or <3Td doses + clean minor wound
Td toxoid only
Unimmunized or unknown or <3Td doses + severe or dirty wound
Td + immune globulin
> 3 Td doses + clean wound
No tx or Td booster if last was >10yrs
> 3 Td doses + dirty or severe wound tx
Td toxoid bosster if last was >5yrs
Pregnant <3mo after MMR vaccination next step?
Cat scratch
Bartonella hensale —> azithromycin
Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes slightly, tick but no rash
erhliciosis = Doxy, chloramphenicol if pregnant
Colicky abd pain, swelling of face, arms, legs, genitals, recurrent URIs
Angioedema d/t C1 inhibitor/esterase deficiency
Low C1q
Familial SLE
Fever, Neutrophils <1500 next step?
Neutropenic fever = Admit + IV cefepime, Imipenem (cover PA)
Eosinophilic intranuclear and basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions
CMV (Owl’s eye) —> ganciclovir or forcarnet
Encephalitis in immunocompetent ppl
Herpes viruses
High fever, AMS, seizures, focal neuro deficits, high CSF WBC, protein, >lymphocytes
Viral encephalitis –> IV acyclovir
Lyme disease tx in pregnant and kids <8 yo
RUQ pain, smooth round big cyst + daughter cysts on liver US - occupation?
Sheep breeder = echinococcus
Nocardia tx
TMP-SMX, 2nd = Minocycline
Post-transplant porphylaxis drugs?
TMP-SMX + prednisone + cyclosporine
Ulcerated skin lesion, lytic lesions, 3mo fever, weight loss, upper lobe consolidation
Tooth extraction, right mandilbe abscess, G+ anaerobe, yellow granular pus
Actinomycosis —> PCN for 12 wks
Splinter hemorrhages, peri-orbital edema, chemosis, muscle pain, no murmur
Trichinellosis - undercooked pork
Nonproductive cough –> obstipation, SBO, high eosinophils
Warm, tender, erythematous raised rash with good borders on face, fever, chills
Erysipelas - Strep pyogenes
Several purple skin masses, nodular contrast enhanced lesion in liver
Bacillary angiomatosis —> dx by bx but can hemorrhage
Bright red, friable, exophytic skin nodules in HIV person
Bacillary angiomatosis –> erythromycin
verrucous, ulcerated violet heaped lesions on arm, sharp border w/ microabscesses, yeast
Low WBC, transplant pt, CXR dense mass + crescent or halo sign in upper lobe
DKA, necrotic nose, hyphae
Mucormycosis —> debridement + IV amphotericin
Time of onset to tx influenza
<48hrs = Ostelamavir or Zanamivir (w/ lung problems)
P vivax and P ovale tx
Sub-saharan and India Malaria prophylaxis
Chloroquine resistant = MEFLOQUINE
Meningitis newborn
ampicillin + gentamicin
Meningitis 2-50 y/o
N. meningitidis, strep pneumo —> vanco + 3rd gen ceph
Meningitis >50 y/o
N. meningitidis, Strep, pneumo, Listeria —> Vano, amp + 3rd gen ceph
Meningitis neurosurgery/ penetrating skull trauma
GNR, SA, Coag- staph —> vanco + cefepime
HA, seizures, multiple fluid filled cysts in brain parenchyma
Neurocysticercosis = T. solium = undercooked pork
High fever, AMS, red macropapular, non-blanching eruption –> petechiae
Meningitis 1st steps
Admit –> blood, csf cultures/LP –> vanco + ceftiaxone
Prophylaxis for close contacts of meningitis pt
Cipro or Rifampin
Meningitis with low glucose and MYALGIAS, purpura
Meningococcal meningitis
0-1mo sepsis/meningitis bugs
GBS (full-term), EC (Pre-term), Listeria = Amp + gent
1-3mo sepsis/meningitis bugs
GBS, S. pneumo, Listeria = Amp + cefotaxime
3mo-3yrs sepsis/meningitis bugs
S. pneumo, Hib, Neisseria = Cefotaxime
PMNs, high protein low glucose CSF
Bacterial meningitis
Lymphs, very high protein, very low glucose
Lymphs, normal protein, low glucose CSF
PMNs –> Mo + lymph, normal protein, glucose
Viral meningitis (HSV has RBCs)
Reduce hearing loss in Hib meningitis (#1 complication)
Steroids w/ 1st dose Abx
Normal glucose, few WBC, protein 1000
Guillan-Barre –> plasmaphoresis or human IG
Bacterial meningitis Tx
Vanco + ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
Bacterial meningitis Tx <28d
Amp + gent or amp + cefotaxime
Indications for CT b4 LP
Trauma, hydrocephalus, shunt, coma, focal neuro deficits
Long term sequelae from meningitis
Hearing loss, cognitive/regression, seizures, MR, spacticity or paresis
Hypothermia, 12d old, poor feeding, lethargy, jaundice, vomiting
Neonatal meningitis –> blood cultures and LP
Enteroviruses = #1, spring and fall
ECHOvirus & Coxsackie
<5 y/o Basilar enhancement on CT, rapid progression to CN deficits
TB - 50% have (-) CXR, PPD
Intracellular GN diplococci, mucopurulent vaginal discharge
Gonorrhea —> Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin (Chlamydia)
Other tests to order on pt w/ PID?
HIV, RPR, Hep B, pap smear, HCV if IVDU
Non-tender penile ulcer, raised smooth base, B/L LAD
Syphilus —> Benzathine PCN x3, doxy if allergic
Additional screening for pt dx w/ syphilus?
6mo old, Low IgA, G, M, D, No CD19+ B-cells, normal CD3
Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia –> IVIG
Defect in Bruton’s
15 y/o, sinus infections, dec Ig’s, NORMAL # B-cells
Common variable immunodeficiency
Wiskott-Aldrich deficiency
Thrombocytopenia, bruising, bloody stool, pneumonia, dry scales on legs
Wiskott-Aldrich (impaired platelet production)
Howell-Jolly bodies
No skin candida response
T-cell defects
NBT test, NADPH oxidase deficiency, catalse + bacteria, skin abscesses, adenitis
CGD (phagocytic defect) - Aspergillus, SA –> daily TMP-SMX & gamma-IF
High IgM, no IgG, IgA, many PNA/PCP, otitis media infections
Hyper IgM syndrome
Low IgG, normal or variable IgA, IgM, >6mo
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy
Transfusion –> anaphylaxis
IgA deficiency
Persistent rotavirus, oral candida, otitis media, no B, T-cells, no thymus, or LNs
Repeated sinopulmonary infections, Giardia, PNA
Abn B-cell maturation/IgA deficiency
Chronic puruitis dermatitis, recurrent staph, hyper IgE, coarse facies
Job syndrome
No pus, delayed umbilical separation, periodontitis, skin & mucosal infections
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency –> CD18 integrin –> no neutrophils in tissue, high in blood
Phagocytic deficiency –> ?
Chediak-higashi, CGD, Job, defective leukocyte adhesion
Absolute CI to organ donation
Vascular thrombosis w/in minutes of organ transplant
Hyperacute rejection = PREformed Abs –> ABO matching
Organ dysfxn 5d - 3mo, rising GGT, alk phos, bili after organ transplant
Acute rejection –> US, doppler, ventricular bx –> steroids, OKT3
Years after organ transplant loss of fxn
Chronic rejection
Summer, SE US, fever, myalgia, malaise –> maculopapular limbs –> trunk on d3-5
RMSF –> doxy
Low WBC, platelet, hypoNa, high LFTs –> serology
Expanding erythematous macule w/ central clearing
Lyme disease
Disseminated Lyme disease
Bell’s palsy, meningitis, carditis, complete heart block –> arthritis
HIV, dry cough, fatigue, weight loss, DOE, fever, B/L ground glass infiltrates, high LDH
PCP —> TMP-SMX, prophylaxis CD4 <200
Indications for steroid use w/ TMP-SMX in tx PCP
PaO2 35
HIV, encapsulated yeast
Cryptococcus neoformans = Amphotericin B + Flucytosine
HIV vaccines
Flu, Tdap, strep pneumo, Hep A, B
PPD + in HIV
> 5mm = INH + pyridoxine for 9mo
HIV pt w/ bloody diarrhea, normal stool examination
CMV —> colonoscopy w/ bx
Only live vaccine given to HIV pts if CD4 >200?
HIV profuse watery diarrhea
HIV bloody diarrhea, trophozoites in stool, flask shaped lesions
Entamoeba histolytica
HIV screen & confirmatory tests
ELISA —> Western blot
Inc rate of HIV transmission
Anal, lesions from other STDs, #2 = IVDU
How to reduce post-exposure risk
Immediate cleaning of wound + antiretrovirals w/in 2hrs for 4wks
Routine labs for HIV pt
3-6mos - CD4, CBC, CMP, UA, toxo, CMV, HBV, HCV, G/C, PPD, pap
Crystal induced nephropathy, hematuria retroviral drug
Protease inhibitors - IndiNAVIR
Didanosine SE
Abacavir SE
Hypersensitivity syndrome
Lactic acidosis
Steven-Johnson syndrome
Nevirapine SE
Liver failure
Prophylaxis for MAI w/ CD4 <50
Azithromycin or clarithromycin
Tx for unknown source exposure
NOT warrant prophylaxis, but inform of risks/benefits if in high-risk setting
Kaposi sarcoma virus
Seizure, IC calcifications, chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, inc bili, thrombocytopenia
Congenital TOXO –> pyramethamine + sulfadiazine
Microcephaly, microophthalmia, hearing loss, deafness, PDA/ASD, glaucoma, cataract/white pupillary reflex
Congenital rubella - risk >in 1st trimester
Clear rhinorrhea, ulcers on feet/hands, jaundice, anemia, perioral fissure
Congenital syphilis –> PenG
IUGR, chorioretinitis, periventricular calcifications, petechiae, jaundice
Congenital CMV
IGUR, hypoplasia of distal phalanges/fingernails, low hairline, MR, facial clefts
Fetal Phenytoin –> give VitK in last trimester
Neuro drug w/ NTDs, high forehead, cleft lip, broad nose, long philtrum
Valproic acid
Microcephaly, microphthalmia, flat philtrum, small palpebral fissures, thin vermillion/upper lip, FTT, ADHD, VSD
Fetal etOH = #1
Microotia, thymic hypoplasia
Flipper hands
Hypoplastic nose, nails
High-pitched cry, sweating, sneezing, tachypnea, tremor, poor feeding, NO facial abn
Heroin - neonatal abstinence syndrome
Malar rash, + RPR, + ANA, anemia, leukpoenia next step?
SLE –> anti-Smith Abs or dsDNA
P23 vs. P7
P7 good for <2 y/o
No vaccine w/ epilepsy
HIV + exposure
Need immunoglobulin = passive
Sick infant <28d old next step
Hospitalization + IV Abx
CI to Rotavirus vaccine
Hx intusussception, SCID, uncorrected Meckels etc
Live vaccine Cis (MMR,
CI to DT vaccine
Anaphylaxis - caution w/ illness, guillan-barre
CI to Pertussis vaccine
Anaphylaxis, epilepsy, encephalopathy - caution w/ fever, seizure
B/L ptosis, slow pupillary reflexes, floppy, no suck or gag, constipation, drooling, California/PA/UT
Infant botulism –> human IG
Pinworm tx
Albendazole; second = pyrantel pamoate
Hx sore throat tx w/ PCN –> 10d later utricaria, joint pain, neck, axilla, inguinal LNs
Drug reaction - serum sickness (type III HS)
Gradual FTT, intractable diarrhea, thrush, HSM, lymphadenopathy in 1st year
HIV –> PCR, p24 or viral culture
Lyme disease tx 8 y/o or younger & pregnant women
Tx cat scratch