Name That Category Flashcards
Teacher:What would I mean if I was saying ‘the solution?”
Student answers : They both intersect.
Teacher asks student to speak louder, then rephrases.
Teacher shows an answer on the board. The solution is right there, where they cross. We’re trying to figure out where they cross.
3a Communicating with students. The teacher clearly communicates the definition of the solution in context of the lesson. Students contribute by explaining content to peers.
Mrs. A asks: “Michael, can you comment on Mary’s Idea?” and michael responds directly to Mary.
Students offer feedback to their classmates on their work.
Mr. A uses a familiar timing device to alert studenets to return to their desks.
Mr. B lectured for 25 minutes, and provided 15 minutes for the students to write an essay; not all of the students are able to complete it.
Mrs. G only calls on students who have their hands raised.
A student offers clarification about the learning task to her classmates.
Mr. C moves to every section of the classroom, keeping a close eye on student behavior.
Mr. D reviews the activity, then uses a projector to illustrate the steps so students can refer back to it when they need guidance.
Students are given a task to do independently, then to discuss with a table group, and then to report out from each table.
Mr. F says: “Most of you did a pretty good job on this.
Ms. D says: “This idea is really important. It’s central to our understanding of history.”
The activity could not begin for 15 minutes because there were long lines of students waiting for their supplies.
Mrs. E states that to add fractions they must have the same numerator.
Mrs. J circulates during small group work,m offering suggestions to students.
Mr. E tells students that they’re doing a lesson because it’s mandated by the district.
To one student, Mr. G says: “Where’s your late pass? Go to the office.” to another: “You don’t have a late pass? Okay, come in and take your seat.”
Ms. H has to remind some students that it is their turn to collect materials for the activity.
Mr. J greets students by name as they enter the class.