NAGE Labor Agreement Flashcards
Which MPD employees are part of NAGE?
All non-professional employees of MPD, excluding wage-grade employees of Property Division and Fleet Division, management executives, confidential employees, supervisors or any employee engaged in personnel work other than purely clerical.
What is considered a strike?
-willfull absence, slowdown or stoppage of work, abstinence in whole or part from full, faithful, proper performance of duties, interfering with operations of the Department for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in conditions, or compensation,
If a strike occurrs, what must Local R3-05 do once they have received written notificaiton from the employer of the strike?
1.Within 8 hours, they must publicly disavow the strike by issuing a statement to the media
2.Must in good faith promptly direct the employees to return to work.
How many stewards are authorized?
1 chief steward and 12 shop stewards
T or F: a Steward must obtain permission from his/her supervisor prior to leaving their duty post for union matters
When may an employee request a union representative during an interview by the employer?
If they believe the interview/meeting will result in disciplinary action
How long can a meeting with the employer be delayed to consult with a union rep?
No more than 24 hours.
T or F: Officially elected delegates can use admin leave to attend the NAGE conference
When can the union meet with new hires?
Either during the formal orientation session or within 30 caledar days of the their appointment
T or F: One NAGE member should be on the EEO Counselor List
How many days after an employee is displaced via contracting out does the department have to notifiy the union?
30 calendar days
What obligation does the department have to displaced employees?
to minimize displacement action through realignment, training, retraining, and restricting hiring, and placing in other available vacant positions within MPD for which they are qualified and able to perform with miminal training.
Where and for how long are (unlimited) vacancy announcements posted?
On the District’s Office of Personnel website for at least ten days.
Where and for how long are MPD vancancy announcements posted?
In the Dispatch and the MPD website for at least 5 days
T or F: NON-selected candidates must be notified that they were not selected.
What is the tie breaker for vacancy applicants, if all other factors are equal?
What does “performs other duties as required or assigned” generally mean?
Duties reasonably related to the duties outlined
*not required to work outside of their job description regualrly
What is the schedule for full-time employees?
Monday-Friday, 8 hours a day
*unless assigned to 24 hour operational unit
How many days notice must the department provide notice of a change in schedule?
14 days
*must also provide reason for change
how many rest periods per tour of duty?
two 15-minute periods
*plus a 10 minute personal cleanup period
How many days in advance must a request for annual leave be submitted?
1 day
T or F: employees will be charged leave for any absence of less than an hour
*with adequate reason
How many sick days is an employee entitled to?
As many as the employee needs
When must an employee provide a doctor’s note?
After 3 workdays of absence, however if they employee did not require medical treatment, a statement signed by the employee is acceptable.
*may be combo of annual leave, sick leave, comp time or LWOP
How long is maternity leave?
Up to (4) months
How long is paternity leave?
Up to 16 weeks following the birth/adoption of the child
* must be annual leave or comp time
When may an employee request a Leave of Absence from the COP?
for a serious illness
If corrective action is proposed as discipline, how many days must advance written notice be provided?
10 business days
If adverse action is proposed as discipline, how many days must advanced written notice be provided?
15 calendar days
When can a commander’s conference be requested?
A proposed suspension of 10 days or less
When must a grievance be presented by the union?
no later than 10 days of occurrence or employee knowledge of the occurrence
*class grievance-30 busniess days
If the grievance submitted by the employee is not submitted within the time limits for each step…
it is considered settled based on the last decision received by the employee
A grievance not responded to the management within the time limits…
enables the employee to take the grievance at the next higher step
How long does management have to respond to an informal (oral) grievance?
3 business days
What is step 1 of the grievance process?
a written grievance submitted within 7 business days following the informal response that contains the specific provision of the contract that has been violated, the manner of the violation, the date(s) of the violation, the specific remedy sought, authorization for the union representative, signature of the aggreived employee or representative.
How long does management have to respond to the written grievance?
within 7 business days of receipt
what must be contained in the response to the written grievance?
affirmation or denial of the allegation, analysis of the alleged violation, remedy or adjustment to be made (if applicable), signature of appropriate management representative
If the step 1 greivance is not resolved, what is the next step?
submit a written grievance to the COP within 7 business days of receipt of response.