Oncology Trigger Flashcards
uncontrolled proliferation of immature lymphocytes with >25% blasts on bone aspiration
leukemic blasts replace bone marrow
Remember AML is 30%
Which cancer diagnoses present w pancytopenia
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia
Peripheral smear shows lymphoblasts
ANC <1000
Hyperdiploidy + translocation of 12 and 21
What are the 3 phases of treatment for ALL
- remission induction (chemo+steroid or MTX, 95% remission!)
- intensification consolidation (intrathecal chemo and possible radiation to kill lymphobalsts in meninges)
- continuation therapy/maintenance (daily oral chemo, weekly MTX, pulses of IV chemo and oral steroids)
peripheral smear showing Auer rods
What are the 3 phases of treatment in AML
- 1 month induction chemo
- intrathecal chemo and sometimes radiation
- 1-2 chemo tx lasting 2 months at a time for 9 months.
germinal center B cells undergoing malignant transformation
hodgkins lymphoma
Painless cervical LAD with mediastinal masses
Hodkins lymphoma
what symptoms are “B symptoms”
- fever
- weight loss
- drenching night sweats
Associated w EBV infection
HL and NHL
biopsy shows large abnormal lymphocytes that contain more than one nuclei
these are reed sternberg cells (sorry i just know davis would do this)
Indications for early biopsy of large lymph nodes in kids
- no infectious cause
- > 2cm
- supraclavicular
- abnormal CXR
- increasing size despite 2 weeks of abx or no decrease in size in 4-6 wks
immature lymphocytes grow out of control and fail to mature and therefore acucmulate in lymph tissue (thymus, spleen, nodes)
the abdomen is the MC area of tumors for this diseae
followed by chest/mediastinum
Most to least common types of NHL? state what cell each originate from and what chromosomes theyre associated with
- burkitt lymphoma (B cells & chrmosome 8)
- lymphoblastic lymphoma (T cells and translocation of 14 and 7 w deletion of chrom 1)
- large cell lymphoma (B,T or histocytes, no chromosome assocaition)
what type of NHL has mediastinal mass as MC tumor area
lymphoblastic lymphoma
presents as ALL but <25% of blasts in bone marrow
lymphoblastic lymphoma (NHL)
what are the glial cell tumors
astrocytomas and ependymomas
what are teh Non-Glial cell tumors
medulloblastomas and other primitive tumors
what are the WHO grades for astocytomas
- MC slow grwoing and cystic requiring surgical removal only
- (1-2) slow growing least serious (80%)
- 3-4 fast growing and malignant
located in cerebellum and MC brian tumor in children
these tumorsare found on the lining of ventricles or spinal cord near the cerebellum, why is this a problem>
it blocks flow of CSF
The MC brian tumor is a () and it metastasizes to ()
spinal cord
MC cancer in infancy
MC extracranial solid cancer in childhood
firm, fixed, immobile abdominal mass that extends past the midline.
think neuroblastoma
would you also consider NHL? idk
increased urine catecholamine
asymptomatic abdomial mass that does NOT cross midline but is mobile and can be displaced
MC metastasis site is the lungs:(
wilms tumor/nephroblastoma
also osteosarcoma!!
this cancer affects osteoblasts w 2 suppressor gene mutations (p53 and Rb)
asoscaited w rapid bone growth and a kid that is taller than other peers
Xray showing sun burst appearance or codmans triangle
mutation of RB1 gene on chromosome 13