3b Unsatisfactory Flashcards
Questions are rapid-fire and convergent, with a single correct answer.
3b Unsatisfactory

Questions do not invite student thinking.
3b Unsatisfactory

all discussion is between the teacher and students; students are not invited to speak directly to one another.
3b Unsatisfactory

The teacher does not ask students to explain their thinking.
3b Unsatisfactory

Only a few students dominate the discussion.
3b Unsatisfactory

All questions are of the “recitation” type, such as “What is 3 X 4?”
3b Unsatisfactory

The teacher asks a question for which the answer is on the board; students respond by reading it.
3b Unsatisfactory

The teacher calls only on students who have their hands up.
3b Unsatisfactory

A student responds to a question with wrong information, and the teacher doesn’t follow up.
3b Unsatisfactory