LVPs Flashcards
Minimum takeoff RVR
125m to be achieved for all relevant RVRs
Absolute minimum and requires LVPs and all lights
See QRH SI for multiple minimum RVRs depending on lighting available
What is relevant RVR, take off and landing?
Take off: Accelerate to V1 followed by a rejected take-off and deceleration down to a speed of approximately 60 knots.
Landing: Down to a speed of approximately 60 knots
Visual references - CAT I
Anything! Element of approach lights, threshold (or lights), PAPI, touchdown zone (or lights), runway edge lights
Visual references - CAT II
Segment of 3 consecutive lights AND lateral element
{CAT 2 requires 2 elements}
Visual references - CAT IIIA
3 consecutive lights
{CAT 3 requires 3}
Visual references - CAT IIIB with DH
1 centreline light
Visual references - CAT I LTS
Same as CAT II
Visual references - CAT I LTS
Same as CAT II - Segment of 3 consecutive lights AND lateral element
CAT I LTS requirements
Must be LVPs
Must autoland
Vis ref same as CAT II
Alert Height
Only relevant to CAT 3 DUAL
Below Alert Height landing capability frozen
After passing alert height, only G/A for Autoland Light i.e. can get ECAM Rad Alt 1 FAULT & continue to land
Autoland Light
Transmitter Fail, GS or LOC
Deviation, GS or LOC
RAD ALT discrepancy >15’
Both autopilots fail
Flare - long or untimely
AUTOLAND + Noise -> TOGA + Pull Back - AP failed
AUTOLAND -> TOGA - AP in for G/A
LVO approach failure above 1000’
Must complete following by 1000’ or go around:
2) Required Equip Cat II/III in QRH Ops
3) Approach landing capability… CHECK
LVO approach failure below 1000’
If failure occurs below 1000’ that doesn’t affect FMA Landing Capability, can disregard and continue approach
If failure causes Landing Capability downgrade (triple click), and visual references not sufficient, go around
Heights at which various events happen on autoland
700’ - Data lock
40’ - FLARE
30’ - THR IDLE
10’ - RETARD
CAT IIIB. MCDU entry and calls
“One hundred” -> “Continue”
How do you deal with A/THR failures with regards to LVO approach?
If A/THR 2 fail - no impact, still CAT 3 DUAL
If A/THR 1 fail - select AP2, then A/THR2 - now have 1 AP and 1 A/THR -> CAT 3 SINGLE
Describe colours of runway lights at end of runway
900m to go - alternating red and white
300m to go - continuous red
Minima CAT I
DH and 3x RVR
550 / 125* / 75*
*If reported
Applicable to all approach categories:
- Only RELEVANT mid point and stop end RVR required - i.e. if will be above 60kts
- If have rollout guidance, mid point RVR changed to 75m
Minma CAT II
DH and 3x RVR
100’ RA
300 / 125 / 75
Applicable to all approach categories:
- Only RELEVANT mid point and stop end RVR required - i.e. if will be above 60kts
- If have rollout guidance, mid point RVR changed to 75m
DH and 3x RVR
50’ RA
200 / 125 / 75
Applicable to all approach categories:
- Only RELEVANT mid point and stop end RVR required - i.e. if will be above 60kts
- If have rollout guidance, mid point RVR changed to 75m
Minima CAT IIIB with DH
(Lowest permitted by OMA)
DH and 3x RVR
25’ RA
75 / 75 / 75
Applicable to all approach categories:
- Only RELEVANT mid point and stop end RVR required - i.e. if will be above 60kts
Minima CATIIIB without DH
DH and 3x RVR
75 / 75 / 75
Applicable to all approach categories:
- Only RELEVANT mid point and stop end RVR required - i.e. if will be above 60kts
When do you use?
When do you not use?
How do you use?
Converted Met Vis
Use in flight when RVR not reported
Don’t use:
- When RVR reported
- For calculating T/O minima
- For any RVR minima less than 800m (after conversion)
- For pre flight planning - instead use met vis in TAF
To use, there’s a table in OMA; multiplier depends on lighting available
With regards to autoland, which config should you use?
One engine and two engine
CONF FULL always acceptable
Two engine: either CONF acceptable for any autoland regardless of a/c type
A320 NEO: either CONF acceptable for any autoland regardless if OEI or not
A320 CEO: CONF FULL only for OEI
Must you autoland a CAT II ILS?
‘At least one AP is coupled for approach and automatic landing.’ OMB
Definition of Approach Ban
Cannot continue past unless all relevant RVR are above minima
LVP approach briefing topics
Look at QRH SI
Standard calls
Failure above 1000’ - actions to complete (incl QRH OPS Rqrd Equip CAT2 CAT3), what reversion is possible with current RVR/ceiling
Failure below 1000’
If you have one reverser unavailable during an autoland, can you use the other reverser?
Yes but only idle reverse (there are a few MSNs in FCOM LIM that allow more, but for simplicity, idle only!)
Engagement conditions
Do we need it?
Engages when:
Below 400’ RA
LOC and GS on FMA
CAT I CAT II or CAT III shown on FMA
If at 350’RA LAND not displayed, autoland not permitted (OMB
When can you not autoland?
Overweight (A319 authorised up to 69T)
Flap/slat jam i.e. not in CONF 3 or FULL (unless OEI and A320 CEO when must be CONF FULL)
Other A/C failure (monitored or non-monitored)
Ground equipment failure/NOTAM
Wind out of limits
Vis out of limits
(Contam runway - rollout guidance not demonstrated)
What is required on ground and in the A/C to perform an automatic rollout?
Cat II ground equipment
Not approved on contaminated RWY
See Required Equipment… table