OM-A 7.2 - Discretion & Reduction of Rest Flashcards
What is the maximum that the Commander may extend an FDP & what is the exception to this rule?
The absolute limit to an extension of FDP is 3 hours.
Except in cases of emergency.
An Emergency is a situation which in the judgement of the Commander presents a serious risk to the health or safety of the crew or passengers, or endangers the lives of others.
What are the normal limits, circumstances when Commanders discretion may be exercised?
- Flying Duty involves 2 or more sectors
- Up to a maximum of 2 hours discretion may be exercised prior to the first and subsequent sectors.
This may be up to 3 hours prior to the start of;
- a single sector flight, or
- immediately prior to the last sector on a multi-sector flight duty.
Can an FDP be extended via Commander discretion following Reduced Rest?
- Only exceptionally
and then only to the extent necessary to allow for;
- unforeseen circumstances that become apparent DURING the LAST SECTOR.
(i. e. after we’ve begun moving under our own power).
What does a Commander have to consider before he can exercise his discretion to reduce a rest period whilst away from base?
- takes note of the circumstances of other members of the crew.
- room allocated to crew members must be available for occupation for a minimum of 10 hours.
- use of discretion must be exceptional and must not be used to reduce successive rest periods.
What is the absolute limit to reducing a rest period when away from base?
In NO CIRCUMSTANCES may a Commander exercise discretion to reduce a rest period below 10 hours at the accomodation.
Can rest be reduced when away from base if the preceding FDP was extended?
If the preceding FDP was extended, the rest period may be reduced.
Provided that the subsequent allowable FDP is also reduced by the same amount as the reduction in rest.
When does it become up to the individual to decide whether to exercise their personal discretion to reduce rest?
Where an individual crew member:
- separates from the crew
- or the crew as a whole splits up.
Then any use of discretion to reduce rest becomes a decision for and must be considered by
- an individual crew member.
If an individual crew member has exercised their discretion to reduce rest, what are the knock on implications of this?
After the crew member and, the operator (if in a position to do so), has informed the Commander that a reduced rest has been taken.
- the decision to continue with the next flight, and
- the submission of an associated discretion report (Journey Log will suffice if <1 hour reduction)is now the responsibility of the
- Relevant Commander (Commander of the subsequent duty.)
What limits are there on an individual exercising their discretion to reduce rest at home base?
- by up to a maximum of 1 hour.
But only to a minimum of:
- 12 hours for Flight Crew
- 11 hours for Cabin Crew
If Suitable Accommodation is provided by easyJet at home base.
What are the limits on an individual exercising their discretion to reduce rest?
If Suitable Accommodation provided at Home Base then an individual may exercise their discretion to reduce rest as specified in OM-A &
That is to say;
The room must be available for the crew member to occupy for a minimum of 10 hours.
Under no circumstances may discretion be exercised to reduce a rest period below ten hours at the accomodation.
How does the Commander report an Extension of FDP?
- By completion of the appropriate box on the journey log.
- if extension >2 hours; additionally fills in a separate Commanders Discretion Report.
How does the Commander report a Reduction of Rest?
- By completion of the appropriate box on the Journey Log.
- Where reduction in rest is >1 hour, then additionally completes a separate Commanders Discretion Report.
Can a Commander extend a crew members Cumulative Limits?
Prior FTL planning restrictions including cumulative Flying & Duty limits may be exceeded.
- Only exceptionally (Cannot be planned)
- Used only to the extent to allow for:
- Unforeseen Circumstances that become apparent
- AFTER Commencement of the current FDP
-Reported on Journey Log & in ALL CASES the Commander will complete a Commanders Discretion Report.
What items must the Commander take into account when considering whether to exercise his authority to Extend an FDP or Reduce Rest when away from base?
- Take note of circumstances of other crew
- satisfied that the Flight can be Made Safely
- that the extension was calculated according to what actually happened, i.e. discretion wasn’t planned.
- that limits of discretion or reduction of rest will not be exceeded