neuroscience - exam 3 Flashcards
cells that send & receive electrical or chemical signals (nerve cells)
nervous systems
circuits of neurons that integrate internal & external
How do neurons and nervous systems differ in association with species complexity
more complex organisms have more complex nervous systems & more neurons
least complex organisms nervous system
neurons spread out
nerve net
neurons bundled
neurons cluster in the head = brain
bilateral symmetry
both sides the same
central nervous system
brain & spinal cord
peripheral nervous
nerve cells outside the CNS
receives signals
cell body
contains cell machinery
axon hillock
integrates signals
carries signals to synaptic terminals
synaptic terminals
send signals to other cells
blood-brain barrier
prevents toxins from entering the brain
nourish/support neurons
role in mental disorders
immune cells
protect brain against pathogens
clean up debris
glial cells in CNS
wrap around axons
schwann cells
glial cells in PNS
wrap around axons
myelin sheath
encases neurons & insulates
increases signal speed
what disease is associated w/ myelin degeneration
multiple sclerosis
what type of signals travel down neurons
electrical signals
what type of signals travel between neurons
chemical signals
sensory neurons
“talk” to other neurons
can be CNS or PNS
motor neurons
cone snail sensory, inter, & motor
sensory input of PNS - cone snail’s siphon senses a fish
integration - sensory input sent to CNS
motor output (PNS) - proboscis sends thing out to inject fish w/ poison
which type of neuron is affected by Lou Gehrig’s disease?
motor neuron
membrane potential
voltage across a plasma membrane
electrical charge difference
resting potential
membrane potential of a neuron that is not transmitting signals
what forms the resting potential
differences in ions across the plasma membrane