Muscle Tone and Spasticity Flashcards
Muscle Tone
-resistance to stretch
-no resistance
-LMN lesions and acute CNS motor tract lesions (spinal shock)
-abnormally low resistance
-LMN lesions and acute CNS motor tract lesions (spinal shock)
-hypertonia and hyperreflexia
-velocity dependent stretch reflexes (increases with higher velocities)
-UMN lesion
-chronic motor tract lesions
-constant resistance to passive movement
Cogwheel Rigidity
-rigidity from basak ganglia disorders
-stop and start movements (gegenhalten)
Decerebrate Posturing
-damage to brainstem between midbrain and pons
-Extension everywhere (not hands)
Decorticate Posturing
-damage to superior midbrain or cortex
-Extension LE and flexed UE
Spasticity Contributions
-muscles and tendons becoming stiff
-reduced sarcomeres
Supra-Segmental Spasticity
-descending pathways become hyperactive when tract is interrupted @ corona radiata, cortex or internal capsule
-must include premotor cortex
(corticoreticular tracts) and Anterior limb of internal capsule (sensory fibers)
-inhibitory system (dorsal reticulospinal tract, Reticular formation) controlled by premotor fails, excitatory (medial reticulospinal and vestib) less controlled
Segmental Spasticity
-increased excitability of spinal stretch reflex and and gamma motor
-dysfunction of spinal inhibitory mechanisms (1a presynaptic, 1a reciprocal, 1b nonreciprocal)
Ia Presynaptic Inhibition
-in muscle spindles
-mediated by GABA
-immobilization causes changes in control of Ia
Ia Reciprocal Inhibition
-Ia afferents of agonist inhibits antagonists
-inhibits cocontraction
Ib Non-reciprocal inhibition
-inhibit MNs of homonymous muscles
Renshaw Cell Inhibition
-interneurons inhibit homonymous and synergistic MNs
-inhibit gamma MNs and 1a interneurons
Increasing Fusiotor Drive
-y MNs cell bodies in ventral horn
-info from reticular formation to
increased muscle spindle (a gamma contraction) sensitivity and hyperactivity
-also myoplasticity
Adaptation changes in muscle length and receptor sensitivity
-reorganization of spinal circuits
-increased axons, sensitivity, enhanced reflexes (babinski)
Spasticity Triggers
-visceral receptors
Measure of Spasticity
-modified ashworth scale
Repetitive reflex contraction of a single muscle
Clasp Knife Phenomenon
-catch and give
-catch delayed build up of resistance to stretch initially
-give is suppressed resistance