Oesteology Of The Skull Flashcards
Cranium is divided into two:
List them
neurocranium and viscerocranium
Which part of the cranium contains the proximal part of cranial nerves
Neurocranium is divided into what and what
a dome-like roof called the calvaria (skullcap)
•and a floor or cranial base (basicranium)
How many bones make up the neurocranium and list them
frontal -ethmoidal -sphenoidal -occipital 2 temporal 2 parietal
Ethmoid bone is primarily contributing to - and only minorily contributing to -
How many bones are in viscerocranium
How many paired, how many single
List all
15 irregular bones
- 3 single, 6 paired
- zygomatic ;nasal;palatine;lacrimal;vomer;inferior nasal concha;maxilla, mandible;ethmoid
Which bones contributes the greatest to the upper facial skeleton
Mandible, maxilla
Attachement of both
fixed to the cranial base
Temporomandibular joint
Parts of mandible
condyloid process, coronoid process,Ramus, body, gonion
Parts of maxilla
infraorbital foramen, zygomatic process of maxilla, intermaxillary suture,frontal process of maxilla
Parts of frontal bone
vertical squamous part(for eyes. And forehead) , horizontal part(for nose)
Frontal bone articulates with?
-articulates with nasal bone,zygomatic bone, maxilla, sphenoid,parietal ethmoid bone , and lacrimal
Function of Supraorbital notch
for the passage of the supraorbital vessels and nerves
superior to the supraorbital margin is
superciliary arch
Between the superciliary arches is a smooth, slightly depressed area called the
anterior most projecting part of the forehead
Just above the glabella is
intersection of the frontal and nasal bones is
Nasal septum is made up of what ?
Nasal bone
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
lateral wall of each nasal cavity has -
Superior concha
Middle concha
Inferior concha
Ethmoid bone
Ethmoid bone
Another name for concha is?
Location of the mental foramina
Inferior to the second premolar teeth
base of the mandible has a midline swelling called
Mental protuberance
Lateral to the mental protuberance on either side is
Mental tubercle
Zygomatic bone is also know as - and -
Cheek bone
Malar bones
lateral aspect of zygomatic bone is a foramen called
Zygomaticofacial foramen to transmit zygomaticofacial nerve
Injury to superciliary arches can cause?
Black eye
Redness of the zygomatic eminence associated a rise in temperature in various fevers occurring with certain diseases, such as tuberculosis
Malar flush
Superior aspect of the skull is called ?
Calvaria or skull cap
Frontal bone meets parietal bones at - sutures
Parietal bones meet watch other at - sutures
Parietal bones meet occipital bones at - sutures
Coronal sutures
Saggital sutures
Lambdoid suture
junction(intersection) between the coronal and sagittal sutures is called?
junction(intersection) between the sagittal suture and lambdoid sutures is called
most superior point of the skull
Sagittal suture closure begins where
And that space is called?
Suture between the parietal foramen
Types of calvaria fractures
Linear fracture
Depressed fracture
Communited fracture
Basilar fracture
- fracture occurs at the point of direct trauma and is the most frequent type
Linea calvaria fracture
- fracture leads to depressed skull
Depressed fracture
- fracture occurs at the opposite point to the point of direct contact
Contrecoup (counterblow) fracture
- fracture leads to bone broken into several pieces
Comminuted fracture
Obliteration of sutures between bones begin at what age on the internal surface and what age on the external surface
Age 30-40
10years after internal starts
Sequential obliteration of sutures from bregma is?
Sagittal, coronal, lambdoid
Union of the mandibular bones start at what age and ends at what age
Point of fusion is called?
1 year old,
Ends by 2nd year
Symphysis menti
Is temporal bone development complete at birth?
Doesn’t have mastoid and styloid process
bones of the calvaria of a newborn infant are separated by
Types of fontanelles and their orientation
Anterior fontanelle- between frontal and parietal bones; diamond or star shaped
Posterior- between parietal and occipital bone,;triangular
Sphenoid and mastoid : overlain by temporalis muscle
Original insertion of temporalis muscle
O: temporal region
I:coronoid process of the mandible