Ophthomology Flashcards
Blurred, distorted, scotoma in central vision, white female >65, smoking HTN
Age related macular degeneration
Inc/Neovascularity, leaking, scaring in smoker w/ central scotoma
Exudative macular degeneration –> anti-VEGF injections
Multiple macular sores, atrophy, yellow Drusen deposits in smoker, central scotoma
Atrophic macular degeneration –> vitamins
Loss of ganglion cells, atrophy of optic disc –> cupping, impaired outflow, gradual peripheral loss
Open-angle glaucoma
Cupping of optic disc, gradual loss of peripheral vision
Open angle glaucoma –> Timolol, a-agonist, acetazolamide, laser
Low light/theater –> dilation, dec flow out of anterior chamber –> inc pressure, rigid eye, pain HA
Angle glaucoma –> dilate w/ alpha and BBs OR laser
Mid, fixed, dilated pupil, N/V, halos around light
Angle glaucoma –> Tonometry
Pain, redness, mid-dilated pupil, hard eyeball, vision loss
Angle glaucoma –> narcs, mannitol, Acteazolamide, timolol or pilocarpine - NOT ATROPINE
Burred vision, dec night vision/glare
Focal, U/L blotchy redness induced by valsalva
Subconjuctival hemorrhage - resolves
Crusty discharge on lashes (anterior) or hyperemic lid w/ telengiectasias (posterior)
Blepharitis = SA –> lid scrubs, warm compress
Redness, irritation, dull ache of lining beneath sclera, ?auto-immune, assoc w/ IBD & RA
Episcleritis - resolves, NSAIDs help
Deep eye pain, redness, pain palpating eye, assoc w/ RA
Scleritis = emergency –> ophtho STEROIDS
Circumcorneal injection, blurred vision, constricted pupil, assoc w/ sarcoid, Reiter, ankylosing, IBD
Anterior uveitis/iridocyclitis –> optho
Pain, constricted pupils, kertic precipitates “Mutton fat,” iris nodules
Transient monocular vision loss “curtain,” curtain comes & goes, white areas near arteries cause?
Amaurosis fugax = retinal cholesterol emboli –> carotid duplex
Sudden vision loss in 1 eye upon waking
Central retinal vein occlusion
Sudden vision loss in 1 eye, retinal hemorrhage, dilated veins, cotton wool spots
Central retinal vein occlusion
Several episodes of painless vision loss, HTN, HLD, DM, carotid bruit, retina whitening
Central retinal ARTERY occlusion —> ocular massage & Carbogen or hyperbaric O2
Sudden painless vision loss, optic disc pallor, red fovea, boxcar segmentation
Central retinal ARTERY occlusion –> hyperventilate, tPA
Sudden vision loss in diabetic, floaters, loss of fundus details
Vitreous hemorrhage
Vision loss with showers/snow storm of floaters/photopsia, elevated retina
Retinal detachment
MVA or HTN, Veil or curtain over eyes - stays (vs. fugax)
Retinal detachment –> Laser
Horizontal nystagmus in respective eye w/ ABduction, worse in hot/exercise, young female
MS –> lesion in MLF
AV nicking, copper wiring, exudate and hemorrhages
Vertical diplopia and extorsion
Trochlear nerve lesion
Convergent strabismus and horizontal diplopia
Abducens nerve lesions
Binocular paresthesia, fever, HA, periorbital edema, hyperesthesia in V1,2, proptosis
Cavernous sinus thrombosis —> MRI, antibiotics
Red tender, swollen eyelid, watery discharge, photophobia
Hordeolum - SA –> warm compress –> histo path to r/o CA if recurrent
Hard painful –> painLESS rubbery lid nodule, granulomatous lesion of meibomian glands
– persistence or recurrence = sebaceous carcinoma –> get HISTOPATHOLOGY
Rapid impaired vision, pain on eye movement, afferent defect
Optic neuritis - ASSOC w/ MS
S/P cataract surgery –> dec vision, exudates in anterior chamber, edematous conjunctiva
Postoperative endophthalmitis = Vitreous infection –> Abx or extraction
Transient vision loss w/ changing head position, enlarged blind spot, morning HA
Papiledema –> CT
Profuse watery eyes, hyperemia, edema of eyelids, asthmatic pt
Allergic conjunctivitis –> anti-histamine or mast cell stabilizing drops (olopatidine)
URI, watery discharge, fall, most common conjuctivitis, preauricular LAD
Viral conjuctivitis/pink eye –> warm/cold compress
Painful eye w/ purulent discharge w/ crusting
Bacterial conjuctivitis = Strep pneumo –> erythromycin, fluoroquinolone w/ contacts
Conjunctivitis 1st 24hrs, b/l non-purulent
Chemical (Ag-nitrate) = supportive
Conjunctivitis day 2-5, b/l eyelid swelling, discharge
Gonococcal –> IM//IV ceftriaxone OR topical erythromycin
Conjunctivitis day 5-14, u/l, some eyelid swelling, injection, mucopurulent
Blood-stained eye discharge
Chlamydia –> ORAL Erythromycin 14d can –> hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Most common blindness in world, Trachoma
Chlamydial (A,B,C) –> tetracycline or erythromycin
4 y/o unilateral conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, neovascularization/pannus, EGYPT
Trachoma –> topical tetracycline or oral Azithro
CAN move eyes, inflammation around eyes
Pericellulitis –> abx
Can’t move eyes, inflammation around eyes
Orbital cellulitis –> CT scan –> I&D + Abx
Orbital cellulitis vs. preseptal
Orbital - diplopia, pain, proptosis, vision impairment –> IV Abx vs. oral
PAIN W/ EYE MOVEMENT, proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, diplopia
Ortibal cellilitis (d/t bacterial sinusitis) –> CT scan b/c –> abscess, blindness, death
Leukocoria causes
Retinoblastoma –> liver brain mets &
Dendritic ulcers, pain, photophobia
Herpes keratitis
Tearing, redness, blurred vision, hx of same sx, worse in sun, vesicles, dendritic ulcers
Herpes simplex keratitis
Elderly, itching, burning, malaise, vesicular rash in trigeminal, conjunctivitis, dendriform ulcers
Herpes zoster ophthamlicus –> acyclovir
Contacts or trauma, hazy cornea w/ central ulcer, stromal abscess, hypopyon
Bacterial Keratitis
Contact stuck, corneal hazy, edematous, scleral injection
Contact keratitis = PA –> perf, scarr –> blindness
Itchy eyes, thick mucous, photophobia, blurred vision
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
Cortical blindness, strabismus, cataracts, irreversible
Amblyopia = fix b4 it occurs
Lazy eye, unequal light reflection
Strabismus –> surgery if at birth, glasses if acquired
Newborn, pure white retina
Retinoblastoma (Rb) –> surgery, never radiation –> f/u osteosarcoma
Newborn, white cloudy lesions in front of eye - (+) birth = TORCH, (-) birth = galactosemia
Congenital cataracts –> surgery
Pre-me, high load O2, growths on retina
Retinopathy of prematurity –> laser ablation
Assoc w/ retinopathy of prematurity
NEC, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, IVH
Cutting something w/o goggles, eye pain
Corneal abrasion –> copious irrigation –> Flourecin dye +/- surgery
Lack of corneal sensation or reflex nerve