Final Prep Flashcards
Teacher-student interactions: Appropriate to ages, cultures, and developmental levels of students.
2a Proficient. Native American Video.
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect.
2a Proficient. Native American Video.
Student-student interactions: Generally polite and respectful, and students exhibit respect for the teacher.
2a Proficient. Native American Video.
Interactions: Polite, respectful, and business-like.
2a Proficient. Native American Video.
Classroom culture: A place where learning is valued by all.
2b Proficient. Native American Video.
Expectations: High for both learning and hard work, and are the norm for most students.
2b Proficient. Native American Video.
Interactions: Support learning, hard owrk, and the precise use of language.
2b Proficient. Native American Video.
Procedures: Little loss of instructional time due to effective classroom routines.
2c Proficient. Native American Video.
Instructional groups: Management is consistently successful.
2c Proficient. Native American Video.
Transitions: Management is consistently successful.
2c Proficient. Native American Video.
Classroom routines: With minimal guidance, students follow established routines.
2c Proficient. Native American Video.
Student behavior: Entirely appropriate.
2d Distinguished. Native American Video.
Behavior monitoring: Subtle and preventive.
2d Distinguished. Native American Video.
Instructional purpose: Clearly communicated to students, including where it is situated within broader learning.
3a Proficient. Native American Video.
Directions and procedures: Explained clearly.
3a Proficient. Native American Video.
Explanation of content: Scaffolded, clear, and accurate and connects with students’ knowledge and experience.
3a Proficient. Native American Video.
Spoken and written language: Clear and correct and suitable to students’ ages and interests.
3a Proficient. Native American Video.
Teacher vocabulary & usage: Correct and entirely suited to lesson, including, where appropriate, explanations of vocabulary.
3a Proficient. Native American Video.
Questioning: While Teacher may use some low-level questions, poses questions designed to promote student thinking and understanding.
3b Proficient. Native American Video.
Questioning: Challenges students to justify their thinking.
3b Proficient. Native American Video.
Questioning: Successfully engages most students in the discussion, employing a range of strategies to ensure that MOST students are heard.
3b Proficient. Native American Video.
Questioning: Ensures that most students are heard.
3b Proficient. Native American Video.
Intellectual engagement: Some students are intellectually engaged.
3c Basic. Native American Video.
Intellectual engagement: Some students are intellectually engaged.
3c Basic. Native American Video.
Intellectual engagement: Largely passive with content.
3c Basic. Native American Video.
Intellectual engagement: Insufficient time to be intellectually engaged.
3c Basic. Native American Video.
Criteria awareness: Appears to be partial.
3d Basic. Native American Video.
Monitoring learning: For the class as a whole.
3d Basic. Native American Video.
Monitoring learning: Through a single method.
3d Basic. Native American Video.
Feedback: Mostly general.
3d Basic. Native American Video.
Self-assessment: Few students assess their own work.
3d Basic. Native American Video.
Teacher-student interactions: Highly respectful.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Student-student interactions: Highly respectful.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Respect for teacher: Students exhibit, and contribute to civility.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Risk: Students comfortable taking risks.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Civility: Students contribute to high levels.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Environment: Students feel valued and comfortable.
2a Distinguished. Math Man Video.
Culture: Learning valued by all.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Expectations: high for both learning and hard work, norm for MOST students.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Regard: Teacher demonstrates high regard for abilities.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Interactions: Support learning and hard work.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Interactions: support precise use of language.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Desire: To understand, students exhibit.
2b Proficient. Math Man Video.
Procedures & Routines: Little loss of instructional time due to effective routines.
2c Proficient. Math Man Video.
Transitions: Management is consistently successful.
2c Proficient. Math Man Video.
Routine compliance: With minimal guidance and prompting, students follow established routines.
2c Proficient. Math Man Video.
Behavior: Generally appropriate.
2d Proficient. Math Man Video.
Behavior monitoring: Against established standards of conduct.
2d Proficient. Math Man Video.
Behavior: Response is consistent, proportionate, respectful, and effective.
2d Proficient. Math Man Video.
Instructional purpose: Limited success, directions must be clarified.
3a Basic. Math Man Video.
Explanation of content: Purely procedural, no indication of how students can think strategically.
3a Basic. Math Man Video.
Vocabulary & usage: Correct but unimaginative.
3a Basic. Math Man Video.
Questioning: Lead students through a single path, answers determined in advance.
3b Basic. Math Man Video.
Questioning: Interactions predominantly recitation style.
3b Basic. Math Man Video.
Engagement: Minimal thinking by students. Little opportunity to explain thinking. Passive.
3c Basic. Math Man Video.
Pacing: May not provide time to be intellectually engaged.
3c Basic. Math Man Video.
Criteria awareness: Students appear to be partially aware.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Monitoring of learning: Whole class approach.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Monitoring of Understanding: Through a single method.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Monitoring of Learning: Single method without eliciting evidence of understanding.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Feedback: To groups, accurate and specific.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Self-Assessment: Some students engage in.
3d Basic. Math Man Video.
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly and demonstrate general caring and respect.
2a Proficient. SWAT video.
Interactions: Appropriate to ages, cultures, and developmental levels.
2a Proficient. SWAT video.
Talk: Teacher-student. Uniformly respectful.
2a Proficient. SWAT video.
Respect: Students exhibit respect for the teacher.
2a Proficient. SWAT video.
Culture for Learning: Going through the motions.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Culture for Learning: Students appear to be going through the motions.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Culture for Learning: Students interested in completion over quality.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Energy: Neutral, not high commitment, nor external forces.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Commitment: Limited student commitment to complete work. Looking for an easy path.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Language: Teacher urges but does not insist on.
2b Basic. SWAT video.
Procedures: Time, little loss of instructional time due to effective procedures.
2c Proficient. SWAT video.
Routines: Collection and distribution is efficient.
2c Proficient. SWAT video.
Transitions: Consistently successful.
2c Proficient. SWAT video.
Instructional group management: Consistently successful.
2c Proficient. SWAT video.
Routines & Procedures: With minimal guidance students follow routines.
2c Proficient. SWAT video.
Behavior: Entirely appropriate.
2d Distinguished. SWAT video.
Monitoring of Behavior: Subtle and preventive. I don’t hear a lot of planning going on. A lot of you are seeing if you look good in your goggles, let’s focus.
2d Distinguished. SWAT video.
Instructional purpose: Attempt has limited success.
3a Basic. SWAT video.
Directions: Must be clarified after initial confusion.
3a Basic. SWAT video.
Explanations: Do not invite intellectual engagement or understand possible strategies.
3a Basic. SWAT video.
Vocabulary Explanation: Rarely takes opportunity to explain.
3a Basic. SWAT video.
Questions: Low cognitive challenge, single correct responses, rapid succession.
3b Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Teacher-student interactions: Recitation style, teacher mediating all questions. Game show moderator.
3b Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Questioning: Accepts all answers without asking for explanation of thinking or reasoning.
3b Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Questioning: Attempts to engage are uneven.
3b Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Tasks & activities: Minimal thinking, little opportunity to explain thinking.
3c Basic. SWAT video.
Engagement: Most students passive or merely compliant.
3c Basic. SWAT video.
Materials: Few require thinking or explanations of thinking.
3c Basic. SWAT video.
Feedback: Absent, or of poor quality.
3d Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Adjustment: No attempt in spite of confusion.
3d Unsatisfactory. SWAT video.
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, general caring and respect.
2a Proficient. Debate Video
Student-student interactions: Polite and respectful to each other.
2a Proficient. Debate video.
Respect: Students exhibit respect for teacher.
2a Proficient. Debate video.
Interactions: Polite, respectful, business-like.
2a Proficient. Debate video.
Culture: A place where learning is valued by all.
2b Proficient. Debate video.
Effort: Consistent by students. Students understand role as learners.
2b Proficient. Debate video.
Role as Learners: Students understand & consistently expend effort to learn.
2b Proficient. Debate video.
Instructional Time: Maximized because of routines.
2c Distinguished. Debate video.
Procedures & routines: Instructional time maximized.
2c Distinguished. Debate video.
Instructional Groups: Students contribute to management of. Move quickly when signal given. Students take initiative ensuring time used productively, without teacher intervention.
2c Distinguished. Debate video.
Transitions: Seamless, students move quickly at teacher direction to ensure smooth transition.
2c Distinguished. Debate video.
Behavior: Entirely appropriate, no evidence of student misbehavior.
2d Distinguished. Debate video.
Behavior: Self monitoring by students, students take an active role.
2d Distinguished. Debate video.
Instructional purpose: Clearly communicated to students. On the board. Take a quick look.
3a Proficient. Debate video.
Explanations: Clear and invites student thinking.
3a Proficient. Debate video.
Engagement: Students actively work, indicating they understood what to do.
3a Proficient. Debate video.
Vocabulary: Clear, appropriate, correct for age of students.
3a Proficient. Debate video.
Content errors: None.
3a Proficient. Debate video.
Discussion: Genuine among students.
3b Proficient. Debate video.
Question timing: Students have ample time to respond.
3b Proficient. Debate video.
Questioning: Deeper, probing, stepping aside when necessary.
3b Proficient. Debate video.
Discussion participation: Designed to ensure all participate.
3b Proficient. Debate video.
Intellectual engagement: All students engaged in challenging content & well-designed learning tasks and activities.
3c Distinguished. Debate video.
Activities: Require complex thinking by students.
3c Distinguished. Debate video.
Pacing: Provides time to engage with one another. Complex thinking.
3c Distinguished. Debate video.
Task Engagement: Students reflect in groups and explain thinking and serve as resource to one another. One found a quote and shared with another.
3c Distinguished. Debate video.
Activities: Students explain their positions to one another.
3c Distinguished. Debate video.
Criteria awareness. Students appear to be aware of.
3d Proficient. Debate video.
Monitoring learning: For groups, circulates, offering suggestions and confirmations.
3d Proficient. Debate Video.
Feedback: Accurate, specific, serves to move learning forward.
3d Proficient. Debate Video.
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, general caring & respect. Declaration Video.
2a Proficient. Declaration Video
Interactions: Appropriate to age & culture of students. Declaration.
2a Proficient. Declaration Video
Talk: Uniformly respectful. Declaration.
2a Proficient. Declaration Video
Culture: Cognitively busy place, shared belief in importance of learning.
2b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Expectations: High expectations for learning for ALL. Declaration.
2b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Expectations: Insists on hard work. Declaration.
2b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Expectations: Students assume responsibility for high quality by initiating improvements, revisions, assisting peers. Declaration.
2b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Language use: Students assist peers & correct them. Declaration hanged.
2b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Routines & procedures: Little loss of time. Consistently successful. Declaration.
2c Proficient. Declaration Video
Routines: Minimal guidance, students follow. Declaration.
2c Proficient. Declaration Video
Behavior: Entirely appropriate. Declaration.
2d Distinguished. Declaration Video
Self-monitoring: Students take active role in self- as well as peer monitoring against established standards. Declaration.
2d Distinguished. Declaration Video
Behavior monitoring: Subtle and preventive. Wait a second and I’ll get to you. Declaration.
2d Distinguished. Declaration Video
Behavior Response: Sensitive to individual needs, respects dignity. Declaration. During laughing & joking, “When we talk, we can’t hear each other.
2d Distinguished. Declaration Video
Explanations: Thorough, clear, develops conceptual understanding through scaffolding & connecting interests. Declaration.
3a Distinguished. Declaration Video
Explanations: Students contribute by extending content & peer explaining & suggesting possible strategies.
3a Distinguished. Declaration Video
Vocabulary: Written & spoken is expressive, takes opportunities to extend.
3a Distinguished. Declaration Video
Vocabulary: Students contribute to correct use of. Declaration. Hung.
3a Distinguished. Declaration Video
Explanations: Clear and imaginative, metaphors and analogies to bring content to life. Declaration.
3a Distinguished. Declaration Video
Questioning: Variety or series of questions & prompts, challenging students cognitively. Declaration.
3b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Questions: Advance high-level thinking and discourse, promote metacognition. Declaration.
3b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Questions: Students formulate many questions, challenge peer thinking, make unsolicited contributions. Declaration.
3b Distinguished. Declaration Video
Activities & tasks: Challenge student thinking, invite making thinking visible. Declaration.
3c Proficient. Declaration Video
Intellectual engagement: By most students. Declaration.
3c Proficient. Declaration Video
Lesson Structure: Clearly defined, appropriate pacing, time to be intellectually engaged. Declaration.
3c Proficient. Declaration Video
Monitoring understanding: Through a single method. Declaration.
3d Basic. Declaration Video
Monitoring Learning: As a whole. Declaration.
3d Basic. Declaration Video
Feedback: General. Declaration.
3d Basic. Declaration Video
Self-assessment: Few self-assess own work. Declaration.
3d Basic. Declaration Video
Adjustment: In response to assessment is minimal or ineffective. Declaration.
3d Basic. Declaration Video
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, general caring, respect. Contractions.
2a Proficient. Contraction Video
Interactions: Appropriate to age, culture, dev. levels. Contractions.
2a Proficient. Contraction Video
Student-student interactions: Generally polite, respectful.
2a Proficient. Contraction Video
Respect: Students exhibit respect for teacher.
2a Proficient. Contraction Video
Interactions: Result is business-like, polite, respectful. Contractions.
2a Proficient. Contraction Video
Culture: Learning valued by all. Contractions.
2b Proficient. Contraction Video
Expectations: High for learning & hard work norm for all. I should hear you working with your partner. Ready, go.
2b Proficient. Contraction Video
Role as learners: Students understand & expend effort to learn. Contractions.
2b Proficient. Contraction Video
Interactions: Support learning, hard work, precise use of language. Contractions. All students are engaged, then create with partners.
2b Proficient. Contraction Video
Instructional time: Little loss due to procedures.
2c Proficient. Contraction Video
Instructional group management: Consistently successful. Contractions.
2c Proficient. Contraction Video
Transitions: Consistently successful. Contractions.
2c Proficient. Contraction Video
Routine following: With minimal guidance.
2c Proficient. Contraction Video
Behavior: Entirely appropriate. Contractions.
2d Distinguished. Contraction Video
Behavior, self-monitoring: Students take active role against standards. Contractions. Hands and eyes. Students stop and look at teacher.
2d Distinguished. Contraction Video
Behavior Monitoring: Subtle and preventive. Contractions. Hands and eyes.
2d Distinguished. Contraction Video
Content errors: Major content error. Contractions.
3a Unsatisfactory. Contraction Video
Questioning: Low cognitive challenge. Rapid succession. Contractions. Step one, two, mirror.
3b Unsatisfactory. Contraction Video
Discussion interactions: Recitation style, predominantly. Contractions.
3b Unsatisfactory. Contraction Video
Lesson Structure: Recognizable. Contractions.
3c Basic. Contraction Video
Pacing: May not provide time for intellectual engagement. Contractions.
3c Basic. Contraction Video
Tasks: Minimal thinking or opportunity to explain thinking. Contractions.
3c Basic. Contraction Video
Tasks: Students passive or merely compliant.
3c Basic. Contraction Video
Criteria: Students appear to be aware of. Contractions. Students recite goal of lesson.
3d Proficient. Contraction Video
Monitoring learning: Teacher circulates. Contractions.
3d Proficient. Contraction Video
Monitoring learning: for groups of students. Contractions.
3d Proficient. Contraction Video
Assessment questioning: Used regularly to diagnose evidence of learning. Contraction. What do we do first, second…?
3d Proficient. Contraction Video
Feedback: To groups, accurate and specific. Contractions. I want to see the work, not the whole map.
3d Proficient. Contraction Video
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, general caring and respect.
2a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Respect: Students exhibit respect for teacher.
2a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Culture: Cognitively busy place, shared belief in importance of learning. Asian math.
2b Distinguished. Asian Math Video
Expectations for learning: High for all students, insists on hard work.
2b Distinguished. Asian Math Video
Responsibility for learning: Students assume. Showed through questions a desire to understand content. Asian Math.
2b Distinguished. Asian Math Video
Peer assistance: Students assist classmates in understanding content. I’m waiting for her to help me. Asian math.
2b Distinguished. Asian Math Video
Quality initiative: Students take. I need a chance to check my work. Asian math.
2b Distinguished. Asian Math Video
Instructional time: Little loss due to effective routines. Asian math.
2c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Engagement in groups: Productively engaged. Asian math.
2c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Behavior standards: Established, but not consistent. Background noise. Asian math.
2d Basic. Asian Math Video
Behavior response: Inconsistent. Asian math.
2d Basic. Asian Math Video
Directions: Explained clearly. Asian math.
3a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Explaining strategies: Focuses on strategies when working independently. Asian math.
3a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Intellectual Engagement: Teacher invites student intellectual engagement. Asian Math.
3a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Engagement: Students get to work, showing they understand. Asian math.
3a Proficient. Asian Math Video
Questioning: Leads students through single path of inquiry, answers determined in advance. What is 6x + 5y? Asian Math.
3b Basic. Asian Math Video
Questioning: Attempts to engage all, few respond.
3b Basic. Asian Math Video
Tasks: Designed to challenge thinking.
3c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Task Difficulty: Most have multiple correct responses or approaches & encourage student thinking. Asian Math.
3c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Explaining thinking: Invited to explain as part of tasks. Asian math.
3c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Lesson engagement: Most intellectually engaged.
3c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Pacing: Provides time for intellectual engagement.
3c Proficient. Asian Math Video
Criteria awareness: Students appear to be aware of. Asian math.
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Monitoring learning: Monitors learning for groups. Asian math
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Criteria: Makes standards of high quality clear to students. Asian math.
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Eliciting: Elicits evidence of understanding. Asian math.
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Feedback: To groups, accurate and specific. Asian math.
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Self-assessment: Some students engage. Right, I got it. Asian math.
3d Proficient. Asian Math Video
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, generally caring and respect.
2a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Interactions: Among students, generally polite & respectful. Mood Tone.
2a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Respect: Students exhibit for teacher.
2a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Interactions: General connections with students. Don’t put it in your shoe. Mood tone.
2a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Culture: Learning valued by all. Mood tone.
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Expectations: High for learning and hard work, norm for MOST. Mood, Tone
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Role as Learners: Students understand. Mood Tone
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Effort: Students consistently expend to learn. Mood Tone
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Interactions: Support learning and hard work. Mood tone.
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Hard work: Interactions support. Mood tone.
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Language usage: Interactions support precise use of.
2b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Instructional time: Little loss due to effective procedures.
2c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Instructional group management: Consistently successful. Mood tone. And, we’re back.
2c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Routines: Minimal guidance students follow. Mood tone. Countdown.
2c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Behavior: Entirely appropriate. No disruptive behavior. Mood tone.
2d Distinguished. Mood Tone Video
Behavior monitoring: Subtle & preventive. Mood tone. Walks around class.
2d Distinguished. Mood Tone Video
Instructional purpose: Clearly stated, including where it fits. Mood tone.
3a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Directions & explanations: Explained clearly. Mood tone. Clarify with your neighbor.
3a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Strategies: Suggested during explanation. Invite intellectual engagement. Mood Tone.
3a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Vocabulary Usage: Teacher’s is precise and serves to extend student understanding.
3a Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Questioning: Designed to promote student thinking and understanding. Mood Tone. Tell me about mood and tone from last night’s reading. You feel that way because…
3b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Discussion: Genuine discussion among students. Mood tone.
3b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Discussion: Adequate time to respond, and stepping aside when appropriate. Mood tone.
3b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Challenge questions: Challenges students to justify thinking. Mood tone. Explain. What do you think about…
3b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Engagement in Discussion: Strategies ensure MOST students are heard. Mood tone.
3b Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Tasks: Designed to challenge student thinking. Invite making learning visible. Mood tone.
3c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Task engagement: Teacher provides scaffolding to support engagement. Mood tone. Share your launch with your partner.
3c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Lesson structure: Clearly defined, pacing appropriate, time to be intellectually engaged. Mood tone.
3c Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Assessment Criteria: Students aware of. If you want a C, B, or A… Mood tone.
3d Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Diagnosing learning: Questions used regularly to diagnose evidence. Mood tone.
3d Proficient. Mood Tone Video
Interactions: Teacher-student, highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth, caring, and sensitivity to students as individuals. Circle of Friends.
2a Distinguished. Circle of Friends
Respect: Students exhibit for teacher and contribute to high levels of civility. Students volunteered to get things. Circle of Friends.
2a Distinguished. Circle of Friends
Culture: Learning valued by all. Circle.
2b Proficient. Circle of Friends
Expectations: High for both learning and hard work, norm for most. Circle. I know you can do this. Good job.
2b Proficient. Circle of Friends
Work Importance: Communicated by teacher. Circle.
2b Proficient Circle of Friends
Role as Learners: Crowd around dictionary. Circle.
2b Proficient Circle of Friends
Instructional Time: Little loss due to effective routines. Circle.
2c Proficient Circle of Friends
Materials & Supplies: Managed successfully.
2c Proficient Circle of Friends
Transitions: Smooth. Circle.
2c Proficient Circle of Friends
Behavior: Generally appropriate. Circle.
2d Proficient Circle of Friends
Behavior: Positive reinforcement. Circle.
2d Proficient Circle of Friends
Behavior: Consistent & respectful.
2d Proficient Circle of Friends
Behavior: Self Correct, students promptly correct & comply. Circle.
2d Proficient Circle of Friends
Instructional purpose: Clearly communicated. Circle.
3a Proficient Circle of Friends
Explanation: Clear, invites student participation. Circle.
3a Proficient Circle of Friends
Directions & Procedures: Teacher gives specific directions. Circle. Students restate directions indicating they know what to do.
3a Proficient Circle of Friends
Content Errors: None, spoken language clear, correct and suitable to students.
3a Proficient Circle of Friends
Discussion: Engages most of the students in the discussion. Circle.
3b Basic Circle of Friends
Engaging Questions: Teacher attempts engaging questions, but many invite single responses. Circle. What is the ch sound? What goes here?
3b Basic Circle of Friends
Discussion: Students do not respond to one another, teacher does not ask to explain thinking. Circle.
3b Basic Circle of Friends
Intellectual engagement: Most are actively intellectually engaged with important & challenging content. Circle. Look up cherry.
3c Proficient Circle of Friends
Task Complexity: Mix of those requiring thinking & those requiring recall. Circle. picture matching, ch sound.
3c Proficient Circle of Friends
Pacing: Appropriate. Circle
3c Proficient Circle of Friends
Assessment Criteria: Students aware of, & built into lesson. Journal writing, show & tell, etc. Circle.
3d Proficient Circle of Friends
Monitoring Learning: For groups of students. Choral reading. Individual monitoring, matching pictures. Circle.
3d Proficient Circle of Friends
Evidence Questions: What did you learn today. Circle.
3d Proficient Circle of Friends
Feedback: Specific and accurate. It looks like a bear, but look at the ears. Circle.
3d Proficient Circle of Friends
Interactions: Negative and insensitive. Memory Book
2a Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Interactions: Disrespect and conflict.
2a Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Culture: Little commitment to learning. Memory
2b Basic Memory Book
Involvement: Hands on hops, rarely interacting. Memory
2b Basic Memory Book
Expectations: Verbally stated. Memory
2b Basic Memory Book
Objective: Complete task at hand. Memory
2b Basic Memory Book
Commitment: Limited in terms of task completion. Memory
2b Basic Memory Book
Instructional time: Some is lost. Partially successful. Memory Book. No pencils. Memory.
2c Basic Memory Book
Engagement: Students not working directly with teacher are only partially engaged. Memory.
2c Basic Memory Book
Routine following: With regular guidance and prompting students work quietly and follow established routines. Memory.
2c Basic Memory Book
Behavior: Established but inconsistent. Memory.
2d Basic Memory Book
Monitoring Behavior: Tries with uneven results. Memory.
2d Basic Memory Book
Instructional purpose: Clearly communicated. Connects with prior learning. Memory.
3a Proficient Memory Book
Modeling objective: Teacher models objective. Memory.
3a Proficient Memory Book
Strategies: Suggested by teacher. Memory
3a Proficient Memory Book
Engagement: Students engage, demonstrating they know what to do. Memory.
3a Proficient Memory Book
Questions: Low cognitive challenge & rapid succession. Memory.
3b Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Questions: Single response. Memory.
3b Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Questions: Teacher mediates all. Recitation response. Memory.
3b Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Discussion engagement: Only two respond. Memory.
3b Unsatisfactory Memory Book
Task Engagement: Minimal thinking by students, some choice, not much. Memory.
3c Basic Memory Book
Engagement, Independent: Some students engaged during independent work.
3c Basic Memory Book
Engagement: Some students talk excessively, requiring redirection. Memory.
3c Basic Memory Book
Pacing & Structure: Appropriate, but low. Memory
3c Basic Memory Book
Monitoring Learning: Teacher does not monitor learning nor understanding. Memory.
3d Basic Unsatisfactory Book
Monitoring Learning: Does not, only monitors behavior Memory..
3d Basic Unsatisfactory Book
Feedback: Students not provided feedback. Memory.
3d Basic Unsatisfactory Book
Teacher-student interactions: Friendly, general caring & respect. Acid
2a Proficient Acid
Connections: General connections. Acid
2a Proficient Acid
Interactions: Polite, respectful, business-like. Acid
2a Proficient Acid
Culture: Little commitment to learning. Acid
2b Basic Acid
Energy for teaching: Neutral. Acid.
2b Basic Acid
Commitment: Little commitment by students to complete work on their own. Acid.
2b Basic Acid
Objective: Complete task at hand. Acid
2b Basic Acid
Instructional Time: Some is lost, not smooth. Acid.
2c Basic Acid
Instructional group Management: Inconsistent. Acid
2c Basic Acid
Transitions: Inconsistent, not smooth. Acid
2c Basic Acid
Conduct Standards: Appear to have been established, but inconsistent. Acid
2d Basic Acid
Monitoring Behavior: Tries, but partially successful. Acid.
2d Basic Acid
Instructional purpose: Attempted, but with limited success. Acid.
3a Basic Acid
Explanations: Does not invite intellectual engagement. Acid.
3a Basic Acid
Explanations: Purely procedural, no thought as how to think strategically. Acid.
3a Basic Acid
Explanations: May contain minor errors. Acid
3a Basic Acid
Questioning: Single path of inquiry, answers determined in advance. Acid
3b Basic Acid
Questioning: Attempts higher order questions, but only a few respond. Acid
3b Basic Acid
Tasks: Minimal thinking, little opportunity to explain thinking. Acid
3c Basic Acid
Task engagement: Passive, little opportunity to explain thinking. Acid
3c Basic Acid
Pacing: Slow, considerable downtime. Acid
3c Basic Acid
Criteria: Students do not appear to be aware of. Acid
3d Unsatisfactory Acid
Monitoring learning: Little done by teacher. No effort to determine whether students understand. Acid
3d Unsatisfactory Acid