CNS Infections Flashcards
Focal, intracerebral infection that begins as a localized area of cerebritis and develops into collection of pus surrounded by a well vascularized capsule
Brain Abscess
One of most serious complications of head and neck infections
Brain Abscess
What is the most common location for sinusitis?
Frontla lobe
We also see sphenoid sinusitis in the
Temporal lobe or sella turcica
Otitis media infections can spread to the
Temporal lobe or cerebellum
Dental infections can spread to the
Frontal lobe
60-70% of brain abscesses are caused by
Make up around 20-40% of brain abscess infections?
Enteric gram negatives account for
23-33% of brain abscesses
Clinical manifestations usually depend on size and location of space occupying lesion and virulence of organism
Brain abscesses
Brain abscesses can be classified as either
Indolent or Fulminant
The most common presenting symptom of a brian abscess is
Uncommon in cases of brain abscess
Nuchal Rigidity
The diagnostic procedure of choice for detecting a brain abscess is
Brain abscess shows as a hypodense center with peripheral ring enhancement after contrast, can be surrounded by edema (hypodense) in a
CT with contrast
Contraindicated in patients with a brain abscess
-Risk of Herniation
Lumbar Puncture
To manage a brain abscess, we need antibiotics with good
CNS penetration
The most common protozoal cause of brain abscess
Toxoplasma Gondii
Transmission mainly by ingestion of tissue cysts in contaminated meat or food or oocysts in food/water contaminated from cat feces
Toxoplasma gondii
Transmission mainly by ingestion of tissue cysts in contaminated meat or food or oocysts in food/water contaminated from cat feces
Toxoplasmosis has a prediliction for the
Basal ganglia or brainstem
Shows rounded isodense or hypodense lesions with ring enhancment-usually multiple lesions
Collection of pus between dura and arachanoid
Subdural Empyema
Localized collection of pus between dura and overlying skull or vertebral column
Epidural Abscess
Most common predisposing condition is ear and sinus infections for a
Cranial Subdural Empyema
Signs and symptoms secondary to increased intracranial pressure, meningeal irritation, or focal cortical inflammation
Cranial Subdural Empyema