Learn from your mistakes Flashcards
mushroom toxin
binds DNAP II
inhibits mRNA formation
location spinal accessory
posterior traingle
connection osteocytes
gap junctions
cause of insulin resistance in pregnancy
human placental lactogen
cause thoracic outlet syndrome
scalene muscles
fracture orbital floor
damage to infraorbital
loss of sensation over lip
bladder in MS
causes of vitamin A deficiency
obstruction of biliary tract
cause of gout
PRPP synthase problem
neutrophils responsible for gout symptoms
increased AFP and AchE
detects NT defects
causes of red cell aplasia
parvo B19, thymomas, lymphocytic leukemias
pattern of unstable relationships, self-image
borderline personality disorder
origin elastase in lungs
supplemental O2 to COPD patient
hypercapnia that leads to V/Q mismatch and dead space ventilation
location enzymes for glycolysis, FA synthesis, PPP
porphyria cutanea tarda
photosensitivity due to accumulation of porphyrinogens
due to uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency
frothy diarrhea
lactose intolerance
external rotation
supplied by suprascapular nerve
estrogen on T4
increased TBG causing decreased free T4/T3
location schwannoma
cerebellopontine angle
true diverticulum
Meckels diverticulum
depersoanlization disorder
persistent depersonalization and derealization
histology Zoster
intranuclear inclusions and multinucleated cells on Tzanck smear
cannot perform rapidly alternating from cerebellar lesion
accumulation of globotriaosylceramide
Fabry due to alpha galactosidase deficiency
midline episiotomy
cuts perineal body
increased due to hypoxia
dopamine agonists
pramipexole and bromocriptine
necessary for FA synthesis
comes from PPP
sphincter of Oddi spasm
morphine causes it
inhibit androgen receptor binding
flutamide, cyproterone and spironolactone
amino acids in pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
ketogenic amino acids
lysine and leucine
smooth muscle proliferation in atherosclerosis
PDGF from endothelail cells, platelets, and macrophages
leukemoid reaction
basophilic oval inclusions in mature neutrophils
failure to obliterate omphalomesenteric duct
Meckel diverticulum
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
failure to form pus from CD18 defect
results ureter obstruction
increase pressure in Bowman’s space
decreased GFR and FF
dermatomyositis as paraneoplastic syndrome
ovarian, lung, colorectal, non-Hodgkin lymphoma
defective cysteine, ornithine, lysine, arginine
increased kidney stones
causes of ESR
from macrophage released inflammatory markers
IL6, TNF alpha, IL1
locations osteomyelitis
squamous cell debris
pearly mass behind tympanic membrane, leads to hearing loss
origin renal cell carcinoma
from proximal tubule
risk factors-obesity and smoking
tryptophan precursor
for serotonin
can get serotonin storm from MAOI or SSRI
bypass folate deficiency
give thymidine supplementation
cutaneous small vessel vasculitis from medication
leukocytoclastic vasculitis
restrictive cardiomyopathy causing diastolic dysfunction
amloid deposition
injury to prostatic plexus
erectile dysfucntion
shift to increase high oxygen affinity
diastolic dysfunction
heart at apex in left lateral decubitus at end of expiration
congential hydrocephalus
leads to macrocephaly, poor feeding, spasticity and hyperreflexia (UMN from lengthening pyramidal neurons)
drug induced lupus metabolism
slow acetylators
predictor of RPGN severity
compensation fructose def
hexokinase activity
Tay Sachs
no hepatomegaly
buildup of GM2 ganglioside
Potter sequence
can occur from mother on ACEi
TNF alpha
activtes serine kinases
inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation
attributing one’s feelings to othrs
muscles, CT, cardio, blood, lymph, spleen, internal genitalia, kidneys, adrenal cortex
reticulocytes and B12
peak at 1 week
deficiency of dihydrobiopterin reductase
hyperphenylanemia and elevated prolactin
iliohypogastric nerve
from L1 lateral to upper psoas
injury during appendectomy causes decreased sensation at suprapubic region
pulmonary fibrosis
thickening and airway widening due to increased outward pulling by fibrotic tissue-supernormal expiratory flow rates
subthalamic nucleus
component of basal ganglia
role in modulation of basal ganglia output
leads to contralateral hemiballism
most common cause of coronary sinus dilation
elevated right sided heart pressure from pulmonary HTN
proprionic acidemia
deficiency of propionyl CoA carboxylase
low protein diet and minimal valine, isoleucine, methionine, and threonine
increase in pyruvate carboxylase
increased by acetyl CoA
complication aortic stenosis
A fib
reduced LV compliance, dependent on atrial contraction to maintain LV filling
rheumatoid arthritis
impacts cervical spine
Kisselbach plexus
nasal septum
cause of anterior nosebleeds
peak of aortic regurg
after aortic valve closure
cause of glial scar
from astrocytes
chronic hemolysis from paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
iron deposition in kidney
histology intraductal papilloma
proliferation of papillary cells in duct or cyst wall with fibrovascular core
uridine supplementation
bypass enzyme defect in orotic aciduria
AR disorder of de novo pyrmidine synthesis
GI and neuro symptoms
reddish urine
acute intermittent porphyria
defect in porphobilinogen deaminase
failure in ristocetin test
selective arteriolar dilators
sodium and fluid retention
through stimulation of RAAS
systemic sclerosis
pulmonary hypertesnion develops
intimal thickening of pulmonary arterioles
wedge on CT from renal infarct
thromboembolism from a fib
integrase inhibitor
disrupts viral genome transcription
maintenance stage ATN
high volume, hypotonic urine
leads to hypokalemia
secreted product activated macrophages in atheroma
microsomal mono-oxygenase
cancer by pro-carcinogens from p450 system
alleviated pain by leaning forward
acute pericarditis
leads to friction rub
Stewart Treves syndrome
cutaneous angiosarcoma
predisposing condition is radical mastectomy
results in chronic lymphedema in ipsilateral arm
niacin deficiency
low NAD and NADP
dehydrogenase and reductase complexes use it as cofactor
restlessness with inability to sit still
resting membrane
mostly K and a bit of Na
control postpartum hemorrhage
compress internal iliac (gives rise to uterine arteries)
Chiari malformations
lead to herniation
chiari I presents in late adulthood
non-bacterial endocarditis
antiphospholipid syndrome, SLE, DIC
maturity onset diabetes
glucokinase mutations
choreiform movements
rheumatic disease
clubbing from hypoxia
lung disease, heart diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases
compensation in nephrotic syndrome
increase lipoprotein production
causes hyperlipidemia
sepsis and ARDS
leakage of protein and fluid into alveolar space
does not require activation
most common-nevirapine and efavirenz
associated with tuberous sclerosis
also brain hamartomas and ash leaf skin patches
bluish neoplasm under nail bed
modified smooth muscle in control of thermoregulation
cause of megaloblastosis
thymidine synthase deficiency
b12 and folate
treatment subarachnoid hemorrhages
calcium channel blockers
germline mosaicism
passed onto offspring while somatic is not
ecological studies
for populations
generate hypotheses but not conclusions
ST elevation I and aVL
lateral from left cricumflex
saddle anesthesia
block S2-S4 leading to loss of anal wink
cauda euina
profound hypotension from rupture of free wall
hemipericardium and cardiac tamponade
edema in superficial dermis
imbalance in emphysema
proteinases from macrophages and nuetrophils
highest O2 content
coronary sinus
lactic acidosis in septic shock
decreased ox phos
intraerythrocytic rings
can be seen in babesia
ubiquitin proteasome
MHC I and CD8T cels
predominant cell in noncaseating granulomas
seen in sarcoidosis
nicoinic ligand gated
open after binding Ach
biphasic pattern and S100
neural crest origin
indication of severity mitral regurg
audible S3
neutrophil Abs
found in Wegeners
supracondylar fractures with anterolateral displacement
injury to radial
wrist drop
pulsus paradoxus
exaggerated drop in systolic BP
seen in cardiac tamponade, asthma, COPD, constrictive pericarditis
treatment trigeminal neuralgia
inhibits sodium channels to recover from inactivation
leads to bone marrow suppression
babies to HBV mothers
high viral loads and HBeAg levels
impact large veins to decrease preload
time elapsed from initial exposure or pathogenic insult
incubation period or latent period (noncommunicable)
crossing over within homologous regions
recombination between HSV
recurrent viral, fungal, or opportunistic infections (pneumocystis not seen in agammaglobulinemia)
type IV HSR
macrophages, CD4, CD8
panic disorder
recurrent unexpected panic attacks (social anxiety has fear of scrutiny and embarrassment)
hepatic encephalopathy and GI bleeding
from increased gut absorption
lowest pulmonary vascular resistance
when close to FRC
breathing in CHF
Cheyne stokes
failure of obliteration of processus vaginalis hernia
locus ceruleus
pigmented in posterior rostral pons near lateral floor of 4th ventricle
makes NE
MOA shiga and shiga like toxins
inactivate 60s ribosome
quick administration to hypoglycemic patients
carotid massage
slows conduction through AV node
prolongs refractory period to terminate re-entrant tachycardia
maximal intensity PDA
at S2
Broa location
caudal part of inferior frontal gyrus of dominant hemisphere
patient may present with right hemiparesis
gallstones in Crohn disease
terminal ileum leads to bile acid lost in feces
genetic chronic myeloproliferative disorders
JAK/STAT activation
family history of pulmonary arterial hypertension
inactivating BMPR2 mutation that leads to dysfunctional endothelial and smooth muscle proliferation
diabetic autonomic neuropathy on bladder
overflow incontinence due to impaired detrusor contractility or bladder outlet obstruction
renal ammoniagenesis
anaerobic oxidation leading to lactate accumulation
glutamine metabolized to generate ammonium and bicarbonate
ureter in true pelvis
anterior to internal iliac artery
crossover study
treatments are switched
includes a washout period
during diastole due to rapid passive filling of ventricle
during decompensated heart failure
result V/Q mismatch in PE
alkalosis and hyperventilation due to hypoxia
Patau manifestations
midline defects due to defect in fusion of prechordal mesoderm
holoprosencephaly, cleft lip/palate, omphalocele, polydactylyl, cutis asplasia (skin defect on scalp)
colonizing balls that shift when the patient changes positions
kills hypnozoites that cause relapse in P vivax and P ovale
green color of sputum
from neutrophil MPO
tachyphylaxis from alpha 1 agonists
decreased production of Ne due to negative feedback, exacerbation of nasal congestion systems
erythema nodosum, arthralgias, hilar lymphadenopathy, elevated ACE
noncaseating granulomas in liver
causes of Down syndrome
meiotic nondisjunction, unbalanced translocations, mosaicism
source of obstruction in HCOM
anterior mitral leaflet and interventricular septum
diff sabin and salk
more IgA from sabin-live attenuated
chancroid from h. ducreyi
gray to yellow exudate
constriction of efferent arteriole
impede blood flow
decrease RPF but increase FF
carbs and protein 4
fat 9
type III dysbetalipoproteinemia
without ApoE liver cannot remove chylomicrons
DNA dependent RNAP
borderline personality disorder
unstable relationships, self-image and impulsivity
injury to superior gluteal nerve
L4-S1 leaving pelvis through greater sciatic foramen above piriformis
from injections to superomedial quadrant of butt
injury to radial nerve
innervates extensors
results in wrist drop
decrease resistance through PPAR
upregulates GLUT4 and adiponectin
hep D
defective replication
must be coated by HBsAg
platelet adhesion by crosslinking platelet glycoproteins with collagen
causes of myopathy with elevated CK
hypothyroidism, muscular dystrophies, inflammatory muscle diseases, medications
HUS labs
decreased hemoglobin and haptoglobin
increased lactate and increased unconjugated bilirubin
initial TB
growth inside cells
IFN at 2-4 weeks
final stages of MI
deposition of type I collagen
found in dermis, bone, tendons, ligaments, dentin, cornea, blood vessels, scar tissue
binds PD-L1 downregualting immune response
similar to CTLA-4
innervation lateral rectus
results arteriolar vasodilators
sympathetic activation, activates RAAS and leads to fluid and sodium retention
production of ribose 5 phosphate
AV fistula
decrease TPR, increase CO, increase VR
eosinophilia and aspergillus
increased in ABPA
common in asthmatics and leads to proximal broncheictasis
MAO for treatment resistant
signs of treatment resistant
mood reactivity
leaden paralysis
rejection sensitivity
draining proximal to dentate line
IMA and internal iliac lymph nodes
cricopharyngeal motor dysfunction
leads to Zenker diverticulum
abnormal spasm or diminished relaxation of cricopharyngeal muscles
use of odds ratio
case control
best initial treatment for drug seekin behavior
medication history
gestational choriocarcinoma histology
cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts and dyspnea from hematogenous spread
stain for malabsorption
sudan III
use cilostazole
reduces platelet activation by inhibiting PDE
also vasodilator
good for patients with PAD
phenotypic mixing
coinfection by 2 viral strains
exchange nucleocapsids
genetic material not passed on
first line for gouty arthritis
acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
fever, chills, chest and/or back pain, hemoglobinuria, complement mediate cell lysis
type II HSR
vitamin E def
mimic Friedreich ataxia
degeneration of spinocerebellar tracts, degeneration of dorsal columns