Cerebral Cortex Flashcards
Primary Somatosensory Cortex
-differentiates basic sensory info (shape, texture, size)
-Post central gyrus and central sulcus
-difficulty with recognizing sensory information
Cortical Layers
Granular cells
Pyramidal cells
-6 layers except for olfactoy and medial temporal
Secondary Somatosensory Cortex
-complex recognition of sensory info from primary and thalamus
-projects to motor and limbic areas
-integration of info, attention and learning memory
-located immediately behind PSC
-Asterognosia, tactile learning, memory
Primary Auditory Cortex
-in lateral fissue and sup. temporal lobe
-allows awareness of intensity of sounds
-Cochlea < inferior col < thalamus < auditory cortex
Sedondary Auditory Cortex
-contrasts and classifies sounds and makes/retrieves memories from them
-larger than primary, sup. temporal
-Auditory Agnosia
Primary Visual Cortex
-within calcarine sulcus (occipital to deep)
-differentiates light/dark, shapes, locations, mmts
-Retina < thalamus < cortex
Secondary Visual Cortex
-Analyzes colors and mmts
-project to sup coli (guides visual vixation)
Action Stream: SSC < dorsal to PPC < frontal
-adjust limb mmts
Preception Stream: SSC < ventral to temporal
Vestibular Cortex
-posterior end of lateral vissure in parieto-insular cortex
Posterior Parietal Cortex
Parietemporal Association Cortex
-recieves projections from somatosensory cortex and visual sys (highest degree)
-outputs to moto sys for sensory/motor integration
-part of SSC, includes Wernicke’s area
-intelligence, probelm solving, language comprehension, spatial relationship
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
-executive functions: planning
-lateral frontal lobe
Ventral and Medial Dorsal Prefrontal Association Cortices
-imooulse control
-Ventral: observable mood and demeanor (Visual Agnosia & Prosopagnosia)
-Medial Dorsal: preception of other’s demeanor and assumptions (Optic Ataxia)
-Medial frontal lobe and inferior frontal lobe
Primary Motor Cortex
-execution of mmt
-controls contra fractionation mmt
-precentral gyrus
-loss of fractionated mmt
-dysarthria: muscles for speech
Premotor Cortex
-execution and planning of mmt
-20-30% of corticospinal tact (trunk and shoulder)
-anticipatory postural adjustments
-lateral and anteior to PMC
-attached to Broca’s Area
-speed and automaticity of reaching/grasping
-mmt sequencing
-posture and gait
Supplemental Motor Area
-motor planning and initiation
-planning bimanual and sequential mmts
-anterior to PMC
-deficits of anti-phase hand mmts
-inability to recognize sensory information
Visual Object Agnosia
-cannot recognize objects based on sight
-inability to recognize faces visually
Auditory Agnosia
-cannot recognize object/people from sound
-inability to recognize deficits
-cannot describe object in hand
-need motor function to maniulate object
Optic Ataxia
inability to use visual infor to direct mmts
-lesion of parietal cortex (usually R), contra neglect
-inability to attend to objects or even own body
-all sensory sys remain intact
-uncontrolled repetition of mmt (mr egg)
-motor plannig issues
Ideational Apraxia
-inability to use objects approprietly when sequence is involved
-making coffee, brushing teeth
Ideomotor Apraxia
-unable to complete motor sequence when commanded
-unbuckling seatbelt
Magnetic Gait
-always there
-feet glued to the floor
4 As of Cerebral Cortex Disorders
Aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, astereognosis