Brain Flashcards
Frontal Lobe
Voluntary Movement, language, higher level function
Parietal Lobe
Sensory perception, sensory integration (5 senses)
Occipital Lobe
-visual perception
Temporal Lobe
-auditory processing, vestibular, memory formation
Post central gyrus
-Primary sensory cortex
-sensory input
Pre central gyrus
-primary motor cortex
-voluntary movement of contralateral side
Central Sulcus
-boundary btwn motor/sensory and parietal/frontal lobes
Lateral Sulcus
-separates temporal from frontal and parietal lobes
-coordinate movements
-unconscious processes
-sleep, breathings
-vital processing (breathings, BP, HR
Mammillary Bodies
-recollective memory
-limbic system sends info to cingulate
Fusiform Gyrus
-high level vision
-face perception, object recognition, reading
Inferior Olive
-learning and timing of movements and comparing them to intended movements
Pyramids and Decussation
-motor fibers that pass from brain to medulla oblongata
-SC nerves cross