Occupational Health Nurses: Protecting Worker Health, Safety And Productivity- Done Flashcards
For every $1 spent on wellness program WELCOA reported —– return
Employers who spend $100-150 per employee on corporate wellness program save how much money per employee per year
Productivity losses from workers with chronic diseases are as much as —- more than treating the cost of the disease
Chronic disease represents —- of all global deaths annually
People with chronic diseases account for —- of total lost work time
What is an OHN?
- occupational health nurse
- clinicians
- nurse practitioners
- occupational health services coordinators
- emergency preparedness and disaster planners
- managers and administrators
- corporate directors
- consultants
- educators
- researchers
Two primary goals of occupational health nurses
1) Keeping employees healthy, safe and productive so they remain valued, live up to potential, have happy full life
2) Through healthy workers allows employer to save money with injury and disease prevention, maintain competitive edge in marketplace, succeed in business
10 reasons to hire an OHN
- Reduce workers comp costs
- Improve bottom line through health and safety programs
- Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
- Tailor wellness programs to organization’s needs
- Familiar with organizational culture
- Less expensive to employ than hiring contractor
- Design internal corporate health programs for staff developments and team building
- Great bargain, like a health and safety team in one
- Combine healthcare and business expertise
- Care about you and business