Childhood Flashcards
how does Pilcher define childhood
‘separateness’- clear distinct life stage which occupies a separate status from adults
how might other people describe childhood in relation to Pilcher
the idea that childhood is a ‘golden age ‘ of happiness and innocence
how does Wagg describe childhood
childhood is socially constructed. There is no single universal childhood. it differs between societies, times and places
what does Punch state about cross- cultural differences in Childhood
children as young as 5 in rural areas take work responsibilities
what did Firth argue about cross-cultural differences in childhood
firth argues less value is placed in other cultures on children showing obedience to adults due to the findings found in the western pacific
what did Malinowski argue about cross- cultural differences in childhood
sexual behaviour is viewed differently in some cultures.
what did Aries find about historical differences in childhood
- 10th-13th century ‘childhood’ did not exists
- childhood as a separate stage was short lived
- ‘mini-adults’- faced same punishment etc
- high death rates reflect child neglect, referred to baby as it
what is the globalisation of western childhood
some sociologists argue that western notions of childhood are being globalised. Welfare agencies accused of imposing western childhood notions on the rest of the world. Reflecting what childhood notions should be, where this is the notion for their culture.
what is the modern cult of childhood
according to Aries, elements of the modern notion of childhood gradually began to emerge from the 15th century onwards
*schools- church schools saw children as fragile creatures
* dress started to set children apart from adults
* handbooks on childbearing is widely available
ARIES: moved to a world that is obsessed with childhood
what is the AO3 for the modern cult of childhood
childhood did not exist it was just a different notion
what is the future of childhood
postman childhood is disappearing ‘ at a dazzling speed’ eg giving children the same rights, similar clothing
what doe information hierarchy mean
children could not read, knowledge about sex, violence and death was ‘adult matter’. Tv broke down this boundary as children are able to access this information. innocence of children is replaced by knowledge and cynicism
A03 for the future of childhood
+ valuable in showing how technology can influence childhood
-but ignores other factors that influence childhood development
how is childhood described in post modernity
jenks- childhood is not disappearing but changing
post modern society is less stable eg divorce. Adults thus became protective over children
what are A03 for post modernists views on childhood
over generalises that all children are in the same position