nazi policies Flashcards
when was the National Labour Service Corps made compulsary for men aged 18-25?
when was the National Labour Service Corps extended to women?
what was the purpose of the National Labour Service Corps?
-intended to encourage the spirit of national socialism
-also provided germany with a cheap labour force
how many kilometers of highway were created by the Nazis road building schemes? what is the name for a highway in German?
how did the Nazis make unemployment appear to go down?
-1.4 million men were in the army
-jews werent included in unemployment figures
-women werent counted
-men in national labour service corps weren’t counted
-those in concentration camps weren’t counted
when was conscription re-introduced?
when conscription was reintroduced, how much did the army grow to?
grew to 1,400,000 in 1939
how much was spent on rearmament by 1939?
26 billion marks
when were trade unions banned and what was set up as an alternative?
1933, German Labour Front
how many members did the German Labour Front have in 1939?
22 million
what was the German Labour Front (DAF) desgined to do?
-included employers and workers and was meant to represent the intrests of both
-workers were given relativley high wages and social and leisure programmes
when did the DAF launch the volkswagen scheme and what was it?
-give workers an oppourtunity to buy their own car
did anyone get a car as a result of the volkswagen scheme?
no one got a car becuase production shifted to military vehicles in 1939
what was the strength through joy (KdF) programme?
-set up to improve the leisure time of German workers
-this included concerts, sporting events
how many people went on a KdF holiday in 1938?
10 million
what was the beauty of work programme?
-set up by the KdF to improve working conditions
-organised the building of canteens, swimming pools, sports facilities
what was the ideal nazi woman?
-no makeup
-no intrest in politics
-discouraged from slimming
-professional women were forced to give up their jobs
when was the law for the encouragement of marriage introduced and what was it?
-gave newlywed couples a loan 1,000 marks
-they could keep 250 marks for each child they had
what happened on Hitler’s mothers birthday?
medals awarded to women with large families
what numbers of children were the different mothers cross medals awarded to?
bronze = 4 children
silver = 6 children
gold = 8 children
when was the change to the divorce law and what was it?
-made divorce easier if the husband or wife was unable to have children
what was Lebensborn?
a programme set up to force unmarried women to have children with a ‘racially pure” SS man