Normal Ops Flashcards
Post landing, when should the brake fans be switched on?
Immediately if turnaround short or any brake likely to exceed 500°C
Otherwise, 5 minutes after landing or approaching the gate, whichever first
How should you adjust Vapp for a headwind?
1/3 headwind excluding gusts
Max 15kts
What are the altitude restrictions in relation to a visual approach?
Maintain >1500’ AAL or >500’ above terrain until on final
If planning to use Idle Reverse on landing, what do you select on LANDING PERF App?
REV - No
REV - Yes only for full reverse
What value of tailwind mandates a CONF FULL landing on A319/320?
> 10kt tail wind, must land CONF FULL
How should you perform a MAX MANUAL braking landing?
AUTO BRAKE MEDIUM shall be selected for landing. (It will ensure that automatic wheel braking occurs until maximum manual braking is applied).
REV MAX shall be selected at touchdown.
The PF must override the auto brake system and apply maximum manual braking at nose-wheel touchdown.
What are the SOP restrictions relating to landing on a wet runway with regards to autobrake and reverse?
Prior to use REV IDLE on WET runways must perform landing calc as follows:
RWY COND set to 3-Medium
AUTOBRAKE LOW or MED as required
REV is set to No (STD)
Provided the resulting F-LD is within the LDA, can use REV IDLE
What are the requirements for performing Single Engine Taxi Departure and Arrival?
Subtle differences between Dep and Arr in manuals, but basically:
Taxiways not slippery or contaminated
Steering and braking normal
Hydraulic systems operating normally (Only need Y ELEC PUMP for dep)
GEN 1 serviceable
APU and APU Gen serviceable if not an A/C modified for SETWA
Bleed/Pack 1 serviceable
Single Engine Taxi Departure not permitted during LVPs
Standard Loading for all A/C types
Bookmark saved in Docunet
A319: Rear First
Cpt 4
Cpt 5 (max 50) (max 150 rear hold)
Cpt 1
A320: Front First
Cpt 1
Cpt 4
Cpt 3
(normally don’t use Cpt 5)
A321: Rear First?
Cpt 3 - 100 bags
Cpt 4 - 50 bags
Cpt 2
What’s the minimum speed you can fly in CONF 1?
180 kts, can be below S speed
What settings should the flight deck oxygen mask be set to normally?
100% and Emergency Pressure OFF
N/100% - when mask on, push flat paddel up to get N - a mix of pure oxygen and air depending on cabin alt.
Emergency Pressure Selector
Can push for temporary over pressure to eliminate fogging.
Twist the knob to get overpressure. Overpressure automatically supplied when cabin alt >30,000’
Approach using FINAL APP. When can press APPR pb?
- A/C cleared for approach
- TO waypoint is Final Descent Point
APPR should be armed at least 2NM before FDP.
Where FDP less than 2NM from previous fix, can press APPR when:
- A/C levelled off at final descent alt
- FDP properly sequenced
What are the maximum allowable differences between chart and MCDU with regards to approach using FINAL APP?
Vertical - 0.1°
Lateral - tracks and distances shall be reasonable
For an approach using FINAL APP, what are the requirements regarding NAV ACCUR and GPS PRIMARY?
If NAV ACCUR LOW must fly using TRK FPA
For RNP approach, GPS PRIMARY required on at least 1 FMS
Do you have to use AP for approaches using FINAL APP?
EasyJet policy for AP to be used for all Non Precision Approaches in IMC
Describe circling procedure
Check circling minima!
SEC F-PLN has landing runway
Fly approach, early stabilised:
- FLAP 3
- L/G Down
- SPLRS Armed
Select TRK FPA
“ONE HUNDRED ABOVE” -> Push to level off
If visual, turn 45°, time 30 seconds from wings level
If not visual by time reach MAP -> Go Around
- Activate Secondary
Abeam Threshold:
- 3 sec/100’ (1500’ = 45 seconds) No wind correction
Level base turn 25°AOB. When visual with RWY, descend.
On Final, FLAP FULL, Landing Checklist (Or simpler to do FLAP 3 landing if perf permits)
Stable at 400’ AND within 30° final track
What does * mean on checklists?
Items to be done after transit stop without crew change. Otherwise, do all items.
Describe the flight deck oxygen mask test.
Press/hold reset/test button
Blinker temporarily goes yellow
Press/hold reset/test button AND emer press selector
Blinker stays yellow and sound of oxygen through speaker
Check reset/test button returns to up position & N/100% in 100% position
Press emer press selector and check blinker does not turn yellow (mask not supplied)
DOOR/OXY page - no REGUL LO PR message
When is a rolling T/O permitted?
Always unless TOGA due T/O performance limitation (RWY/OBS)
Describe take off technique for cross wind >20 kts (N/A FO take off) or tail wind
Release brakes
Full forward stickstick
“Take off”
50% N1
Rapid to 70%
When have 15kt G/S, into appropriate gate
What assumptions does FMS make when calculating LAST EXIT UTC/FUEL when in a hold?
A/C weight equal to weight at primary destination
FL220 if dist to ALTN <200NM, otherwise FL310
Constant wind
Max range speed
Airway distance for company route (?) otherwise direct
Can you keep AP engaged below minima on an approach using FINAL APP?
Yes. Use down to minimum use height (250’0 or MAP
How do you use GA SOFT and what happens?
Thrust levers to TOGA then FLX/MCT
2300 ft/min
How do FMS predictions work with regard to holding?
FMS does not take hold into account with regards to predictions until A/C in the hold
When in the hold, all predictions based on the A/C doing one hold. Predictions update every time aircraft flies over the holding fix.
How does the Approach Ban work with respect to a NPA?
Relates only to RVR/VIS. ‘Ceiling does not need to be considered for the commencement and continuation of the approach’ OMA
What four things is the tech log used for?
1) Flying times and landings
2) Defects and rectifications
3) Fuel & oil
4) Defect trends
Where do you find BNTC and what are their purpose?
Aircraft Status Report in Tech Log.
Modification status of aircraft in comparison with ‘Standard Aircraft Specification’
Can the commander defer a defect?
A deferred defect is a defect allowable by the MEL (or deemed non airworthiness by an engineer).
Commander may defer a defect when no local maintenance available AND no maintenance procedure (M) required by MEL.
(There is a short list of approved M actions pilots can do in the MEL e.g. flap over speed)