newborn exam trigger Flashcards
what is the name of the assessment that looks at the plantar creases of the little baby feets
ballard postnatal assessment
performed at 30-42 hrs of birth.
Waxy/cheesy film present on newborn to protect from infection.
vernix caseosa
(caseosa kinda looks like caso = cheese)
Small vesicular rash commonly due to eosinophils that resolves within weeks.
erythema toxicum
Closed comedones that resolve on their own commonly caused by maternal hormones
acne neonatorium
Epstein’s pearl on the roof of the mouth is considered what
Tiny, white, epidermal cysts made of keratin, MC on face, resolving in 2-4 weeks.
Large vascular birth marks that grow rapidly but tend to resolve by age 9
light red macule found on neck
nevus simplex
(also super common on upper eyelid and between eyebrows)
dark red macule on the body with thick and dilated vessels. if found on ophthalmic branch there is an increased risk of which problem?
this is a nevus flammeus /port wine stain
If found on ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal, 25% have sturge weber syndrome
this is associated with vision problems and brain angiomas
sturge weber syndrome
darkish blue birthmark on lower back/butt that is found on darker skin babies and tends to last for years
congenital dermal melanocytosis
what is the diagnostic skin criteria that we know for NF1
more than 6 cafe au lait spots that are >.5cm
Enlargement of ventricles due to increasing ICP
Dandy walker malformation and Arnold chiari malformations are associated with what
sunsetting eyes
also see enlarged head measuremnts
tx is VP shunt
which fontanelle closes first
posterior at 2-3 months
anterior closes at 9-24 months
extends past suture lines and presents as squishy edema. usually due to swelling of scalp after increased pressure in vaginal birth
caput succedaneum
resolves in 2-3 days
soft like a cyst but does not cross suture lines. takes weeks to resolve
cephalohematoma (subperiosteal hemorrhage)
abnormal thinning of parietal bones in preterm babies
Complication during vacuum assisted delivery that is due to rupture of emissary veins and accumulation of blood in the epicranial aponeurosis.
subgaleal hematoma (can pass suture lines)
Short jaw, cleft palate, airway obstruction due to Failure of mandible growth
pierre robin syndrome
crying w an asymmetric face may suggest what
facial nerve palsy
this finding at birth suggests that a baby may have metabolic disease, thyroid issues, or congenital infection
tearing, tight eyes, photophobia
Rapidly developing eye tumor due to immature retinal cells
presence of leukoria suggests what
possible retinoblastoma
MCC of tearing and discharge from eye
redness, warmth and swelling of the eye
MCC of dacryocystitis
staph A
Back of nose is not connected to pharynx, so they can only breathe through their mouth.
choanal atresia
what in this powerpoint may suggest the need for a renal ultrasound
preauricular pits in the presence of other craniofacial abnormalities
tachypnea, tachycardia and cyanosis are all signs of what compilcation
diaphragmatic hernia
infected umbilical cord
MC in african americans
umbilical hernia
(also congenital dermal melanocytosis)
when does a umbilical hernia require surgery
if not resolved within 3 years
Friable granulation tissue commonly seen at belly button, cauterized w silver nitrate
umbilical granuloma
MC in girls, firstborn, FMHx, breech and multipls
congenital hip dysplasia
adduct hip and push
abduct hip and pull
pavlick harness
congenital hip dysplasia
Turning of head will cause extension of ipsilateral leg and arm.
tonic neck reflex (gone by 8 months)
what is this reflex called
traction reflex