Neuroimaging Part 2 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of T1 imaging for
- ) Water
- ) Edema
- ) White Matter (fat)
- ) Gray Matter
- ) Hypointense
- ) Hypointense
- ) Hyperintense
- ) Isointense
What are the characteristics of T2 imaging for
- ) Water
- ) Edema
- ) White Matter (fat)
- ) Gray Matter
- ) Hyperintense
- ) Hyperintense
- ) Hypointense
- ) Isointense
Similar to T2 imaging, BUT CSF is Hypointense
Primary sequence for detection of acute or subacute infarcts (up to 14 days old)
-Abnl if hyperintense signal
Diffusion Weighted Image (DWI)
Brain bleed due to tearing of bridging veins
- Crescentic
- Doesn’t cross midline
Acute and subacute subdural hematoma
Brain bleed due to tearing of middle meningeal artery
- Lens shaped
- Doesn’t cross sutures
- Does cross midline
Epidural hematoma
On CT, hyperdense in sulci, cisterns, and fissures
-Ill defined, “whispy”
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Displacement of brain (usually cingulate gyrus) beneath free edge of falx
-Most common herniation
Subfalcine Herniation
Uncus and remainder of adjacent temporal lobe move downward and medially across tentorium
Uncal Herniation
Uncal herniations compress the
Mass or lesion in posterior fossa causes superior displacement of cerebellum through tentorial notch
Ascending Transtentorial Herniation
Mass or lesion in posterior fossa causes inferior descent of cerebellar tonsils below foramen magnum
Tonsillar Herniation
Presents with cranial nerve symptoms
Infiltrative Oligodendroglioma
Presents with visual changes
Optic Chiasm/hypothalamic Glioma
Pineal gland germinoma presents with
Presents with enlarging head and not meeting pediatric milestones
Alexander’s Disease