Neuromuscular Disorders Flashcards
how do lower motor neurone disorders present?
weak, flaccid and wasted muscles
low tone
reduced/absent reflexes
what is the role of the neuromuscular junction?
makes the muscle contract by providing the connection between the motor neurone and the muscle
where do the motor neurones that innervate skeletal muscle fibres arise?
in the ventral horn of the spinal cord
what are motor end plates?
the synapses formed between motor neurons and muscles
how many motor neurons does each muscle cell respond to?
only one
however, a single motor neurone can control many muscle cells
what enzyme breaks down acetylcholine and what are the products?
acetate and choline
choline is sequestered into presynaptic vesicles
name two presynaptic disorders of the neuromuscular junction
lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS)
what causes botulism?
clostridium botulinum
what is the pathophysiology of botulism?
botulinum toxin cleaves presynaptic proteins involved in vesicle formation, blockiung the vesicle from docking with the presynaptic membrane
this prevents muscle contraction
how does botulism present?
rapid onset weakness without sensory loss
ascending paralysis
what is the treatment for botulism?
supportive care
how long does botulism last?
around 12 weeks
what is the pathophysiology behind LEMS?
antibodies to presynaptic calcium channels lead to less vesicle release = reduced muscle contraction
what condition does LEMS have a strong association with?
underlying small cell lung carcinoma
how is LEMS managed?
3-4 diaminopyridine
name a postsynaptic disorder of the neuromuscular junction
myasthenia gravis
what is the pathophysiology behind myasthenia gravis?
autoimmune condition where antibodies to acetylcholine receptors (AChR) are produced
this reduces the number of functioning receptors causing muscle weakness and fatigue
what condition is myasthenia gravis associated with?
thymic hyperplasia/thymoma
when do symptoms start in myasthenia gravis?
when AChR levels reduced to 30% of normal