2a Proficient Flashcards
Talk between the teacher and students and among students is uniformly respectful.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

The teacher successfully responds to disrespectful behavior among students.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient
Students participate willingly, but may be somewhat hesitant to offer their ideas in front of classmates.

2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient
The teacher makes general connections with individual students.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

Students exhibit respect for the teacher.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

The teacher greets students by name as they enter the class or during the lesson.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

The teacher gets on the same level with students, kneeling for instance, beside a student working at a desk.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

Students attend fully to what the teacher is saying.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

Students wait for classmates to finish speaking before beginning to talk.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

Students applaud politely following a classmates presentation to the class.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

Students help each other and accept help from each other.
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

The teacher and students use courtesies such as “please,” and “thank you,” and “excuse me.”
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient

The teacher says, “Don’t talk that way to your classmates,” and the insults stop
2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Proficient