3a Proficient Flashcards
The teacher states clearly, at some point during the lesson, what the students will be learning.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher’s explanation of content is clear and invites student participation and thinking
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher makes no content errors.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher describes specific strategies students might use, inviting students to interpret them in the context of what they’re learning.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

Students engage with the learning task, indicating that they understand what they are to do.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

If appropriate, the teacher models the process to be followed in the task.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher’s vocabulary and usage are correct and entirely suited to the lesson, including, where appropriate, explanations of academic vocabulary.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher’s vocabulary is appropriate to students’ ages and levels of development.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher says, “By the end of today’s lesson you’re all going to be able to factor different types of polynomials.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

In the course of a presentation of content, the teacher asks students, “Can anyone think of an example of that?”
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher uses a board or projection device for task directions so that students can refer to it without requiring the teacher’s attention.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher explains passive solar energy by inviting students to think about the temperature in a closed car on a cold, but sunny, day or about the water in a hose that has been sitting in the sun.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher says, “When you’re trying to solve a math problem like this, you might think of a similar, but simpler, problem you’ve done in the past and see whether the same approach would work.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient

The teacher uses a Venn diagram to illustrate the distinctions between a republic and a democracy.
3a Communicating with Students Proficient