Basal Gangila Flashcards
Basal Ganglia
-motor control and adjustments (no direct contact to motor neurons)
-initiate and inhibit movements
-social behavior
Parts of Basal Ganglia
Caudate+Putamen= Striatum
Anterior/Nucleus Stiatum
Putamen + Globis Pallidus= Lentiform Nucleus
Globis Pallidus Internus
Globis Pallidus Externus
Subthalamic Nucleus
Substantia Nigra
Substantia Nigra
-produces dopamine
-in midbrain
-mood, learning, judgement, descion making
-Substantia nigra compata
Substantia nigra reticularis
Subthalamus/Subthalamic Nuclei
-superior to substantia nigra
-inferior to thalamus
-Lateral to hypothalamus
-functionally a part of basal ganglia
-initiates and suppresses movement
-excitatory input to basal ganglia
Inputs to Basal Ganglia
-From Cerebrum Through Corticostriatal pathways
-From Striatum
-Glutamate; excitatory
-Dopamine; excitatory
-ACH; excitory
-Serotonin; inhibitory
Outputs from Basal Ganglia
-Out of Globus Palliidus Internus
-Out of Substantia Nigra
-GABA; Inhibitory
Motor Loops
-oculomotor loop
-Motor loop
Non-Motor Loops
-Goal-directed behavior loop
-social behavior loop
-emotion loop
Goal-Direct Behavior Loop
- Lateral prefrontal Cortex
- Head of Caudate: descision making, planning and picking actions
- GPi
- Thalamus: linking action chosen by caudate and performing movement
- Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
Deficits: inattention, poor concentration, disorientation, poor short term memory
-dorsal striatal and prefrontal
Social Behavior Loop
- Ventral Prefrontal Cortex
- Head of caudate: social cues, self control, determines irrelevant
- Substantia Nigra Reticularis
- Thalamus
- Ventral Prefrontal Cortex
-dorsal striatal and prefrontal
Deficits: inppulsivity, indifference, temper, risky behaviors
Emotion Loop
- Medial Prefrontal Cortex
- Ventral Striatum: emotions and motivation; links emotional, cognitive and motor systems
- GPs
- Thalamus
- Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Deficits: L BG stroke causing depression and dull emotions, impaired reward seeking
-ventral striatal and limbic channel
Oculomotor Loop
- Frontal and Supplementary Eyes Fields
- Body of Caudate: eye motions and spacial attention (rapid eye mmts)
- Substatia Nigra
- Thalamus
- Frontal and Supplementary Eyes Fields
-dorsal striatal and oculomotor loop
Deficits: poor saccadic eye mmts
Motor Loops
- Motor and Premotor Cortex
- Putamen: motor planning
- Globus Pallidius
- Thalamus
- Motor and Premotor Cortex
-dorsal striatal and motor channel
Deficits: muscle contractions and force, sequencing
-no caudate
-2 inhibitory neurons target 1
-2nd inhibitory neuron inhibits the first to allow excitatory activity
-fine tuning movements
Motor Loop Internal Pathways
-all of GPi as output nucleus; inhibits motor thalmus to excite cortical motor areas to excite motor neurons
-cause excessive or insufficient movement
Stop Pathway
-fastest; hyperdirect
Cortex < Glutamate < Sub nuc < glutamate < GPi < GABA < Motor Thalamus: inhibit motor programs to stop irrelevant movement
Go Pathway
-direct pathway
-activation disinhibits motor
Cortex < Glutamate < Putamen < GABA < GPi < Dopamine (less) < Motor Thalamus: less inhibition to motor thalamus makes specific mmts to cortex via corticospinal
No-Go Pathway
-indirect pathway
-inhibits unwanted mmt, fine tuning
Cortex < Glutamate < Putamen < Dopamine (inhibits) < GPe < Glutamate (inhibits less) < Subthalamic Nucleus < Glutamate < Gpi < Dopamine (inhibits) < Motor Thalamus
Medium Spiny Neurons
-spiny projections
-GABAergic inhibitory cells in
-Putamen’s D1 and D2 bind to Dopamine (made by Substatia Nigra)
D1: Direct pathway (Go); dopamine excites inhibitory in GPi
D2: Indirect pathway (No-go); dopamine inhibits Neurons in putamen and GPe, disinhibiting SN and stimulating GPi
Voluntary Muscle Activity thru Basal Ganglia
-motor thalamus to motor tract cells in cortex
-corticospinal, corticopontine, corticobrainstem
Postural and Proximal Limb Muscle Activity thru Basal Ganglia
-pedunculopontine nucleus in midbrain to reticulospinal tracts to spinal nerves
-GABA to Glutamate
Walking Activity thru Basal Ganglia
-midbrain locomotor region to retticulospinal tracts to stepping pattern generators
-ACH than Glutamate
Hypokinetic Disorders
-too much BG inhibition
Hyperkinetic Disorders
-too little inhibition cause
-Huntington’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
-decreased dopamine from SN leads to excessive activity of GPi inhibiting motor control
Postural Instability Gait Difficulty (PIGD) Subtype:
-hypokinesia (freezing gait, pill rolling, masked face, tremor)
-ANS dysfunction
-Cognitive Dysfunction
Tremor Dominant Subtype:
-Hyperkinetic (resting and activie tremor)
-orthostatic hypotension
Huntington’s Disease
-genetic disease causing Cortical, striatum, Putamen progressive degeneration
-90% loss of GABA inhibitory neurons in putamen and caudate so less input to GPe (no-go)
-cause GPi to have Ballistic involuntary, continuous mmts (Chorei-form)
-thalamic neurons can fire randomly
-genetic, nonprogressive, involuntary sustained muscle contractions, abnormal posture and repetitive mmts
-increase during stress or activity
-regulate mmts and influence learning
-part of lentiform nucleus with GP
-part of striatum with caudate nucleus
Globus Pallidus Internus
-control conscious and proprioceptive mmts
-cognition and motivation
-output nucleus
-primarily inhibitory
Globus Pallidus Externus
-central hub for motor and non-motor info
-control conscious and proprioceptive mmts
-input nucleus
Caudate Nucleus
-ventral striatum with putamen
-planning and execution of mmts, learning, reward, motivation, interaction
Internal Capsule
Anterior: Prefrontal cortex to thalamus and BS fibers (sensory)
Posterior: Corticospinal, sensory and corticobulbar (both)
Genu: knee of internal capsule