Nervous System Flashcards
Spinal Cord
Long column of nerve tissue
Anything your body is sensitive to in the environment
Electronical signals generated by stimuli
Receptor cells
Cells that detect stimuli
What are the sense organs
Eyes Ears and Skin
What are the different parts of a sensory neuron.
Dendrites, Dendron, Cell body, axon, synapse
What is the job of a relay neuron
Links sensory neurons to motor neurons or to the brain
What is the job of a motor neuron
Receives impulses from relay or brain, then it sends impulses to the effectors
What order does the reflex arc happen in
Stimuli, Receptor, Sensory, CNS, Relay, Motor, Effector,
What is the purpose of the Lens
To refracts light onto retina
What is the purpose of the Iris
Controls how much light enters the pupil, size of pupil
What is the purpose of the Cornea
Refracts Light, protects eye
What is a neuron
a nerve cell with dendron, cell body and axon
What is the nervous system
It is all of your nerves working together to gather info and make decisions
What is a synapse
The places where neurons connect and communicate with each other
What is the purpose of a myelin sheath
The myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to move quickly and efficiently along the nerve cells.
What two cells are in the retina
Cone cells (Colour) Rod cells (Black and white)
What is the purpose of the optic nerve
To send impulses to the brain via receptor cells
What effect can spinal cord damage have on the body
An injury higher on the spinal cord can cause paralysis in most of the body and affect all limbs (tetraplegia or quadriplegia)