Cognition, Consciousness, Attention, Communication Flashcards
-ability to turn external timulation to internal motivation
-identify stimui and respond
Association Corticies Inputs
-projections from primary and secondary sensory and motor, thalamus, BS
Association Corticies Outputs
-hippocampus, BG, cerebellum, thalamus
Temporoparietal Association Cortex
-cognitive intelligence
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Areas
-self awareness
-executive function
-goal setting
Medial Dorsal Prefrontal Areas
-perceives other’s emotion making assumptions
-medial and superior
Ventral Pefrontal Cortex
-connects mood and affects
-medial and inferior
Frontal Lobe Syndromes: Executive Dysfuntion and Loss of Willpower
-Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex < Caudate < GP < Thalamus
-Difficulty planning, initiating, maintaing behavior
Frontal Lobe Syndromes: Disinhibition, irritability, and Impulsiveness
Orbital Cortex < Caudate < Substantia Nigra < Thalamus
-Social judgement, inappropriate behaviors
Frontal Lobe Syndromes: Apathy
Ventral Prefrontal Cortex < Ventra Striatum < Ventral Pallidum < Thalamus
-Apathetic and lack insight
Frontal Lobe Syndromes: Paranoia, Delusions
Medial Dorsal prefrontal Cortex < Ventral Striatum < Ventral Pallidum < Thalamus
-Undrstanding others emotions and beliefs and intentions
Hemispheric Localization & Lateralization
-reduce connection times
-R hand dominance and left
-lateralization occurs at 3-4
Dominant Hemisphere
-usually Left
-motor planning
-math: sequence, analytic calc
-Music: sequential, analytic skill
-Sense of direction: following directions
Nondominant Hemiphere
-usually R
-visual spatial analysis and attention
-Math: estimate quantities
-Music: untrained musicians, complex performance
-Sense of direction: navigating using spatial orientation/awareness
Disconnection Syndromes
-leisons to white matter disrupting connections between cortical areas
Ex: conduction aphasia, corpus callosotomy (split brain procedure for epilepsy)
Consciousness System
-medial and lateral frontoparietal association cortex and arousal circuits of upper brainstem and diencephalon
-AAA: alertness, attention, Awareness
Alertness: normal functioning of brainstem and diencephalic arousal circuits
Attention: functioning of brainstem and diencephalic arousal circuits and processing frontoparietal association cortex
Awareness: subjective experiences, combine higher order systems, poorly understood
Reticular Formation
-in tegmentum and runs through entire brainstem
Midbrain and Upper Pons: continuous with nuclei diencephalon rostrally, conscious state in forebrain
Pons and Medulla: conntinuous with intermediate zone SC caudally for motor, reflex and autonomic functions
Reticular Acticating System
-in upper brainstem-diencephalic junction where lesion can cause coma with multiple interconnected arousal systems acting in parallel to keepp consciousness
Coma from:
-lesion in rostral RF and related structures
-Massive damage damage tto B cerebral cortex
-Damage to B thalamus
-more caudal or ventrtal don’t cause coma
Maintenance of Alertness
-BS noreinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, ACH, RF w/ glutamate projections
-Posterior hypothalamic neurons
-Basal forebrain
-brain processes that allocate resources to what matters
-frontoparietal assoxiatiooon cortex
-anterior cingulate gyrus, amygdala, limbic structures
Sustained: viligance, concentration, non distractibility
Switching: change from one task to the other
Selective: able to focus on more than 1
Divided: by performind 2 or more tasks
Dominant Side Language
-Comprehension: wernicke’s, left side
-Motor Planning and production: Broca’s, left
-Angular Gyrus: connected to wernicke’s for comprehending spoken and written language
Non-Dominant Side Language
-Wernicke’s equivalent on R side: comprehends emotional or tone of voice and facial expressions
-Broca’s equivalent on R side: use of different tones and gestures of communication
Wernicke’s Aphasia
-can form words but do not make longical sense as a language
Broca’s Aphasia
-understands what they want to say but cannot find the words
-excessive wordiness and repetiveness
Verbal Perservation
-repetittive spoken words
-patient generates a false memory without the intention of deceit
-rerading disorders
-inability to right
-difficulty speaking because the muscles you use for speech are weak