Newborn Flashcards
What are the risk ages for preg?
35 OR
What can cause death in utero?
malformations, maternal illness, placental or cord issues
What is the time range for perinatal mortality?
20 wks to 28 days of life
What has the best neonatality rate and what has the worst?
morocco - best
somalia - worst
When are heart tones detected and movement?
18-20 wks
When does surfactant come?
32-34 wks
What is stress testing in preg and whats normal?
oxytocin challenge - 3 contracts/10 min
How do you determine growth in utero?
fundal ht
What is non stress testing?
HR in response to mvmt
What connects the placenta to fetus?
2 arteries 1 vein
Is there mixing of maternal and fetal blood?
What does the placenta produce?
lactogen, estrogen, progesterone
What is the babies hemoglobin made up of?
2 alpha 2 gamma - binds O2 tighter
What does APGAR stand for?
Appearance (color) Pulse (HR) Grimace (muscle tone) Activity (reflex irritability) Respirations (RR)
blue - 0
center pink -1
all pink -2
0 - 0
100 - 2
none - 0
weak cry - 1
vigorurous - 2
none - 0
some flexion - 1
all flexed - 2
none - 0
some motion - 1
crying withdrawal - 2
When do you do apgar?
1 and 5 min
What is score 8-10?
no concern
What is 4-7?
watch close and repeat in 10 min
What is 0-3?
What do they give to newborns?
opthalmic erythromycin and vit K
What are newborn rashes?
Acne, milia, miliaria, melanosis, erythema toxicu
What are newborn nevi?
salmon patch, port wine, congenital melanocytic
What are hemangiomas?
capillary or cavernous
What is elongation of skull after delivery?
What are signs of trauma?
cephalohematoma, caput succedaneum
What is an eye issue that is emergent?
What is a preauricular sinus related to?
renal abnormalities
What causes bowel sounds in chest?
diaphragmatic hernia
How long is PDA murmur common for/
1-2 days
What vaginal discharge is normal at birth?
milky or blood streaked
What are causes of ambiguous genitalia?
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Hypospadias with Cryptochordism
Preterm Ovarian Hyperstimulation
Turner Syndrome
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
What does barlow and ortolani rule out?
congenital hip dysplasia
puffiness to the scalp that crosses suture lines of the skull
blood collection under the periosteal surface. Does not cross suture lines.
What is a common newborn fracture?
What are 12 complications?
Placenta previa Abruptio placenta Pre-eclampsia Eclampsia Oligohydramnios Polyhydramnios Gestational DM Multiple gestation ABO sensitivity Rh sensitivity Drug abuse HIV, STD’s, Rubella, CMV
What is too little fluid in sac?
What is high blood pressure in preg?
pre eclampsia
What is when the placenta seperates from uterus and baby loses blood supply?
abruptio placenta
What are prenatal tests?
Alpha fetoprotein hCG Estriol Inhibin A Ultrasound Amniocentesis Chorionic villus Umbilical blood Fetal non-stress test Glucose tolerance test Drug screening Hepatitis, HIV
What can cause death in utero?
malformations, maternal illness, placental or cord issues
What is the time range for perinatal mortality?
20 wks to 28 days of life
What has the best neonatality rate and what has the worst?
morocco - best
somalia - worst
When are heart tones detected and movement?
18-20 wks
When does surfactant come?
32-34 wks
What is stress testing in preg and whats normal?
oxytocin challenge - 3 contracts/10 min
How do you determine growth in utero?
fundal ht
What is non stress testing?
HR in response to mvmt
What connects the placenta to fetus?
2 arteries 1 vein
Is there mixing of maternal and fetal blood?
What does the placenta produce?
lactogen, estrogen, progesterone
What does barlow and ortolani rule out?
congenital hip dysplasia
puffiness to the scalp that crosses suture lines of the skull
blood collection under the periosteal surface. Does not cross suture lines.
What is a common newborn fracture?