Neuroplasticity & Learning (unfinished) Flashcards
-neural capacitty to alter brain function, neurotransmitters and structure
-memory and learning
-healing from damage
Mechanisms: habituation, new experiences, recovery after injury
-change in behavior from knowledge and practice
-process of acquisition
-process that knowledge is encoded, stored and recalled
-product of learning
Motor Learning
-learning new strategies from moving
-permanent changes in behavior
-increases activity of thalamocortical pathways
-parallel pathways aid in efficiency and redundancy
-temporary change in motor behavior
-simple form of neuroplasticity
-supression of repetitive non-noxious stimuli
-after rest, response can be ilicited to same stimulus
Short term: changes in neurotransmitter and concentration of Ca
Long term: repeated stimulation causeing structural changes
-strengthening response to stimuli preceded by noxious stimuli
-more complex than habituation
-alters K+ allowing longer AP and more neurotransmitter
Long term: increased strength of existing, new proteins, new synapses, modified current synapses
Assoociative Learning
-person can predict association
-2 neurons activated causes protein altering
Long term: new protein synthesis with formation fo new synapses
Classic Conditioning
-1 stimulus to another
-weak stumulus and response paired with stronger stimulus
Operant Conditioning
-behavior to consequences
-trial and error: behavior shaped by internal throughts and motivation
-consequences: reinforcement to strengthen behavior and punishment to weaken
Implicit Procedural Learning
-skills and habits
-must be performed by learner
-basal ganglia loops
Explicit Learning
-coonscioous processes with end product of acquiring knowledge
-prefrontal cortex, limbic
Long Term Potentiation
-similar to pottentiation
-requires stimuli at the same location
-weak is facilitatied if stimulated in ass with stronger (associativity, specificity and cooperativity (pre and post working together))
-increased neurotransmitter
Shorter term: functional changes only
Long term: protein synthesis
Hippocampus and temporal lobe for spatial memory that can be verbalized
Long Term Depression
-similar to habituation
-acticate weak synapses
-only highly actice will exibit LTP
-selective memory
-requires >1 neuron working togetther
-pre and post together
-contributing fibers and post synaptic cells working together
Implicit and explicit memory
-can shift between each
-used in most learning activities
Early Cognitive Phase
-high attention
-activation inc then dec in dorsolateral PFC, sensorimotor coorticies, parietal and cerebellum
-sesnory feedback
-performance witth rapid improvement
Associative Phase
-motor/sensory apthways active but less
-inc in cerebellar activity and basal ganglia
-executive function needed
-new skills, compare results
-refine skill
-slower improvements
Autonomous Stage
-primary cortex remains activice but decreased
-more automatic basal ganglia
-increased accuracy
-stable performance
Brain Injury
-cell death causes <excitotoxicity <release glutamate < destroy post synaptic neurons < increased Ca and K < more glycolysis needed < breaking down cell < cellular inflammation from arachidonic acid < free radicals < cellular edema
Axonal Injury
injury < axons retract away < wallerian degeneration < distal segment dies < glial cells clean up < cell body degenerates through chromatolysis < post synaptic cell may die
Axon Injury Regrowth
Sprouting: new branch of intact axon
Collateral sprouting: neighbo r neuron reinnervates
Regenerative sprouting: damaged neuron sends new sorts to new target
Schwann cells regrow axon 1mm/day, exercise day 5 helps
Diffuse Axonal Injury
-TBI from high velocity injuries cause widespread tearing
Neurite Outgrowth inhibitor
-glial scars revent aconal regeneration in CNS
Cell Body Death
-always causes neuron death
Synaptic Changes after Injury
Recovery of synaptic effectivenss
-resolution of edema
Denervation hypersensitivity
-increased post synaptic receptors
Synaptic Hypereffectiveness
-presynaptic terminals are damaged and post receive it all
Unmasking of silent synapses
Principles of Plasticity
- Use it or lose it
- Use and improve it
- Specificity
- Repetition matters
- Intensity matters
- Time Matters: work at diff times
- Salience Matters: meaningful tasks
- Age
- Transference: can enhance aquisition of similar behaviors
- Interference: one experience can interfere with another behavior
Voluntary Movement 3 Phases
Target identification: post parietal cortex
Planning of action: premotor areas of frontal cortex
Execution of action: primary motor