November 15 Review Quiz Flashcards
Restrictive lung disorders cause a decrease in
Tidal volume (TV) and Force vital capacity (FVC)
Tidal volume
Total lung capacity
5-6 (Vital capacity+ reserve volume)
Inspiratory volume
Expiratory volume
Reserve volume
Vital capacity
Inspiratory volume (2000)+ Expiratory volume (1200)+ tidal volume (500)
Exudative or inflammtory phase
Within 72 hours Alveolocapillary membrane damage Increased capillary membrane permeability Pulmonary edema Surfactant inactivated
Proliferative phase
4-21 days
Resolution of the pulmonary edema and proliferation of type II pneumocytes, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts
Hyaline membranes
Fibrotic phase
14-21 days Remodeling and fibrosis Alveoli destruction Severe right-to-left shunting Acute respiratory failure
FEV1 (forced expiratory volume within 1 second)/FVC
Normal: greater than or equal to 80%
COPD: < 80%
Primary emphysema cause
Inherited deficiency of the enzyme α1-antitrypsin
Secondary emphysema cause
Cigarette smoke: Main cause
Air pollution, occupational exposures, and childhood respiratory infections: Possible contributors
Centriacinar (Centrilobular)
Septal destruction occurs in the respiratory BRONCHIOLES and alveolar ducts, usually in the UPPER lobes. Alveolar sac (alveoli distal to the respiratory bronchiole) remains intact. Tends to occur in SMOKERS with chronic bronchitis.
Panacinar (Panlobular)
Involves the entire ACINUS.
Damage is more randomly distributed.
Involves LOWER lobes
of the lung.
Occurs in those with inherited deficiency of the enzyme α1-antitrypsin
Acute cough
Resolves within 2-3 weeks
Chronic cough
Lasts longer than 3 weeks
Kussmauls (hyperpnea)
Slightly increased ventilatory rate, very large tidal volume, and no expiratory pause
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
Alternating periods of deep and shallow breathing; apnea lasting 15-60 seconds, followed by ventilations that increase in volume until a peak is reached, after which ventilation decreases again to apnea (e.g. CHF, sleep apnea)
Hypoventilation leads to
Respiratory acidosis
Hyperventilation leads to
Respiratory alkalosis
Hypoventilation is caused by
Airway obstruction, chest wall restriction or altered neurologic control of breathing
Hyperventilation is caused by
Anxiety, head injury, or severe hypoxemia
Cyanosis develops when
desat of 5g/dL