Neuro Flashcards
Younger pt, asymmetric resting tremor, 4-5Hz
Early Parkinson –> trihexyphenidyl
Chorea, behavior disturbances, irritable, withdrawn disease and CT findings
Huntington = atrophy of caudate, large lateral ventricles
Broad-based gait, dysmetria, nystagmus, intention tremor, etOH abuse
cerebellar dysfunction/atrophy
Tremor when moving limb, goes away when relaxed
Essential tremor –> etOH, propanolol, primidone, gabapentin
Resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, postural instability, asymmetric onset, inaudible speech
Tx Parkinson tremor
DA - levodopa
Tx Parkinson motor fluctuations, dyskinesia
Selegiline (MAOB), entacapone, tolcapone (COMT)
Tx Tourette syndrome
1 = Clonidine –> guanfacine, pimozide, haldol, fluphenazine, trifluroperazine
Co-morbidity w/ Huntington
Depression –> suicide
Tx helpful for Huntington chorea
Tetrabenazine delplete DA
Sx Tx for Huntington
Twisting, repetitive, abnormal posture
Dystonia - metaclopramide, prochlorperazine
Unilateral, violent arm movements
Hemiballismus - CL subthalamic nucleus
Broad-shuffling gait, memory loss, urinary incontinence, ventricular enlargement
NPH - dec CSF abs
Tremor in legs immediately when standing, gone with sitting, 14-18hz
Orthostatic tremor
Multiple, B/L periventricular plaques, heat sensitivity, new hemiplegia, incontinence tx?
MS exacerbation = steroids
Tx in relapsing-remitting or secondary MS
Glatiramer or beta-interferon
Inc IgG index, paraplegia, incontinence, dec vibratory and proprioception, spastic reflexes
MS - oligoclonal bands
Tx that Dec frequency, slow progression of RR form of MS
IF-beta; steroids if acute
Tx of progressive MS
Cyclosporine, MTX, Mitoxantrone
R UE, L LE weakness, ataxia, central vision defect, eye pain worse w/ movement
MS –> MRI w/ cerebral & cerebellar plaques
Fluctuating MS, visual hallicunations, spontaneous parkinsonism but dopa not helpful
Lewy body dementia (eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions of alpha synuclein)
Memory loss, language difficulties, cortical atrophy
Alzheimer dementia
Euphoria, dis-inhibition, apathy, compulsive, hyperorality, poor memory
Pick’s disease/Fronto-temporal dementia
Cognitive, motor, sensory dysfxn, step-wise worsening
Multi-infarct dementia
Dementia CT findings
Diffuse cortical, subcortical atrophy
Early Personality changes –> memory loss
Fronto-temporal dementia/atrophy
Pt complains of memory loss, sign of depression
Pseudodementia - assoc w/ depression
Risks and Tx for idiopathic intracranial HTN
Obese (female, tetracyclines, hyperVit A (isotretinoin) –> weight loss, acetazolamide
Young obese female w/ HA, normal MRI, papilledema
Benign IC HTN - causes: steroids, vit A, OCP –> blindness
HA - worse lying flat, pulsatile tinnitus, transient vision loss, papilledema, LP >250mmHg Dx?
Idiopathic Intracranial HTN
Trauma –> HA, old person, gradual LOC, crescent shape on CT
Subdural hematoma - bridging veins —> craniotomy
Side of head, lucid interval –> coma, CT LENS shaped
Epidural hematoma –> middle meningeal —> craniotomy
Blunt head trauma w/ hypotn –> HTN, brady, dec resp + IL hemiparesis, mydriasis, ptosis, coma
Epidural hematoma –> uncal herniation –>CN III, PCA, cerebral peduncle
“Thunder clap” HA = instant max intenstiy, worst HA ever, CT scan, ateriogram show bleed
Subarachnoid hemorrhage –> coil or clip w/in 48hrs OR after 6 weeks + CCBs, SBP <150
Instant severe HA, may return in 10days with same sx
SAH d/t aneurysm –> CT, spinal, ateriogram –> clipping or coil
Neuro deficit/stroke, HA, coma CT bleed in caudate, putamen
Intraparenchymal bleed –> dec SBP craniotomy & VP shunt ultimately
Acute HA worse when lying flat, vision changes, slit-like ventricles
Idiopathic Intracranial HTN
Holocranial HA, diplopia, pusatile tinnitus, young obese woman, empty sella, LR palsy
Idiopathic Intracranial HTN –> MRI –> LP + pressure
50, new HA, jaw claudication, scalp pain, polymyalgia rheumatica
Temporal arteritis –> High dose steroids –> Bx and ESR
Intense UL retroorbital pain, wakes up from sleep, ptosis, miosis
Cluster HA –> 100% O2
Prophylaxis for cluster HA
Verapamil, lithium, ergotamine
Progressive HA, worse in morning, blurred vision, vomiting –> bradycardia, HTN (Cushing reflex)
Brain tumor –> MRI + high dose steroids (decadron)
No growth in kids, sexual dyfxn in adult, bitemporal blindness, HA
1 CNS lesion in AIDS
Toxo = sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine, TMP-SMX for prophylaxis only
Multiple ring enhancing lesions on CT
Multiple hypodense, non-enhanced lesions in cortical white matter, focal neuro deficits, HIV +
PML - speech, gait, vision
Single periventricular ring weakly enhancing lesion, + EBV DNA
Primary CNS Lymphoma —> + EBV DNA
Single ring-enhancing lesion in frontal lobe, neuro deficits, sinusitis, mastoiditis, lung abscess
Anaerobic bacteria (bacteroides)
Non-enhancing brain lesion
Inappropriate behavior, optic nerve atrophy + papilledema on C/L side, anosmia
Frontal lobe tumor
Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, HA
Prolactinoma –> r/o pregnancy, hypothyroidism, prolactin level –> MRI –> bromocriptine
Solitary butterfly mass w/ central necrosis, vasogenic edema
Glioblastoma multiforme
Ataxia, truncal dystaxia, HA, nystagmus, papilledema
Medulloblastoma = VERMIS
Arm & leg dystaxia, IL falling/cerebellar signs
Astrocytoma = cerebellar hemisphere/parietal lobe
Paralysis of vertical gaze, retraction of eyelid, IC HTN, coarse face, axillary hair
Short for age kid, HA, inc ICP, vomiting, visual defect, calcifications above sella, NDI
Concentric whorls, psamomma bodies
Waking up with HA, vomiting, sinusitis, mastoiditis, fever and sx developing over only 1-2wks
Brain abscess –> CT or MRI
Progressive U/L vision loss in 5 y/o, exopthalmos, café-au-lait spots
NF-1(optic glioma)
Pigmented spots on lips, B/L deafness, fam hx, Chr 22
NF-2 –> Frameshift or NON-sense mutation
cafe au lait + hearing loss
NF-2 –> MRI + Gadolinium
CSF high WBC, RBC, normal protein, glucose
Herpes encephalitis
Short term memory loss, amnestic, confabbulation
Korsakoff - thiamine deficiency
Nystagmus, ataxia, unable to move eyes, confusion
Wenicke’s encephalopathy
Rapid dementia, sharp triphasic synchronous discharges/periodic sharp waves on EEG
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (prion)
Benign IC HTN path
Impaired reabs of CSF –> weight reduction, acetazolamide
Burning smell, NO LOC, deja-vu feeling, pt remembers well
Simple partial seizure –> Phenytoin for Parital seizures
Burning smell, LOC, tonic-clonic activity, incontinence
Partial w/ secondary generalization
Burning smell, LOC or staring + chewing, swallowing, sucking, lip smacking
Complex partial
<7 y/o, MR + seizure, slow spike and wave on EEG
Hyperventilation during EEG –> 3Hz spike and wave
Absence, 2.5Hz = atypical
Daydreaming, staring, decline school performance, no memory of event
Absence –> Valproic or ethosuximide
Sudden LOC, hemiparesis, slow to come around, restored movement in 24hrs
Todd’s (post-ictal) paralysis
Prolonged seizures —> ?
Cortical necrosis/hyperintensity on MRI
Causes of cerebellar atrophy
Anti-epileptics like phenytoin, etOH
Tx for myoclonus
Clonazepam and Depakote (valproic acid)
Hemianesthesia w/ transient hemiparesis, athetosis
Thalamic stroke (VPL) / Dejerene-Roussy
Avoid these drugs in Lewy body dementia
Typical anti-psych
Vertigo - feeling of head movement/spinning
Labyrinth disorders
Head spinning when getting out of bead, laying down, turning, looking up
Differences in blood pressure standing vs. laying down cause
Orthostasis - Loss of extracellular Na/dehydration
Lightheadedness, blurry vision, syncope
Global ischemia d/t AS, arrhthymia, TIA
High frequency (voices) hearing loss w/ age
Types of conductive hearing loss
Impaction (#1), otitis externa, bony growth (swimmers, scuba), Perf, infection, otosclerosis
Types of sensorineural hearing loss
Presbycusis (#1), noise, infection, drugs, skull fx, TORCH, Menieres, neuroma, MS
U/L sensorineural loss, fullness/pressure, vertigo better w/ Na restriction
Meniere’s disease
Conductive, Low frequency hearing loss d/t overgrowth
Receptive aphasia lesion
Left temporal lobe
Unexplained xanthochromia on LP
> 75 y/o, lobar cranial bleed
Amyloid angiopathy
CL hemiparesis, sensation, tongue deviates to lesion side
Medial medullary
Imparied sensory and motor of CN V and limb ataxia lesion
Lateral Pontine
Limb ataxia, CL eye deviation, paralysis of face arm, leg lesion
Medial pons
IL Horner’s, face, CL pain and temp lesion
Lateral medulla
Ocular paresis, ataxia, CL hemiplegia
Central midbrain
Hemiplegia, hemi-sensory loss, gaze palsy, homnomynous hemianopsia
Putamen/ Basal ganglia
Hemiplegia, hemi-sensory loss, upgaze palsy, eyes toward lesions, non-rx mitotic pupils
Thalamus hemorrhage
Deep coma, paralysis w/in minutes, pinpoint pupils
Pons hemorrhage
UL upper and lower facial paralysis lesions location?
Peripheral CN VII - below pons
Areflexia and anesthesia over shoulders and arms
Syringomyelia (Cord cavitation)
Knife stabbing/”blot of lightning” pain in cheek that comes and go’s, unshaven area
Trigeminal neuralgia = Carbamazapine –> CBC for aplstic anemia
Nonfluent speech, intact comprehension, R hemiparesis, impaired repetition
Broca’s area - frontal lobe MCA
Fluent, meaningless words, no comprehension, R superior visual defect, impared repetition
Wernicke’s area - temporal lobe MCA
Fluent w/ pheonmic erros, intact comprehension, very poor repetition, no other deficits
Arcuate fasiculus - Parietal lobe MCA
Hyperreflexia, bulbar reflexes dec, spacticity, fasiculations, muscle wasting, dysphagia
ALS - both upper and lower motor neuron –> Riluzole for tx (glutamate inhibitor)
1st step in first unprovoked seizure
CT w/o contrast
Confusion, fever, rigidity, diaphoresis, recently admitted for hallucinations
NMS - Haldol
Upward pronator drift, RAMs
Cerebellar dysfxn
Downward + supination of pronator drift
UMN lesion - often STROKE
Acute occipital HA, repeated vomiting, ataxia, fever
Cerebellar hemorrhage
Saddle anesthesia, asymmetric motor weakness, hypo/areflexia, late bowel-bladder loss
Cauda equina syndrome - spinal nerve roots
Perianal anesthesia, symmetric motor weakness, hyperreflexia, early bowel-bladder loss
Conus medullaris syndrome
Hemi-neglect lesion
Opposite PARIETAL lobe
Hemi-paresis, aphasia lesion
Frontal cortex
Adult onset distal muscle weakness, atrophy, dysphagia
Inclusion body myositis
Macrocytic anemia (folate), inc GGT, high TG, uric acid, dec thiamine, dec testosterone
etOH abuse
Warfarin + cerebral hemorrhage next step
FFP & avoid drops in BP
Isolated symmetric B/L LE weakness, loss of sensation, UMN injury 1st step?
MRI of spine - disk, abscess, malignancy
Rigidity, bradykinesia, postural hypotension, impotence, incontinence, dry mouth
Shy-Drager (multiple system atrophy)
DM neuropathy pain tx
TCAs (not in cystopathy or orthostasis) NSAIDs (not w/ renal dysfxn), gabapentin
Progressive ascending paralysis over hrs-days, no prodrome or autonomic dysfxn
Tick-borne paralysis
REM sleep dysreg, daytime sleepiness, loss of muscle tone w/ laughing, vivid awake hallucinations
Narcolepsy –> Ritalin, planned naps
Ascending paralysis over days-wks, tachy, urine retention
Guillan-Barre –> IV plasmaphoresis & immunoglobulin
Albumino-cytologic dissociation (CSF inc protein, normal WBC, RBC, glucose)
Numbness In toes –> LE weakness, URI 4 wks ago, elevated CSF protein, 3 WBC, no DTRs
Guillan-Barre –> IV plasmaphoresis & immunoglobulin
Split sutures, bluging fontanelle, vomiting
Earliest neuro/CNS injury sign
Fisting >3mo, stronger, more sustained primitive reflexes
1 blindness
Night terrors
NON-REM stage 4, glass-eyed, NO memory, autonomic
Delayed growth rate + early morning emesis
CNS mass lesion
Pallor, cyanosis, hypoTN, seizures, apnea, tense fontanel, brady
IVH –> prevent pre-term labor, maternal steroids
Risk factors for IVH
1 = pre-mature & LBW
Obsessive thoughts, intrusive images
OCD = CBT + SSRI –> clomipramine or anti-psych –> deep brain stim
Behavior changes, urinary incontinence, torticollis, vertigo, ataxia, babinski
AA instability from Down syndrome
Assoc w/ CP
IUGR, TORCH, apgar <3, IVH, trauma
Risk factors
PRE-ME, IUGR, infection, hemorrhage, etOH, tobacco use
Intellect, MR, strabismus, scoliosis
Diurnal enuresis tx
bladder stretch and timed void
No anal wink cause
SC compression
Secondary enuresis causes
Stressors - birth, divorce, moving –> counseling
Vasomotor instability, skin changes, dec ROM, patchy bone demineralization + severe pain, burning throbbing after trauma
Complex regional pain syndrome
- NO paralysis