Education Keywords Flashcards
Cultural deprivation
Theory that many WC and black children are inadequately socialised and therefore lack the ‘right’ culture needed for educational success
Restricted code
Berstein- used by working class. It has limited vocabulary, short, unfinished, grammatically simple sentences
elaborated code
Bernstein-used by middle class. it has wider vocabulary, based on longer grammatically more complex sentences
a group of people within a society who share norms, values , belief and attitudes that are different from mainstream culture
sugarman- belief in fate that nothing you can do to change your status
valuing being part of a group rather than your own
immediate gratification
seeking pleasure now rather than waiting for a reward
present-time orientation
seeking the present as more important than having long term goals
compensatory education
government education policies such as operation headstart in the USA that seek to tackle the problem of underachievement by providing extra support and funding
material deprivation
poverty: a lack of basic necessities such as adequate diet, housing , clothing or the money to buy these things.
cultural capital
the knowledge , attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities that the middle class transmit to their children
Becker-the process of attaching a definition or meaning to an individual or group.
self fulfilling prophecy
where a prediction made about a person or group comes true simply because it has been made. This will discourage students and make predictions come true
Gillborn and Youdell-where children are separated into different ability groups/classes and then each ability groups is taught separately
A-C economy
A system in which schools concentrate their efforts on those pupils they see as most likely to gain 5 A*-C grades at GCSE and to boost the schools league tables position
Educational triage
The process whereby schools sort pupils into ‘hopelss cases’ ,’those who will pass anyway’ and ‘ those with potential to pass’. Then concentrate their efforts on the last of these groups in order to boost the schools league table position