New: Internal differences in achievement Flashcards
what does labelling mean
when you attach a label to someone
Interactionist - labelling
Number of studies have been carried out by interactionist sociologists as they want to know how people attach a meanings + the effect it has on those labelled. They study small scale interactions
Becker (1971)- ideal pupil
based interviews on 60 Chicago high school teachers. judged pupils to how closely they fit the idea pupil. Wc pupils were furthest away from this. Mc seen as ideal
Hempel - Jorgensen (2009)
notions of idea pupil vary according to the social class makeup of the school
- WC school: ideal pupil was quiet + obedient
- Middle class: few discipline problems, ideal pupil defined by personality
what is streaming
separating students into different ability of groups
how does streaming impact achievement
Once streamed it is difficult to move up to a higher stream - locked into teachers expectations of them. creates self fulfilling prophecy. MC students benefit from streaming - more likely placed in higher streams reflecting teachers view of them as ideal pupil
extra mini study of streaming
Douglas found children placed in a higher stream at 8 had improved IQ score by 11
Gillborn and youdell (2001)
teachers use stereotypical notions to stream pupils. Teachers were likely to see WC + black pupils as having ability. So more likely to placed in lower streams + entered lower their GCSE
can explain exclusion rates
what the A-C economy
teachers focus time, effort and resources on pupils they see as getting 5 grades Cs + boosting league table position
what is the ‘educational triage’
process of A-C economy AKA sorting
3 groups: those who will pass anyways, hopeless cases + targeted for extra help.
how does the educational triage impact achievement
Teachers have a stereotypical notion of WC + black pupils as hopeless cases. This produces self fulfilling prophecy
The need to gain good league tables position drives educational triage which creates basis for streaming
extra study of labelling
Rist (1970)
teacher in primary school used kids background information to place them in different groups
Tigers = MC, seated closer to teacher
Cardinals + clowns= WC, seated further, given lower level books
what is the self fulfilling prophecy
prediction comes true by virtue of being made
process of self fulfilling prophecy
- firstly teacher labels student
- teacher treats student according to label as if its true
- pupil internalises teachers expectations, becomes self image, predictions is fulfilled
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
study in Primary school (California)
researchers told teachers certain students would spurt (not true, chosen at random). 47% of spurters made progress. Shows the power of labelling students - teachers conveyed belief of this is how they treated ‘spurters’