NBME Mistakes Flashcards
polycystic kidney disease
acidic, low pCO2, HCO3
low dose dexamethasone test
no change in ACTH or cortisol
preclude restoration after burn in lung
basement membrane
abnormally brisk and down slowly
aortic regurgitation
DKA labs
decreased arterial pco2, decreased HCO3, anion gap
low testosterone in man
vancomycin resistance decrease
plasmid loss
Waterhouse Friedrichson
give ACTH stimulation test
bilateral hydronephrosis and compression
bilateral stents in ureters
treatment anemia
abnormal cells in smoker
pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells
unable to flex distal phalanx
flexor digitorum profundus tendon
no seizure for 5 years
can drive
bulge of anterior vaginal wall
lytic lesion woman
metastatic carcinoma of breast
finding shock after motor accident
increased sympathetic
larynx lesion in child
fibrovascular core
tender thyroid
subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
underventilated but perfused
physiologic shunt
psychotic findings
flattened affect
adverse events for drugs
3-8 weeks
lung findings systemic sclerosis
pulmonary HTN
lower triglycerides
nosebleeds, lesions in tongue
pulmonary AV shunting
nosebleeds and megs
decreased gp2b/3a complex
growth on specialized medium, gram negative rods
aerosols from environmental source
weight loss in patient
provide follow ups to monitor progress
tubular at PT/macula/medulla
isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic
stimulus for contractions
inflamed maternal decidua release prostaglandin
B12 def labs
normal methylmalonic
increase homocysteine
dilated ventricles
eccentric hypertrophy
motion sickness med
antagonist to M3 receptors
precursor for uroporphyrin
succinyl CoA
increased bleeding time and PTT
von Willebrand disease
met lower lobe of liver
ileocolic, SMA, portal, right hepatic
vitamin D def
problem with intestinal calcium absorption
increase total coronary blood flow
impaired upward gaze and shuffling gait
pineal gland
abscess pattern necrosis
pseudogout crystals
calcium pyrophosphate
increase leukocyte count in cancer patient
patients know what they are on
open-labeled clinical trial
DMD carrier status
unknown due to X inactivation
creamy exudate and sore throat late afternoon
infectious mono
beta 1 blockade
decrease renin and AII
compression of abducens
in cavernous sinus
TNF alpha blocker no longer effective
antibodies to drug
gangrene and gram positive rods
produce alpha toxin
patient afraid to become addicted
reassure miniscule chance
ruptured pregnancy
accumulation in pouch of douglas
sterilization c. diff
oven 150C for 30 min
flapping hands and mental retardation
trinucleotdie repeat
distant heart sounds
IL in atopic dermatitis
cause of acne
stimulation of sebacenous glands by androgens
interstitial pneumonitis
decrease type I but increase type II and fibroblasts
eosinophils and diarrhea
examine stool
risk for bacterial infections
calcification ring of bladder
airfluid level and mediastiunum midline
hemopneumothorax not under tension
splenic sequestration
sickle and target
abdominal pain
indication pulmonary HTN
P2 louder than A2
reactive hyperemia after second occlusion
dilated CM, excess glucose
girl puberty at 8
normal puberty
therapy for infertility
is a channel not a receptor
protein structure
cause of urticaria
influx of macrohages producing IL-1, 6, TNFalpha
measurement of cytokine positive TB test
IFN gamma
worried about apnea but no daytime symptoms
mutation in trafficking
dilated RER
cannot be trafficked to Golgi
handling normal grief
schedule regular appointments
lack GTPase activity increases
smoking adaptations
increase mucus
decrease activity of airway cilia and macrophages
polycythemia as paraneoplastic syndrome
seen in RCC
cause of clinical deterioration on morphine
metabolized to active metabolites that accumulate
risk factor for pancreatic cancer
cigarette smoking
blue eyes and pale skin
inability to produce melanin
foramina for V2
respiratory problems in infant
decreased lamellar bodies
secretory granules
exogenous thyroxine
follicular atrophy
ability to be translated without cap
presence of internal ribosome entry site
etiology Li-Fraumeni
impaired regulation of apoptosis
different rates in MAC
different blood:gas partition coefficient
initiation of intracellular killing
NADPH oxidase
vocal cord position
closed in all except coughing
increase in creatinine in elderly
normal due to decrease in GFR as you age
block in RA treatment
tartrate positive
hairy cell leukemia
emperic penicillin in patient with sickle
prevent strep
penicillin not for gram negative like salmonella
impact validity of matched pair
biased measurement of the exposure
increased PTT means abnormal
kallikrein formation
gastrinoma next check
serum calcium concentration
tenderness, exacerbated when reaching above
presence of dicarboxylic acids in urine
defect in long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase
MOA fish oil
antagonizes VLDL cholesterol secretion
decrease risk of fractures in elderly
go for a long walk
inhibited by high glucose concentration
glyceraldehde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase
increase lymph flow
IV infusion of saline
labs fanconi syndrome
decreased AA, glucose, phosphate and HCO3
hammer toes and high step
abnormal myelin sheaths
p value of .01
failure to distinguish between statistical and clinical significance
high CO and no change in BP after infusion
septic shock
using coin to determine group
randomized control
inhibits transport of cholesterol through intestine
say ah
out vagus
injury to right cerebral cortex
UMN to achilles tendon
self reported lidocaine
placebo-saline vs saline with drug
infertility and multiple cysts
mucinous adenocarcinoma
labia majora in males
problem with pelvic splanchnic
helical lesion on ear with lots of keratin
actinic keratosis
first objective sign of puberty
breast bud
confirm diagnosis of hyperthyroid
free T4 levels
tender blisters that become open sores on penis
studying pharmacokinetics of drug
phase 1
defect in beta thal
defect in splicing
fluid filled mass in pregnancy error
15-40 days
increased amniotic fluid
TE fistula
serum hyperthyroid
decrease TSH
decrease free thyroxine
increase triiodi
hCG in male
estradiol production from testicle
liver biopsy alcoholic
mallory bodies
delayed separation of umbilical cord
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
treatment delirious man
0.9% saline
treatment third degree heart block
abnormal calcium levels
treatment inflamed mucosa
antihistimine for allergies
boy in cold pool
increase central blood
decrease ADH and ANP
labs sepsis pregnancy
increased ANCA
labs to check in baby with defect in fatty acid oxidation
increased troponin
due to formation of apoptotic bodies
uncontrolled movement of left side
problem right subthalamic nucleus
vomit milk in newborn
poor LES tone
pain atnerior thigh compression nerve
skin vs visceral infection
due to temperature sensitivity
decreased breath sounds and decreased tactile fremitus, dull percussion
pleural effusion
release new glucose in patient