ECAM, failures and QRH Flashcards
A/C enters EMER ELEC CONFIG on take off roll, losing both ND’s, PFD1, and lower ECAM, what are some immediate implications of this failure?
Reversers inop, alternate braking no antiskid (max psi 1000), nose wheel steering inop.
Name some consequences of a DC ESS BUS FAULT?
AP 1 and ATHR inop, VHF 1 and ACP1/2 fail use AUDIO SWTG to recover, engines shut down on ground with fire pb’s. Cat 2 only, status may initially say cat 3.
What are the implications of the loss of both slat channels and F/CTL SLATS FAULT ECAM?
AP’s, FD’s and A/THR inop. Alternate law, direct law with gear down.
What is the fuel burn with the gear locked down?
Trip * 180%
What are the implications of a Green Hydraulics failure?
Gravity gear extension
Slats/flaps slow
Alternate brakes with antiskid
Cat 3 single
Early landing clearance required.
For G/A - cannot raise gear, extra fuel burn, slow flap/slat retraction.
On selection of flap 2 on approach the wing tip brakes are activated, what are your actions and considerations?
Pull speed
Cancel approach, climb above safety alt and hold before ECAM
Need early LDR in case of need for diversion.
Need to find Vmo (use config Vfe)
VLS is calculated from actual config
There is a speed table in QRH
If flaps extended there will be a fuel penalty
G/A speed will be Vmo - 10kts. This may be higher than the Vmo on speed band.
What are the 4 levels of braking depending on failures?
Normal braking
Alternate braking with antiskid
Alternate braking without antiskid
Parking brake
How is antiskid downgraded on the alternate braking system
The antiskid is deactivated either
Electronically (antiskid switch turned off, power failure, BSCU failure) or
Hydraulically (G + Y fault or low pressure, brakes supplied by accumulator)
Is autobrake available on the alternate system?
Double engine failure - initial actions, where to go, distance available
Follow QRH drill rather than ECAM
With fuel remaining:
fly 300kts optimum relight speed, this gives 2nm per 1000ft
With no fuel remaining:
Fly 215/220kts then green dot from QRH, this gives 2.5nm per 1000ft
Recycle FAC1 to regain characteristic speeds
Below FL250 start APU and commence assisted start attempts
Suitable runway/emergency landing/ditching
Prepare cabin
Oxy masks if required
Final approach 1.2nm/1000ft
What would your actions be on encountering severe turbulence?What are the turbulence penetration speeds?
Seats belt signs on
Cabin crew and passengers be seated immediately
Fly speeds 250kt to FL200, 275kts above then M.76
Keep autopilot and autothrust on, disconnect autothrust if changes become excessive (recommended settings in QRH)
Aim for increases in speed rather than decreases as they are easier to recover from. Can use small amounts of speed brake if required, be careful as this will reduce your aerodynamic margins including a large increase in VLS.
Do we have to manually select alternate brakes?
No, if green hydraulic pressure is lost then the yellow hydraulic system takes over automatically to supply the brakes.
You can select the alternate braking system manually by selecting the nws/anti-skid switch to off (obviously you also lose nws and anti-skid).
FCOM brakes and anti skid controls
If you have a RA 1 + 2 failure, can you intercept the localiser and glideslope? What other considerations should you make?
No, ILS APPR mode cannot be engaged, LOC mode is available via the FCU LOC pb. Still Cat 1 intercept LOC with AP and follow the glideslope with FPA or VS.
At landing gear extension, flight controls revert to direct law in pitch, as well as in roll (Refer to PRO-ABN-27 F/CTL DIRECT LAW) so AP will disconnect and landing distance increases (work out LD required beforehand). This will be easiest to manage if fully configured and in Vapp before L/G selection.
Above 100kts reject take off for?
When can a predictive windshear warning be ignored? What about a reactive windshear warning?
When a predictive windshear alert (“WINDSHEAR AHEAD” or “GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD”) is triggered, if the flight crew makes a positive verification that no hazard exists, then the alert may be disregarded, as long as:
There are no other signs of possible windshear conditions, and
The reactive windshear system is operational.
Known cases of spurious predictive windshear alerts have been reported at some airports, during either takeoff or landing, due to the specific obstacle environment.
However, always rely on any reactive windshear (“WINDSHEAR”).
Whats the maximum engine restart altitude?
At 300kts most models will restart at FL250. Some will start at FL275. FCOM/QRH
In case of ENG FAIL with no damage turn the ignition on to try a relight for 30s before cool down.
What happens if you have an FCU 1+2 fault?
Lose APs, ATHR, FDs.
Try reset.
No FCU and PFD alt set to STD so PM will have to call for minimums.
No weather radar.
Selecting the ENG FIRE PB does what?
Silences alarm Arms the squib Closes the LP fuel valve Closes the hydraulic fire shut off valve Closes the Engine bleed valve Closes the pack flow control valve Cuts off the FADEC power supply Deactivates the IDG
Can you autoland with one engine out? In what configurations?
Cat 2 and 3 fail passive auto lands are permissible in Config 3 and full (A319), config full only (A320).
Blue and yellow hydraulics failure - what happens? What next?
Lose AP but still normal law. Roll - aileron, plus one spoiler Pitch - L elevator plus THS Slats/flaps slow Gravity gear extension NO NOSE WHEEL STEERING No speedbrake
Cat 1 only
Landing distance procedure - approx 1500m dry/2000m wet
No gear retract, don’t want to go around, early clearance before gear
Very stable approach with long final
Will stop on runway, need towing, and fire service.
If low pressure systems may be recovered at lower altitude, if pump failure then possible recovery with ELEC pump or RAT. Overheat may be recoverable for landing.
Flying to a 30m wide runway what failures would require a diversion to 45m wide runway?
Diversion to a 45 m wide runway is recommended in case of :
Rudder jam
Rudder pedal jam
Yaw damper system fault
Rudder Travel Limit system fault
All failures leading to the loss of the nose wheel steering (HYD Yellow system loss, double hydraulic failure, double BSCU fault, double LGCIU fault)
What happens when you turn EMER ELEC GEN 1 LINE off?
Same as turning off GEN 1 except for keeping one fuel pump in each wing tank running.
If after a smoke drill you restore the electric generators before landing what comes back and what is still missing?
You restore the braking capability but the aircraft is still in alternate law and thus landing in direct law due to lost alignment of IR 2 and 3