Endocrine Flashcards
Orphan annie, psammoma bodies
Most common thyroid malignancy
Ground glass, pale nuclei w/ inclusions and central grooving
Ret gene
Papillary & Medullary
Amyloid stroma
HypoCa, RET gene
Calcitonin, C-cells
Invasion of tumor capsule & blood vessels
Follicular carcinoma - adenoma does not invade capsule
Dense fibrous capsule
Follicular adenoma
RAS gene
Hematogenous spread, no needle bx thyroid Ca type?
NON-tender thyroiditis, very low RAIU
Tender thyroid, very low RAIU
Subacute/De Quervains Granulomatous
Firm thyroid
Riedel’s fibrosing
Chvostek & Trousseau sign
HypOCa d/t PT resection/hypothyroidism, CKD –> dec 1,25OH
Diffuse inc RAIU uptake –> most likely to develop hypOthyroidism
Grave’s (vs. subacute or exogenous=dec/low, tumor = patchy)
Scalloping of colloid
Grave’s - Ab to TSH-Receptor
SE of RAI tx for Graves’ (#1 choice)
Worse proptosis (10%) (pre-tx w/ steroids), perm hypOthyroidism (80%)
Use of anti-thyroid drugs for Grave’s
PTU in preg, PTU –> vaculitis, Both PTU & MMI –> agranulocytosis
Risks/SE of thyroid surgery
Laryngeal nerve damage, hypoCa
Low TSH, Inc T4, hot RAIU uptake
Functioning nodule –> I2 ablation or ?lobectomy
Low TSH, inc T4, cold RAIU next step?
U/S FNA –> usually tx w/ RAI?
Unsure US FNA, non-functioning RAIU scan
Cancer –> surgery
Low TSH, high T4,3, low RAIU, next step?
Measure Ig - low = exogenous, high = thyroiditis, extraglandular production
Chronic inflammation of germinal centers w/ Hurthule cells
Hashimoto’s (microsomal abs)
Lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid
Hashimoto’s (microsomal abs)
Hurthle cells
Hasimoto’s & Follicular thyroid CA
Anti-TPO Abs –> transient hyperthyroidism
Hx of Hashimoto’s –> enlarging thyroid = ?
Marginal B-cell lymphoma/thyroid lymphoma —> core needle bx
Hypothyroidism, donut sign on CT, voice change, pseudocyst on US
Thyroid lymphoma
Pancreas (insulin or gastrinoma), Parathyroid, Pituitary
MEN I - Ca stones
Medullary, Parathyroid, Pheo
MEN IIA –> metanephrine measure + PCR DNA testing
Medullary, Marfan or mucosal/intestinal neuromas, Pheo
Ret gene
Thyroid nodule 1st step
Thyroid nodule w/o hypoechoic, calcification or vascularity next step
High TSH = FNA ; Low TSH –> RAIU
Inc T4, Normal/High TSH, hyperthyroidism
Pituitary adenoma –> TSH
Very low TSH, tachy, weight loss - control Sx?
Propanolol for hyperthyroidism –> iodine tx/dx of Grave’s
Pregnancy THs
Inc total, bound T4,3, TBG, Dec TSH, Same free
Untx hyperthyroidism –> ?
Myalgias, proximal weakness, slow reflexes
Hypothyroidism - TSH, free T4 –> EMG –> Bx
Growth /yr, goiter, myxedema, amenorrhea, umbilical hernia, hypothermia
Poor feeding, lethargy, constipation, large ant. Fontanelle, protruding tongue
Apathy, weakness, hypotonia, large tongue, slow movements, constipation
Low T3,4 Low TSH, hypothyroidism
Secondary (pituitary) or tertiary hypothyroidism
Inc T3,4 Normal TSH, hypothyroidism
Resistance to thyroid hormones
1 cause of congenital hypothyroidism
Thyroid dysgenesis (90%)
Sensorineural hearing loss, hypothyroidism
Penred syndrome
Other cause of congenital hypothyroidism
PTU in pregnancy, Maternal auto-immune
Tachy, warm, vitiligo, alopecia, can’t concentrate, gyecomastia in boys
1 congenital hypothyroidism in US
Thyroid dysgenesis; Iodine deficiency worldwide
Reduce decline in GFR/macroproteinuria in DM
Tight BP control - ACE
DKA acute tx
Normal saline + regular insulin –> D5 +K when BG 200-250
DM BP goal
DM goals
A1c <7, LDL 70-100, low carbs, low sat fat,
Gestational DM screening
50g 1hr GCT @24-28wks
GCT >130 next step
100g 3hrs GCT >95, 180, 155, 140 = abnormal
Dx criteria for DM
Random >200, fasting >126, A1c >6.5
DM maintenance tests
Lipids, Cr, Microalbumin, eye exam, foot exam, EKG, TSH in type 1
Metformin CI
Renal insufficiency Cr >1.5men, 1.4 women –> lactic acidosis
Inc insulin sensitivity in muscle, fat, dec gluconeogenesis
water retention –> renal compromise, CHF, slow onset
Drug best for erratic eating habits, dec post-prandial glucose
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Pramlintide MOA
amylin –> inhibits glucagon after meal
GLP-1 agonists (exaenatide, glitazone) MOA
Stim insulin release –> hypog w/ sulfonylurea, acute pancreatitis
DPP-4 inhibitor (-gliptin) MOA
Stim insulin synthesis in glucose dep manner, dec glucagon
Hypoglycemia Tx
IM glucagon or D50
7 y/o weight loss, polydipsia, polyphagia, glucose 500 work-up
DM-1 diabetic ketoacidosis –> Hospital, IVF, Insulin
Gesational DM fetal risks
Macrosomia, polyhydramios, shoulder dystocia (also pre-gestational)
Pain, tingling in feet, falls, hyperreflexia, + babinski next step?
Spine MRI - upper motor neuron/?compression - DM prone to epidural abscess
Osteomyelitis adjacent to foot ulcer mech?
Contiguous spread
DKA hyperK w/ delepted K stores pathogenesis
Infection –> cortisol –> hyperglycemia –> diuresis of K –> K out of cell
Anti-glutamic acid decaroxylase Abs
Indolent late-onset DM-1
Weight loss, deep rapid breathing (acidosis), Viral GE, excessive thirst
DKA –> check glucose –> CBC, ABG,
Age to start screening w/ no DM risk factors
Elevated insulin, c-peptide + hypoglycemia
Beta cell tumor
Low insulin, c-peptide, high IGF-II + hypoglycemia
Non-beta cell/mesenchymal tumor
High insulin, LOW c-peptide + hypoglycemia
Exogenous insulin
1st line drug of obesity (not DM)
Orlistat - up to 4yrs
Contributing factor in diabetic foot ulcers
Blurred vision in uncontrolled DM
Infection –> cortisol is anti-insulin –> dehydration & hyperosmolar state
Erythematous papules, DM, diarrhea, weight loss, normocytic anemia
Glucagonoma (>500pg) –> CT
Islet cell Abs, Insulin Ab, Glutamic acid decarboxylase Ab
Evening insulin too high –> hypoglycemia –> EPI, glucagon –> high BG, ketones AM
Somogyi effect
DKA + sudden AMS
Cerebral edema - >100mg/hr drop - addD5 <250
Thin boy fever, vomiting –> sleep w/o food –> AM seizure
Ketotic hypoglycemia
Poor weight gain, polydipsia, polyuria, enuresis, nocturia
HyperNa, dilute urine + inc serum Na and osmolarity, morning urine <1.018
Water deprivation test inc serum osmolarity + dilute urine
No response to ADH
Bone scan in presence of DI?
R/O Langerhans histiocytosis
High IGF-1, fail to suppress oral glucose
*Signs of hyperprolactinoma 1st steps?
Check TSH —> CT (unless mass effect then CT 1st)
Low LH, testosterone, TSH, thyroxine, elevated prolactin
Pituitary adenoma
Prolactinoma Tx
DA agonists - Cabergoline or Bromocriptine
Dec GnRH, Dec LH, FSH, Dec sperm, Normal T + gynecomastic, acne
Anabolic steroid use
Hypoglycemia, microphallus, cleft palate
Congenital hypopituitarism*
Inc ACTH, dec cortisol
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- #1 = auto-immune adrenalitis
Anorexia, weakness, dec Na, inc K, hypotension, inc pigment, Eosinophilia
Primary adrenal insufficiency - cortisol
FTT, salt craving, dec Na, inc K
Primary adrenal insufficiency - aldosterone
Hx Hashimoto, hypotn, hyperpigmented, hypoNa, hyperK, high ACTH
Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison) = Auto-immune (80% of all)
Causes of primary adrenal insufficiency
CMV, TB, sepsis + Warfarin, malignancy
Primary adrenal insufficiency causes
Addison, CAH, adrenoleukodystrophy
ACTH stim –> cortisol <2x
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal insufficiency Tx
D5 + NS, steroids
Normal K, hx steroid use (#1)
Secondary adrenal insufficiency
Secondary adrenal insufficiency causes
Langerhans, Pituitary tumor, craniopharyngioma
Ambiguous genitalia, hypotension, Dec Na, Inc K, Inc T
CAH (21 B-OH) = 17-OH
HTN, HyperNa, HypoK, virilization, Inc T
CAH (11 B-OH) = Compound S
Salt-wasting crisis, ambiguous genitalia
CAH (3 B-OH) = DHEA & 17-OH
7 y/o acne, facial hair w/o inc testicular volume
Non-classical CAH (21-OH)
Cortisone , fluorocortisol (if low), follow growth
Lymphocytic infiltrate into adrenal cortex
Type 1 polyglandular syndrome
Addison, Hashimoto’s, DM-I
Type 2 polyglandular syndrome
Addison, Hypoparathyroid, candidiasis
Delayed bone age, moon facies, bruising, HTN
Cushing (cortisol excess)
Obesity, easy bruising, high 24hr cortisol, ACTH, high dexa –> dec cortisol
Cushing disease
Weakness, weight gain, hyperglycemia, easy bruising electrolyte abnormalities
Cushing disease –> aldosterone –> hypoK, hyperNa
ACTH low
Exogenous cortisol or Primary adrenal tumor
ACTH high
Pituitary or ectopic tumor –> high dose dexa
Low dose dexa –> suppression
Fat person
Low dose dex –> NO suppression + high 24 urine cortisol next step?
Proceed to high dose dexa
High dose dexa –> suppression
Pituitary = Cushing Disease/adrenal adenoma
High dose dexa –> NO suppression
Ectopic ACTH production - pituitary, small cell, pancreatic, carcinoid CA
Obese, striae, easy bruising, 24hr cortisol 1000, ACTH high, high dexa no chg
Ectopic ACTH production - pituitary, small cell, pancreatic, carcinoid CA
Obesity, striae, hypotension, low ACTH
Exogenous steroids, B/L AH, adrenal adenoma
HTN, hypoK, Low renin: high Aldo >20, cramps, polyuria, inc aldo standing
Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn) —> Oral saline load –> epelerone
Inc aldo standing vs. lack of response in Conn syndrome
Hyperplasia vs. adenoma of adrenal gland
Paroxysms, Pressure, Pain, Palpitations, Perspiration
Pheochromocytoma –> 24 urine VMA, metaneprine
Pheo Tx
alpha blocker phenoxybenzamine, BBs inc BP
Aldo:renin <10, HTN, hypoK
US + doppler –> Renal artery stenosis
Young woman w/ fibromuscular dysplasia intervention
Arteriogram + stent OR ACE + aldo blockers if old man
B/L Adrenal calcification
Accumulation of long chain FA in young male, adrenal insufficiency
High DHEA-S, normal T
Androgen producing adrenal tumors
Normal DHEAS, high T
Ovarian tumor
Moon facies, steroid use, hypoNa, weakness, fatigue, orthostasis
3 adrenal insufficiency –> suppresses CRH, ACTH, cortisol, inc ADH
Short stature
2SD or evaulate RATE
Normal growth rate
2”/yr 3 y/o –> puberty
Delayed bone age, late puberty, 2”/yr
Constitutional short stature
Normal U/L ratio, /yr, abn velocity
Pathologic short stature - proportionate
Causes of proportionate short stature
Chr, genetic, viral, malnutrition, abuse, organ dz
Bone age = real age disproportionate SS causes
familial, IUGR, Turner, skeletal dysplasia
Bone age < real age disproportionate SS causes
Constitutional, dec thyroid, inc cortisol, dec GH
Dec GH, 1 central maxillary incisor, cleft palate 1st step
MRI (craniopharyngioma), IGF-1 –> GH injections
Visceromegaly, umbilical hernia, ear crease, inc insulin + hypoglycemia
Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome
Abdominal mass NOT cross midline, hematuria
Wilms tumor –> CT + contrast –> lung mets?